lINKS 12 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM
This is 28th year since my daughter was born in Washington DC Region & frankly first year that region gives an intelligence damn for future generation Thanks to BloombergHopkins, Axios, Nvidia, Fei-Fei Li via Hoover-Stanford branch in Dc, Earth funds of bezos, Banga world bank and Chicago market shapers.. help us catalogue how AI rockstar effect changing superpower to superempowerment
.ITIF: Last week my mind was blown at ITIF event sponsored by 3 sectorrs coming together @ web3: metaverse reality tpools, AI, Digita Twins engineering simulators. Translate to classrom and we finally see agent learning for eac student
120 years on nvbidia has given us the accelerated computing & Hassabis the first games
matching chaos Einstein's Nature Science AI brekthrough-eg alphafold3 (bilion year of human phd leap) 250 million protein databank
AI:Good news. Wsahington DC interaction with tech is leaping up from ignorance (lobbyist of big get bigger to deep youth innovation goods) Note the extraordimary crossroads of AI x-reality, digital twins - as human brains co-pilot 2020s era quintillion time "moore" (moores law 65-95*2G to 5G data transmission from 95 to milion times more GPU accelerated deep learning from 2009) to a leader on ITE millennials need to generate susdtainability goals .
Hopkins PennAve 555 at Bllomberg ,
Bezos earth Fund,
Stanford at Hoover
NIST & NAIRR (Fei-Fei Dc since 2018), .
.. Banga Livable Planet at world bank since 2023- we miss jum kims health and YoungPro at world bank 2012-7 - DC Visions turned fpward=looking forward from Octver 2023 AI exec order joini,g king charkes ai wor'd series in time for Paris 2025 twinnung with ce;ebroty transformation : Olympian France 24. Italy 26, LA & Pacific Oceran people 28+
With Economist journalists my family and friends started orbiting AI in 1951 NET dialogues of Norman Macrae
Today its convergenec of tech that wil either avdance 10 times more huaam joy of produtivity or cull/extinguish our species. Denial or rwquests to slow down are not practical responses- thats why we play this mastergame of wun-winAIi inspired by Neumann's contiued guidance
Neumann biographer with particular focus on peers Einsteu Turing
to play the orvit game choose 3 intellgences whose transformative maps:
win-win-win with each other
trace who link them back to the NET or forward ro intelligebce millennilals most need to generate wherher thats Ajay Banga's (World Banking) 2 dimensions end poverty and livable planet or the UN's SDG1-16 (or some other factorisation of between 3 and 15 dimensions) or local data sovereignry -eg what intelligebce do all CARIBBEAN ISLANDS most need to unite worldwide for mutual goof
GAME 1 (nb we understand worldwide popuilarity of ai 24 may be playibg with the Chats but as yer these are just a big text application of 3 true north advances
Huang of Nvidia: li-huang-hassbis*Fei-Fei Li* Hasabbis of Deep Mind
blended with some continuos progress buggest tech companies had made with clouds and 4g up data tranussuin between every gps)
Jensen Huang who gave us million times more computing power for any deeppest data analysus On 2009 Huang ediated stanfird ai deep learning dialogues- top 2 impressions made by research focu of Li and Hassabis; thwy needed million times more gpy design accelerating computing in way that design since 1965 of CPU could not to see Huang-linked discoverie analyse nvufia on-demand cases in up ro 20 ways 1 in relation to hassabus eg life science leaps 2 in relatuib to fei0fei 3 in relation to buggest dinigital companies such as the West's Amazon googke Facebok Apple Microsft 4 with biggets traditional gov computing -eg us Energy, Meterology, NIK, , NSF (abd longer term with buggest reserach uni johns hokins) 5 specialist in managemennt data eg saleforcxe, snowdlake data warehouse , databricks, perhaps oraccle 6 wuth local cpomputing eg HO lenovo ipm pc...or monile or thoroigh IOT 7 operational data eg cities roads, emergency services ..
