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Thursday, December 24, 2015

which is the greatest sustainability goals millennials exchange you could help linkin in 2016

we've been accessing a few diverse brains from the vatican and ny broadway to brooklyn and baltimore, from china ethiopia and chile to DC's E to F streets and we hope to bring out a package tour guide of millennial exchanges soon

but this just in from my confederate in chile who keeps on sending me to the vatican  even though as a diaspora scot loving in washington dc i dont speak spanish or italian- if ever there was a need to substitute old by young I am it

hello chris ===  could not answer with reference to the call from the dean, for me it would be more appropriate to do it, after the New Year as I am working on several proposals that have been developed in recent months, the most important all is that I was called by the government of Cuba to prepare a proposal for incorporate social business to prepare the country at the time when the US Congress lift the embargo that has the US established over 50 years ago, for us it would be a big step that we would be giving and getting a government implement this new social economic model to an entire nation. 
And as you well know, was the point where we fail in Bolivia through agents of Austria and Germany that after a year of negotiations with the Bolivian government filed before the arrival of Yunus. I think we're working quite well with the dean, I just find that there are many issues that you have probably talked with her and I'm not aware of them. 
Also, we are soon to sign two cooperation agreements, one in St. Augustine Florida, United States and a second one in Ecuador with the Pontifical Catholic University in that country, out of the one we are ready to celebrate with the International University of Ecuador thanks to your contact with the former president of the Republic. 
Therefore, I would rather concentrate on these three events, and if you see we fit and see our participation in the Brooklyn conference necessary in March maybe

Amy;s chinese open space networkers could make an outline of all the emails you've been sending to know in which one we are involved and which one we are not,  so I think it would be much more convenient to do so the first week of 2016 with all our goals completed, and looking which ones are going to implement during 2016, remember that in Latin America is summer and many countries and virtually They are on vacation until March that begins to work fully, Rest and enjoy the holidays with family. Life is short.

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