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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dear Colleague,

Over the course of the next couple of months, Brookings Global will host a webinar series “Voices from the Field: Cities Leading on Sustainability in the COVID-19 Era” that consists of 30-minute one-on-one conversations with city leaders from our SDG Leadership Cities community of practice.

Please join me for my first conversation with Sanna-Mari Jäntti, the director of Strategic Initiatives in the City of Helsinki Mayor's Office, on Wednesday, May 6 at 11 am (ET) / 6 pm (GMT+3).

The informal format of these fireside conversations will enable us to explore a city-specific perspective on the COVID-19 crisis. The discussions will examine the importance of local leadership during the crisis, and how cities are thinking about sustainable development priorities and adapting their strategy as they begin to plan for recovery.

This webinar session will take place via Zoom. Register in advance for this webinar using this link. We will invite questions and comments from the audience during the session.

I look forward to you joining us next Wednesday.

All best,


Tony Pipa
Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development
BROOKINGS 1775 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036
| @anthonypipa
orwarded message -----
From: Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 30 April 2020, 06:44:22 GMT-4
Subject: Free Webinar: Maintaining Finance for Firms Impacted by COVID-19: Perspectives for East Asia

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Webinar: Maintaining Finance for Firms Impacted by COVID-19:
Perspectives for East Asia

Tuesday May 5, 2020 | 9:30 am – 11:00 am (Malaysia Time)
Monday May 4, 2020 | 9:30 pm – 11:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)

You are invited to join a free webinar featuring insights from CKGSB Visiting Associate Professor of Economics and Associate Professor of International Economics of the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Dr. Yi HUANG, and a distinguished line-up of global finance experts on ‘Maintaining Finance for Firms Impacted by COVID-19: Perspectives for East Asia’.

Addressing the impact of the crisis and various policy initiatives on the functioning, resilience, and stability of the financial system, the webinar will look at examples in East Asia, particularly the cases of China and Singapore. Joining Prof Huang will be the Global Director of the World Bank Group Alfonso Garcia Mora; Asia Pacific Head of Economics and Financial Markets of the Bank for International Settlements Ilhyock Shim; Lead Economist and Acting Research Manager of the World Bank Group Sergio Schmukler; and Practice Professor of Finance at the National University of Singapore, Joseph Cherian.

You can find the webinar’s details below and watch the livestream on Youtube!

This webinar is hosted by the World Bank Group Knowledge and Research Hub in Malaysia, the FCI Global Practice, and the Development Research Group as part of their webinar series on addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Tuesday May 5, 2020 | 9:30 am – 11:00 am (Malaysia Time)
Monday May 4, 2020 | 9:30 pm – 11:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Time)
If you have questions during the Q&A period, please ask them via the Youtube chat function. Note the Youtube link is accessible to both World Bank Group and external participants. 

Alfonso Garcia Mora, Global Director, The World Bank Group

The Impact of COVID-19 on Financial Markets
Ilhyock Shim, Head of Economics and Financial Markets for Asia and the Pacific
Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements

Financing Firms during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sergio Schmukler, Lead Economist and Acting Research Manager, Development Research Group, The World Bank Group
(joint work with Tatiana Didier, Federico Huneeus, and Mauricio Larrain)

COVID-19 and the Chinese Corporate Bond Market
Yi Huang, Associate Professor of International Economics, The Graduate Institute, Geneva; Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
(joint work with Jun “QJ” Qian, Dora Xia, and Yaya Yu)

Maintaining Financing for Firms: Perspectives from Singapore
Joseph Cherian, Practice Professor of Finance, National University of Singapore
Biographies of Speakers:

Joseph Cherian is Practice Professor of Finance and was the Founding Director of the Centre for Asset Management Research & Investments at NUS Business School. Prior to that, he was Managing Director, Global Head, and CIO of the Quantitative Strategies Group within Credit Suisse Alternative Investments in New York, where he was responsible for over US$67 billion in client assets. Joe joined Credit Suisse in 2004 from Banc of America Capital Management where he was Managing Director of their asset allocation funds.   Previously, he was an Associate Professor of Finance at Boston University. He has authored numerous articles for financial journals. Dr. Cherian holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from MIT, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Finance from Cornell University.

Yi Huang is Visiting Associate Professor of Economics at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) in Beijing and Associate Professor in Economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. He is also a research affiliate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). He was Pictet Chair at the Center of Finance and Development and an economist in the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund. Prof. Huang also has been a research fellow at the Bank for International Settlements, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Institute of Digital Finance of Peking University. Prof. Huang gained his Master’s degree from Peking University, and his Ph.D. in Economics from the London Business School.

