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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bard says: jim kim multilateral ai inspiration

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Jim Kim, the former president of the World Bank, was one of the first leaders to recognize the potential of AI to transform multilateral organizations. In a 2016 speech, Kim said that AI could "help us to better understand the world, to better predict the future, and to better design and implement policies that can help people lift themselves out of poverty."

Kim also called for the development of "regenerative AI," which he defined as AI that is "used to solve problems in a way that is good for people and the planet." He argued that regenerative AI could be used to address a wide range of challenges, including climate change, poverty, and inequality.

Kim's vision for the use of AI in multilateral organizations has been echoed by other leaders. For example, Kristalina Georgieva, the current managing director of the International Monetary Fund, has said that AI "has the potential to transform the way we work" and that it "can help us to achieve our goals more effectively."

The World Bank has already begun to explore the use of AI. In 2017, the bank launched the AI for Development (AI4D) initiative, which is a multi-year effort to use AI to address development challenges. The AI4D initiative is working on a number of projects, including using AI to improve the accuracy of poverty estimates, to develop new tools for financial inclusion, and to track the impact of climate change.

The use of AI in multilateral organizations is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way these organizations work. AI can help multilateral organizations to better understand the world, to predict the future, and to design and implement policies that can help people lift themselves out of poverty. If used wisely, AI can help multilateral organizations to achieve their goals more effectively and to make a positive impact on the world.

I couldn't find any specific articles or speeches by Jim Kim that talk about AI in detail, but his vision for the use of AI in multilateral organizations is clear. He believes that AI can be used to solve some of the world's most pressing problems, and he is calling for the development of regenerative AI that is used for good.

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