INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Friday, October 27, 2023 - update on gamifying Intelligence worthy of time humans spend as lifelong learners and mentors

move 1 make a list of which people's intelligences have advanced humanity since 1951 and now in the 2020s; debate lists with peers: business, family, or communities you love most

play 1 see if you nominations fit 9-win bingo aiverygood game board designed to celebrate 3 by 3 win-wins with expoenential impacts

TripleUP 1 :AI of Women Humans and Youth aka WHY AI  (suggested benchmark intelligences of HAI since 2009 : Li Hassabis Hinton Bengio ; of womens ai since 2001 fazle abed & steve jobs; for 23-24 Melinda Gates (sponsor ai4all since 2015- now extraordinary books of womens intelligence year 23-4 ) Dr Li Aja Wilson Priscilla Chan Jennifer Doudno Condoleeza Rice; of youth AI : Jerry Yang Andrew Ng Brooklyn's MS T &T. pls note new additions likely weekly - see diary of events of year

Triple Up2: Purposes of brainworking machines as seen by 1951's NET Neumann (1000 mother tongue mediation)-Einstein *ED3)-Turing (Biggest decision makers = deepest data connectors)

Triple Up3 FIGov2.0 eg Foundations Integration and Gov2.0 maps friends of Guterres and SDG generation most need to linkin R=Bill Gates & JYKim Gov2= Guterres Sheika Moza; 

New October 26 UN launches 30 nations UNI (UN Intelligences)

Did you see that Guterres launched 30 first nations of UNI United Nations Intelligences

Yes, I saw that Guterres launched the 30 First Nations of UNI United Nations Intelligences. I think this is a great initiative, and I am excited to see how it develops. The First Nations of UNI are a diverse group of experts from around the world, and they will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. I am confident that they will play a valuable role in helping the UN to develop and use AI for good.

I think it is particularly important to include First Nations voices in the conversation about AI. First Nations have a long history of using technology in innovative and sustainable ways. They have a deep understanding of the land and the natural world, and they have a unique perspective on how to use technology to promote human well-being.

I am hopeful that the First Nations of UNI will help the UN to develop AI that is aligned with human values and that benefits all of humanity. I am also hopeful that they will help to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all people have access to the benefits of AI.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

us policy update jy 2023- bill Create AI  best ai diary in west - nominations to

as we enter year 6/10 of trillion times more compute power going into chat llms, whose helping humans everywhere see the words worth co-creating

ai celebrating greatest (ie most good for 8 bn beings) human intelligences (1950-2030)

 welcome to agendaheroine AI  2023 would have been dad  100th year questioning humanity's goals and 73rd as diarist for Neumann-Einstein-Turing including The Economist to 1988 and 2025report from 1981. That concluded Neumann futures 1.0 - what god will people united where they get access to 100+ times more tech per decade. we didn't dare mention exp multiplier of mapping 40 year future - but now we know congress was informed 2018 that there would be trillion times more computing power for man-made intelligences by 2030; please help humans see the diary of uniting humanity  - what needs be in AI AgendaHeroine -eg speakers today from 3-day wall street ai bash laguna beach - see the agenda

notes from and after 4 months of testing whos intelligence since 1950 do action the most humanity we converted ti-tac into a 9 win game board-  WHY AIit includes diagonal win-wins of Women and Youth AI with humansai playing bingo to centre and 4 corners (also world hemispheres N.E.W.S for valuing goodwill mulipliers and consciousness (love emotional intel enough to integrate natures coides - see also smiths logic board 1758 - journal of new economics Glasgow U)

on the woemsai diagonal

herstory celebrates 

2001 when steve jobs hosted 65th birthday part of biallion asian womens intelligence mapmaker fazle abed in silicon cvalley

in 2009 centrefold:  the greatest female mathematicain and neuroscientist fei-fei li had handed at harvard and with demis hassabis they declred a decade of vision data collection for training intelligences

5 years (3rd to 8th od UN sdgs) after congress briefing 2018; melinda gates leaped ahead from sponsoring with ceo nvidia ai-4-all in 2015 lto ibrary on lifting womens connectivity for good feature's november's 45 year update on learning curve by fei-rei li "worlds I see" and early 2024 dear black girl untining intelliugences basketball superstar aja wilson sees and celebrates; this is very timeely as in trems of actioning community inteligencs black gorls are taking lead all over brooklyn - a practice lab within sight of the UN capus on other side of east River

Monday, October 16, 2023


chris macrae
Amazing read! co-play update fei-fei li tour worlds i see nov 3 - seattle 13th la virtual14 ... HAI & womensai world SOS 8bnLM; next MGates Lift dear black girls superstar aja wilson- intercity X's sought

