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Friday, December 30, 2005

india's most exciting summit ever?

India could be like china but why isnt it?
China has bottom-up public servants who know that Xi Jinping has put his name to ending extreme poverty - india hasn't  -see articles Xi has written on ending poverty since his youth in 1988! - book out of poverty

Both india and china have brilliant coders
Unlike Chinas , India has billion person universal identity which means apps can now ensure "give directly" where peoples are poor but have a microfranchise solution they could be developing

India has more english speaking youth than china - they could teach each other languiages

India and China share the same corridor to asean - whats needed is upgrading rails and ports through bangaldesh and myanmar - this could gain all 4 countries- the most important belt road india can connect with multipying all its other ports trades

india invented vocational village schools but hasnt digitally connected teachers even though its two 2020 futurists in 2000 : nilekani - world leading technologist, president kalam the world's number 1 youth loving scientist

India and china's presidential teams have 3 chances for their leaders to design win-win partnerships in summer 2018 -why not

India's Manmoman Singh : one of the greatest development economists ever - his 1950 thesis at corpus chriti cambridge was mentored by keynsian tutors - how to end underclasses both within your nation and across neighboring nations; corpus christi was the college that trained scottish lawyesr who wrote up india's independence with gandhi

Bangladesh sir fazle abed has the extreme girl empowermnent microfranchoies to end poverty that parts of india need- his is the most colanorative ngo and education leader the world has ever seen - will india and china connect with him and muslim girls networks save the world? Over time what will happen to those 13 bodres of china with significant muslim populations if india and china dont know how to end muslim girl poverty - see WISE@UNGA sept 2018

if india and china dont leap forward in 2018 when will they; when will one third of worlds people be represented by new development banking projects they actually need if their children are to be sustainable