8 engineering foundries- one of bug uses of digotal twons which makes all digital twn and 2d-3d data translarion integral
9 pattern languages - nvidia developed its own op languafe and then eg with pixars open usd - major pater analysus rabges from medical image analysis to eg adobe tipe pubivations with eg charts that update data 10 there are 2 extraordinaey education contributuons; first most subjects leading edges are at least 25% intellignece new compared with 4 years ago making 4 year university certificates unsstsaiable second if education was seen as team work the way engibeerssee in any figital twin application - the clases would change vonfigured around every students persoal learning agency - see 6 hour debrief on this dc 2024 and catchup with first nvida summit un dc
almost ever indurey secoe's leader ;olely to have a deep learning breahthroigh 21 news ars/sprts/games pls rsvp whats biggest deep leaning computation compass we've missed
Fei-Fei Li about 10 years of prep first with National Science Foudation from 2009 aeound stanfird was needed ro assemble 20 million identity database for annual world comperition of machines identifying 20000 objects humans encounter on earth-2012 competituin winners rurbed ai into biggest tech investent ever Partnerships celberating Li's breakthrough: AI-4-all resources with melinda gates & jensen Huang AiforGood 2017 Un and melinda gates Testimony congress 2018 c-span calls for Nairrs - will usa be first oif 30 leading nairrs (see king harles ai world series) Lauches HumanAi back at stanfoird after sabatical at google cloud Condi Rice launches SETR policmakers top 10 engineering professors Fall 2024 Li launches
who trained mavhines to identify sense and communicate simply with humans before some machines (Robots, avarars ...) become autonomous spatial agents if real tie goverance- as imple case is huamn driven cars -this unsafe parctice kills 1.2 milion people annually though data modelling of causes od cancer is expected to make car deaths looks small
see latest dei-dei li - spatial ai - woldlabs - twitter list of who fei-fei is folowing
note to and fro crossoevers of 2d and satialudentity between robors and intelugence giverance orproduction- google's xtrinsics is interesting neighbir of worldlabs as its led br myamabmar-brit mrs tan white who is also wife of king charleks ai envoy; auronomis sdpatial datasets likely to get so large that they may become forst use of quantum computing - see annual diplomatc ted style pitches of qyantum hohns hikins usually september
nb axi=iuis fascinating on how us departent of energy responsible for gov's 13 biggest superco0kputers diustributed across states incluidnng world;s 2 biggest computers- of coitse to mak best use of this all 3 advances tabled need integratuin
Demi Hasabis - his au models go directluy to einstein 1905 publication on deepest data of natire that newton science is conflicted with because nature operates at deeper scale of interactions than humans could previousy easure
Gemini writes
Web1, Web2, and Web3: A Comparative Overview
Optimists about the potential of Human AI often highlight the transformative power of Web3 as a fundamental shift in how we interact with technology.
1 Here's a breakdown of the key differences between Web1, Web2, and Web3:
Data Privacy: Web3's decentralized nature can provide enhanced data privacy, as users have more control over their personal information.
Trustless Interactions:Smart contracts can facilitate trustless interactions between humans and AI, reducing the need for intermediaries.
AI Governance: Decentralized AI governance models can potentially mitigate risks associated with centralized control of AI systems.
Economic Empowerment: Web3 can enable new economic opportunities for individuals and communities, including through the creation and ownership of digital assets.
While Web3 is still in its early stages, its potential to revolutionize various industries, including AI, is significant. Optimists believe that by empowering users and fostering a more equitable digital ecosystem, Web3 can contribute to a future where Human AI benefits society in a more inclusive and sustainable way.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will convene a hybrid workshop on September 24-25, 2024, in Washington, D.C., to discuss recent efforts by the NIST AI Innovation Lab (NAIIL) to help unleash artificial intelligence (AI) innovations in ways which enable trust. Participants will learn about recent and ongoing efforts, and contribute to NIST’s vision for the work ahead, including opportunities to expand its collaborations with the AI community. Responsible for a variety of NIST’s AI efforts and headquartered within the agency’s Information Technology Laboratory, NAIIL advances AI measurement methods and guidelines, including their incorporation into international standards.
The one and one-half day workshop will take place at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. In-person and remote participation is available.
The workshop will feature panelists and other participants who will spotlight and discuss the most recent developments and next steps in key issues relating to AI innovation and trust. Sessions will build on NIST’s past, ongoing, and planned efforts.