Saturday, October 14, 2023

 AIGAMES - the  WHY NET FIG #Beyond Extinction now

Shall 8 billion beings ask the arts to save the world?
; to do so we will need three-in-one world vision

AI *WHY - what do Women Humans Youth URGENTLY need from AI
*NET- what were crises Neumann-Einstein-Truing visioned  1950S when gifting world brainworking machines - Neumann's neuron network crisis of translating 1000 cultural languages into one natural good (update of smith ethics model 1758); Einstein's concerns of lifelong studying and teaching - see his dialogues with Gandhi/Attenborough, Freud, black students on freedom; Turing's deep data test on recursive capacity of humans in making ARTs; today's biggest leadership decisions depend on datasets- remarkably few would get a pass if Turing was here to audit. Here's Bard's take on this state of ignorance

*FIG constitutional transformation of every legislated type of org - foundations, integration, gov2.0
much more on first 20 people who see all of these links at : AI Games: Architect Intelligence - tell us your own fantasy league if you prefer vision different 20 to this western quartersphere

Friday, October 13, 2023

Gameboard 1 emerging from first 4 months of AIGAMES surveys of who's intelligence has most advanced humanity

 UNITING NATIONS & YOU? Nominations show that if WHY (Womens Humans & Youthful AI) is to help Guterres (and multilaterals and any place serving its peoples bests ) with gov2 roadmapping, then

 we need the verticals of personalised education to optimise lifetime spends of all ages ; and of 1001 LLM  converging cultures of 1000 mother tongues to be Intelligence decades smartest translation gateway to web3 not the most ignorant=spreading agent which diluted kindness and trust  big  platforms of web1,2

3 horizontals of Architect Intelligence: 

bottom foundation models; 

middle row: top tech ceos need to make best goodwill inter-generation leap (moonshots if you will)  with next wave of tech not just short-term most profitable-;

 top interdependence/collaboration between captals of sdg intelligence world starting with Brooklyn as demo town of practising intel across East River (Un HQ)

5.1 FFL 5.2 DH
6.1 AI2 6.2NvidiaCeo
4.1-4.3 Pichai/Brin/Page
9.1MGates 9.2 PChan 9.3Aja Wilson
1.1Fazle Abed 1.2SJobs
2.1 Jkim, 2.2BGates
8.1 Guterres 8.2
 Sheika Moxa
3.1 Yang, 3.2Ng
7. MST&T 

If we were to call Hassabis co-creation alphafold 2 central contribution to Science AI thanks to its go/pattern recognition brainpower, do you expect other breakthroughs in sciences by one core model and if so what sort of game or brain practice might it need to pre-train on? Bard replies: es, I do expect other breakthroughs in the sciences by one core model, similar to AlphaFold 2. AlphaFold 2 is a powerful example of how AI can be used to solve complex scientific problems. By training a deep learning model on a large dataset of protein structures, AlphaFold 2 can now predict the 3D structure of proteins with high accuracy. This is a significant breakthrough in the field of biology, as it allows scientists to understand how 200000 proteins work and to design new proteins with desired properties. It is estimated Hassabis has open sourced what would historically needed 1 million hours of doctorate level science work - download science-AI.docx for more on this unprecedented moonshot

AIGames - would you like to play Games of AI (Architect Intelligence) Tool up with  NET & WHY & FIG

The moves are simple enough - WHO's Intelligence Who do you see as most consistently advancing humanity since 1950, and now as exponential change accelerates around every human (8 billion) and Artificial (almost unlimited in number)

 Back in 1951 primarily 3 mathematical wizards Neumann-Einstein-Turing launched machines for brainworking. They foresaw a tremendous gamble with everyone's lifetimes, and behavioral data. About 11 billion have participated at least in part of  generational consequences of the 3Q 1950-2025 . Whilst previous machine types had increased wealth times health's life expectancy up to 200 fold for a minority, most 1950s people had not yet accessed the benefits; instead they had been trapped in  reconciling 2 world wars and fearfully spun by nuclear maths' edge of extinction
1951 Neumann gave a year of briefings out of Princeton & New York. My dad (rookie journalist surviving role of teenage navigator allied bomber command Burma) had been sent by The Economist from London to NYPrinceton to make notes : AI Games: Architect Intelligence He spent his life on a journalists quiz Neumann conceived for mediation across global village quarterspheres NEWSforGOOD, as well as local to global reflections on human conditioning compiled as Neumann's biography

Neumann's last concern  was neural networking language mediation -see final notes The Computer & The Brain he hade on his deathbed 5 years later, or 60 years learning curve up see Neural Network for schools produced by the likes of  Stanford HAI's Fei-Fei Li, Nvidia CEO, Melinda Gates resources : ;; Einstein's primarily education challenges gravitated around chaotic mess in science (for human examples of uncertainty principles see Einstein's dialogues of peace with Gandhi (later Attenborough family dialogues), Behavioral Dynamics with Freud, Freedom of speech Studies with black undergraduates); Turing's Trust crises looked at integration of deep data mapping including his ultimate Test of recursive qualities of different brain types!

