α2 ai sdg2 food borlaug, abed, chandler, yuan longpin - good old grassroots networking through village - billions fed with green revolution crop science origin borlaug (see eg world food prize) - at least a billion people from 1945 would have starved without alumni networks began by borlaug; in asia where about 65% of people live, rice is the dominant staple crop and at least 10 times more local production is possible with best seed for conditions; after world war 2 japan made such a leap with borlaug's tech that 1) tacitly it may already have been applying some of his knowhow; anywhere that saw what japan could do exchanged knowhow stating with south korea and taiwan; overall american chandler coordination of rice association IRRI (philippines) and veggie institute (taiwan) AVRDC may have multipliied east asia knowhow -in china yuan longpin is recognied- when he died recently china had 800000 rice variety specs accessible from local libraries; overall borlaug's revolutions arrved in south asia bangladesh with fazle abed partners from 1972 - see also martha chen's recount published as quiet revootion (women empowerment's birth in asia) - she was abed family's first employee ; she is one of 2 people at harvard whose case studies on asian empowerment end poverty match my 60 trips to Asia and dad's 40 - the other is late great ezra vogel- I cant wait for an asian llm to re-verify asian development miracles since 1945 as bill gates has said harvard may be great but deep global viilage cases end poverty- nope that not what law or mastering business admin encounters Bill Gates Harvard Commencement Address 2007
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