Sergio Schmukler is Lead Economist and Acting Research Manager at the World Bank’s Development Research Group. His research area is international finance and international financial markets and institutions. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997, when he joined the World Bank's Young Economist and Young Professionals Programs. He currently teaches financial development at Columbia University. He is a member of the Money and Finance Research (Mo.Fi.R) group and Treasurer of LACEA, the Latin America and Caribbean Economic Association (since 2004).

Ilhyock Shim is Head of Economics and Financial Markets for Asia and the Pacific at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). He joined the BIS in 2004 as economist. From 2007 to 2018, he worked at the BIS in Basel as Special Adviser on International Financial Stability Policy and at the BIS Asian Office in Hong Kong SAR as principal economist. He began his career as deputy director in the Korean government in 1996. Between 1997 and 1999, he worked at the Korean Ministry of Finance and Economy as deputy director in charge of deposit insurance and financial sector restructuring. From December 2009 to November 2010, he worked for the G20 Affairs Office of the Bank of Korea as adviser. He holds a BA and an MA in economics from Seoul National University, and a PhD in economics from Stanford University.
If you have questions during the Q&A period, please ask them via the Youtube chat function. Note the Youtube link is accessible to both World Bank Group and external participants. 
For questions, please contact:  Ruzita Ahmad (
ello hope you are staying well- please see footnote on 2 zooms today- one on grassroots communities ending virus in india by shelly batra the lady jim kim invited to be one of only 10 people ever to tedx with him out of dc and one out of brooklyn on returning citizens rebuilding community

 i am trying to help connect a lot of people in brooklyn which has become one of 5 places linking in everything george soros has ever donated to- brooklyn library is a major epicentre currently with zooms; if you know anyone who would like to share info on who is helping who please tell me

90 year old soros is often give unfair reviews- he has given 32 billion dollars away and is now asking educators worldwide to share a curriculum of everything he has found out about societies on every continent- brooklyn is number 1 inner city hub in america for linking that in

 its not clear to me that jim kim would ever have got to world bank without soros investing in his health networks- last week kim announced he's going back to boston to try and save the place from the virus- somehow we need to connect brooklyn and boston- dont know how yet - need people who want to join in

i still live in dc region- actually near national institute of health- qute a scary place while ruled by trump

thanks chris macrae whatsapp +1 240 316 8157 twitter obamauni

there are 2 zoom events today on health -out of delhi and brooklyn
event 1

i met shelly batra when she was doing a tedx at world bank 2014- she is one of india's leading community end tuberculosis- here's note she just sent me about a zoom at 11am today easter standard time
Dear friends,

Operation ASHA is honoured to be part of Catalyst 2030, an invitation only collaborative movement of joint action. The group consists of key funder and intermediaries such as the World Economic Forum, Ashoka, Skoll Foundation, Mackenzie, and the British nobility: the Earl of Spencer’s family, along with leading social entrepreneurs from across the world. Please visit for more information.

We are proud to be part of Catalyst 2030’s first global campaign: Catalyzing Change- Scaling Innovations for COVID-19. This is a 2 day event where a few chosen social entrepreneurs have been asked to host webinars.

Please join me for a webinar on April 30 at 5pm CEST or 8.30 pm IST. The webinar will be jointly hosted by the Presidents of the following 2 organizations:

1.      Operation ASHA
2.      Every Infant Matters (

Warm regards

event 2
Bard Microcollege at Brooklyn Public Library <>
Tue, 28 Apr at 16:29

Friday, April 17, 2020

best of this week

beat of the future
TIME: Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM EDT 

PLATFORM: Zoom webinar (call-in information will be provided following event sign-up)

DESCRIPTION: The arrival of the coronavirus in both China and the United States has further strained an already frayed bilateral relationship. Yet, if the world is to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future health crises, the two nations must work together to confront the immediate issues of medical treatment and equipment, and the longer- term need to develop and produce necessary vaccines.

Join the National Committee on April 28 at 4:00 p.m. EDT for a virtual program where Joan Kaufman of Schwarzman Scholars will host a conversation with two leading medical experts: Margaret Hamburg of the National Academy of Medicine and Winnie Yip of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, as they discuss the potential for collaboration between the United States and China on global health strategies.