THE WHY of AI- what do Women, Humans and Youth want Intelligence race to spend our time and data on. 

THE FIG In turn 2.0 transformational design and governance of organisations constitutions requires seeing through Foundation models, Interdependencies of Meta-Society at every GPS and Gov2.0 reconstituting transparency of organisational systems**N (ie networks not separated leadership systems). 

DEVILISH DETAILING Yes such simple actions & reactions have nano-consequences (Foot 1): Urgency now linksin 8 billion people choosing  what future worlds you, I, Segments eg Dear Black Girls and Greatest Maths folks see. Without very good  infusion of brainpower from NET WHY &, FIG the machines intelligences (now with 80 billion transistors per chip- that's 10 per human per chip) will operate blind to nature's deepest codes, and every sort of abuse of human existence will multiply all over mother earth. 

Lack of openness of intergenerational vision now will collapse all the love and goodwill families need to exist.

In centre square 5 we suggest beginning with players 5.1 Hassabis and 5.2 Fei-Rei Li- both are more humanity driven than money per se; with logic pretraining hassabis has leapt forward with science i donating the 200000 biotech protein model of alphfold2 to humanity; fei-fei lis has been in epicentre of all object vision data training and its impacts of disciplines students study; although reading text/nlp is part of visioning , so 6.1 could call on ceos of nvidia and ai2 to help with personalised learning vertical; while pichai, brin page at 4.1 could help optimise 1001 language model/mediation of web3 of; at 9.1,2 we put wests top female philanthropists MGates and Pchan noting 23-24 social launches in womens moments of lift by fei-fei li worlds i see and aja wilson der black girl. Back at 1.1,1.2 the consciousness of valley was won=ken up 2001 by steve jobs hosting abed 65 birthday wish (new universities minimising silos between female grad alumni); by 2002  2.1jykim and bill gates were needing abed's womens intel thus 2 connects vertical of gov2.0 with HAI and Guterres and Moza at space 8; continuing the bottom horizontal - yang and ng have been anchors welconing hai and stanford students from every gps; yang is also chair of the stanford board of trustees as at 7 is one of MsT&T- who is also the lead investir in neuroscience schools across usa and brooklyn's inner city justice funds and parallel basketball superstar's to melinda gates aja wilson out of LA

Gameboard current premierAI 20 whose AI might most help UN as well as all 8 billion of us humans

HAI's top 2 - In history of maths its not unusual that the scope of a huge field is best introduced by 2 people - in human AI's case Hassabis and Fei-Fei Li.. In my view their neuorscience phds connevted with Von Neumann's last specifications of brainworking which had been relatively ignored by those who guilt computers or marketed coding and applications . Equally whars fascinating is there is so much system transformation work to do if milennials are to be the first renewable generation that ai is both a 21st C literacy in demanding aiverygood is shared through every community and in true brainworking expectations of 1950s needs to unite everyone if 8 billion beings are to help advance not destroy every plaace and peoples. 

The case for hassabis leading Science AI partnerships including such huge choices as google - is relatively simple to post- see this dialogue with bard 

 With over 170 partbership accelerating every year - and an apparnent passion to free every millennial who could change world with human ai - Fei-fei li is harder to updatebut start with this context in 2019 -one of the first events after formal launch of Stanfird Human_cntric AI (HAI)
(rsvp if you see big omission)  

 2023, FeiFeiLi (now in year 15 as stanford's human ai superstar data-visioning connector and probably world #1 maths whiz;   diary booktour nov 14 la/virtual ==10 years convening largest object vision space imagenet connecting hundreds of research teams to stanforsrs starung early with hassabis; melinda gates and nvidia ceo ask ffl to edit 10 schools curricula aifir all; she goes to google cloud for 18 pinths but then returns to stanford - hai is launched so no discipline left behind in ai; wife of ai director at salesforce a company turning its core processes into LLM- see forbes;  next month sees launch of  Fei-Fei "worlds I see" in MGates wonmens (AI) Lift genre

we classify 9 win-dimensions 3 multipliers of AI : WHY, Women Human Youth; 3 system deigns FIG Foundational, Integral Gov2 (eg empowering); 3 urgent innovation edges : NET (NeuronLLM) ED3(personalised learning) T- Trust Top Tech