Preliminary Agenda
Day 1: September 24, 2024
2:00 - 2:30 pm
Opening Remarks
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Advancing Generative AI Risk Management: Understanding Risks, AI Actors, and Mitigations Across the AI Value Chain
Moderator: Chloe Autio, NIST Associate
Helen Toner, Center for Security and Emerging Technology
Taja Naidoo, Meta, Open Loop
Jessica Newman, University of California, Berkeley
Chris Meserole, Foundation Model Forum
3:30 - 4:00 pm
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Synthetic Content
Moderator: Rob Reich, NIST
Katherine Lee, Google DeepMind
Rebecca Portnoff, Thorn
Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe
5:00 – 5:15 pm
Wrap-Up, Day One
Day 2: September 25, 2024
9:15 - 9:30 am
Opening Remarks
9:30 - 10:30 am
AI Standards: Plans, Progress, and Call to Action
Moderator: Jesse Dunietz, NIST
Alex Givens, Center for Democracy and Technology
Courtney Lang, Information Technology Industry Council
Rohit Ishrani, INCITS/ Artificial Intelligence
Rebecca Finley, Partnership on AI
10:30 - 11:00 am
11:00 am – 12:00 noon
Towards Sociotechnical Evaluations: Recent Successes and Future Directions
Keynote by Dr. Laurie Locascio,Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of NIST
1:45 – 2:45 pm
Using the NIST AI Risk Management Framework in Government
Moderator: Martin Stanley, NIST
Matthew Johnson, Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office
Mike Horton, Department of Transportation
Diane Staheli, National Security Council
Victoria Espinel, BSA | The Software Alliance
2:45 - 3:00 pm
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Building on the NIST AI Risk Management Framework Internationally
Moderator:Alex Engler, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Eileen Donahoe, Department of State
Roy Sugimura, Japan National Research Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Wan-Sie Lee, Singapore Info-Communications Media Development Authority
Karine Perset, OECD AI and Emerging Digital Technologies Division
Evi Fuelle, Credo AI
4:00 - 4:30 pm
4:30 – 5:30 pm
Measuring AI’s Environmental Impact
Moderator: Josh Saul, Bloomberg News
Sasha Luccioni, Hugging Face
Arti Garg, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Eric Masanet, University of California, Santa Barbara
Udit Gupta, Cornell Tech
5:30 – 5:45 pm
Closing Remarks
October 8,9 Nvidia brings AI summit to DC
Discover What’s Possible With AI
Connect with NVIDIA and our ecosystem of customers and partners doing innovative, meaningful work in the public sector and beyond. You’ll discover valuable insights from industry leaders on AI in over 50 sessions, live demos, and hands-on workshops covering generative AI, remote sensing, cybersecurity, robotics, industrial digitalization, and more.
The Transformative Power of Accelerated Computing and AI
Tuesday, October 8 | 10:00 a.m. EDT
Bob Pette, VP and General Manager of Enterprise Platforms, NVIDIA
Don't miss this special address from Bob Pette, where he’ll discuss how NVIDIA's accelerated computing platform is delivering breakthrough performance in the next wave of AI, sensor processing, digital twins, cybersecurity, autonomous systems, and more.
Learn About the Latest Breakthroughs From Industry Experts
Helena Fu
Director, Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies Department of Energy
Sheri Bachstein
CEO The Weather Company
Greg Forrest
Director, AI Foundations Lockheed Martin
Aaron Saunders
Chief Technology Officer Boston Dynamics
Kari Briski
Vice President, Generative AI Software NVIDIA
Anthony Robbins
Vice President, Federal NVIDIA
Rev Lebaredian
Vice President, Omniverse and Simulation Technology NVIDIA
David Reber
Chief Security Officer NVIDIA
Explore Key Topics
Remote Sensing
Find out why remote sensing is so important and how it's advancing capabilities in Earth observation, financial markets, disaster response, climate monitoring, and more.
Discover how telecom companies are using AI to transform customer experiences and network operations. This includes building sovereign AI factories, co-locating 5G and AI applications on RAN infrastructure, and advancing 6G R&D.
Immerse yourself in next-gen NVIDIA technology and tools with our full-day, hands-on technical workshops. Earn a certificate of competency upon completion.
Date and Time: Monday, October 7, 2024, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. EDT Venue: JW Marriott Washington DC, and the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center Price: $495 per workshop seat. Group discounts are available.