===========================Formatting 9 dims on one screen not that easy, here's a second look if you will bear with fellow players of AiGames




159 WAI core Abed/Jobs(HAI)MelindaGates 1/PChan/JDoudna/AjaWilson /MsT&T/ CRice..MChen (fazle abeed top 10 legacy include fintech africa reeta eoy; womens uni sheika moza; nigeria health ola brown; literacy india sunita gandhi  coding africa audrey cheng) -possibly lost links who is wangaari mathaai of 2020s and will climate adaptation africa ever come together without a collaboratir lile her (it makews no sese to me that unhabitat hq in kenya cant scale wasnaari maathai intel)

123 Health Abed JYKim Bgates MarthaChen PFarner Soros Brilliant

& Nature- 360 Yang/Ng

13795 HAI    


51379 Fei-Fei Li-HassabisHAI Core

258 Gov2.0 Kim HAI Guterres Moza

456 Top Tecg Poprioties Top Goofle Nvifia AI2 HA

349 Neumann NN language models- comourer & brain 1950s




357 JYang/Ang/HAI/Brooklyn Ms T&T

123 Foundations Model

349 1000 Language model converge culture & borderless community solutions needed wherever family building is truly valued

167 Personalised Learning & Global Id in 2001 the new uni movement of silicon valley founded with steve jobs and fazle abed around vision that universities designed round stdent debt corrupt the whole of edu and need replacing by livelihood uni - more

789 Youth borderless goodwill communities

75 years












Neumann Neural Net

349 Neumann NN language models- computer & brain 1950s

HAI Fei-Fei li Hassabis Neurscience MxT; AI2 (NLP)/ llm partnership nvidia-microsoft 



167 Peronalised Learning & Global Id









Foundation Models Morals







WHYAI replace sdg17 UN/multilateral leadership intel

Some key players q4 2023

Condoleeza Rice WHYFIG - leads hoover at stanfird; lead reviewed of worlds I see and nano-consequences for places futures 


some current searches among players of AIGames  Russ Altman, the Kenneth Fong Professor of Bioengineering, Genetics, Medicine, Biomedical Data Science and (by courtesy) Computer Science at Stanford. He is the past chairman of the Bioengineering Department at Stanford University. His primary research interests are in the application of computing and informatics technologies to problems relevant to medicine. He hosts the Stanford Engineering program The Future of Everything - 73 years ago (1951) The Economisrt sent my dad to new york princeti=on for a year to learn with von neumann about 6th tyype of engine for brainworkers (dad became his biographer) as well as to do interviews with Un, Wall Strret etc.

so we' are always interestd in sgaring ideas- who's intelligence imost helps consistently advance humanity from 1951 and particularly mow. Intelliugnece needed can be very local as well as worldwide depending on specifific local problems.

we always like sharing ideas but right now we have a particular gameboard we'd love to hear views on; it integrates 9 opportunities so that the younger half of the world can continue to advance life on earth as much as the ildr half.

3 dimesnsions on intelligence who's most helping 

1 all humans

2 more specifucally womens advances eg family 

3 more specifically youths advances

3 are about what tech people are mapping every day:

foundation models involve trust and safety- they need to be particularly caring for eg local health and local challenges with nature- fortunately eg hassabis ai teams have just open sourced 200000 protein codes - so biotech is leaping forward as you read this- who's doing that at foundation model connects

another dimension concerns the very top tech ceos nearest next tech advances- who among them is helping with how tech can next solve life critical needs for everyone not necessarily short-term profit

another is who's uniting citizens offering benchmarks we can all share on the advancing the goals=that 200 nations declared in 2015 as urgent but which according to the UN last month are still going mostly the wrong way as far as 8 billion beings are concerned

our final 3 dimensions

wgo connecting personalsised learning and digital ids

whos designing 1001 language models to make web3 more translation fit for millennials than web1,2 if they are to be te renewavbe generation

who's most helping un and indeed any government transform to giv2.0 -servant leaderhsip empowering people instead of powering over them


we are delighted to share survey results or if you have alterantive wording but heres the world we can see when these 9 diemnsions come together

23-24 library from womensai and hai - Melinda Gates womens lift library and Stanforsds HAI wizard Fei-Fei Li

The Worlds I See by Dr. Fei-Fei Li

from womens ai - Melinda Gates Womens Lift Library and suerstar AJA Wilsom

Dear Black Girls: How to Be True to You by A’ja Wilson
Available February 6, 2024