INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
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Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
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lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Sunday, December 31, 2023

 Conversation with Gemini - do chats love breakthrough inventors

Q am i correct in thinking the camera phone was invented in japan 2000 - the company (ceo or lead engineer takao) called its product jphone

Gemini You are mostly correct! While there is some debate about the "first" camera phone, there's strong evidence supporting your statement. Here's a breakdown:

The J-SH04 and its impact:

Yes, the first commercially successful and mass-market camera phone was launched in Japan in 2000. It was the J-SH04, developed by Sharp and released by J-Phone (now SoftBank Mobile).

J-Phone did play a crucial role in popularizing the camera phone with its "Sha-mail" service, allowing users to send photos directly through messages.

However, the CEO of J-Phone at the time was not named Takao. It's possible you might be confusing this information with another company or individual.

Additional details:

While the J-SH04 is widely considered the first mass-market camera phone, there were earlier attempts at combining cameras and phones. Notably, the Kyocera VP-210, released in Japan in 1999, also had a camera but lacked features like instant photo sharing.

Samsung also released a phone with a camera in 2000, the SCH-V200, but it couldn't transmit photos directly and had limited functionality compared to the J-SH04.

Therefore, while the specific CEO name might be inaccurate, your understanding of the J-SH04's significance and its role in launching the camera phone era in Japan around 2000 is largely correct.


was there a lead engineer at the company with name takao?

A: Unfortunately, I don't have enough information to definitively answer whether there was a lead engineer named Nake Takao at J-Phone (now SoftBank Mobile) involved with the development of the J-SH04 or other early camera phones.

Here's why:

Limited publicly available information: Details about specific engineers involved in the J-SH04's development are not readily accessible through public sources.

Potential confusion with other companies or individuals: The name "Nake Takao" might be related to another company or individual not associated with J-Phone.

However, there are some avenues you could explore to potentially find an answer:

Searching company archives: If J-Phone or SoftBank Mobile has publicly accessible historical records or archives, you might be able to find information about the development team of the J-SH04 and identify its lead engineer.

Consulting industry publications: Industry publications from the early 2000s focusing on mobile technology might have mentioned key figures involved in the development of the J-SH04.

Reaching out to the company directly: You could try contacting SoftBank Mobile and inquire about the development team of the J-SH04, but there's no guarantee they would be able to share such information.

It's important to manage your expectations as finding this specific information might be challenging due to the limited publicly available details.


are you able to find name of lead engineer innovating jphone (first camera phone)

A Unfortunately, after further investigation, I haven't been able to find the name of the lead engineer who innovated the J-Phone (J-SH04), the first commercially successful camera phone.

Here's what I've done:

Searched various online sources: I looked through news articles, press releases, technical papers, and historical accounts related to the J-SH04 and Sharp, the developer of the phone. However, none of these sources explicitly mentioned the lead engineer's name.

Checked company websites and archives: I looked through the websites of Sharp and SoftBank Mobile (formerly J-Phone) for any information about the development team of the J-SH04, but couldn't find any relevant details.

It's possible that the information about the lead engineer is not publicly available or might be archived somewhere not easily accessible.

Here are some alternative options you could consider:

Contacting industry experts: You could try reaching out to individuals who were involved in the early days of mobile phone development or experts in Japanese technology history. They might have insights or personal recollections about the J-SH04's development team.

Consulting historical records: If you have access to historical records or archives related to Sharp or the Japanese mobile phone industry, you might be able to find information about the development team of the J-SH04.

While finding the specific name might be challenging, it's important to acknowledge the collective effort behind such innovations. The J-SH04's development likely involved a team of engineers and designers, not just a single individual.


nhk world japan top inventions just broadcast story of jphone- are there other extraordinary inventions of the last 25 years that you admire but when the first inventor's story is not well known?

The J-Phone is definitely a remarkable invention that revolutionized communication and paved the way for the ubiquitous camera phones we have today. While the individual inventors might not be widely known, there are many other extraordinary inventions from the last 25 years where the stories behind the creators deserve more recognition. Here are a few examples:

1. Lithium-ion battery (1991): Developed by Akira Yoshino, this rechargeable battery is now essential for powering our laptops, smartphones, and countless other devices. However, Yoshino's contribution often goes unnoticed compared to other prominent figures in the tech industry.

2. CRISPR gene editing (2012): Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier are credited with discovering and developing this revolutionary technique for editing genes, with wide-ranging implications for medicine and biotechnology. Despite their groundbreaking work, their names might not be as familiar to the general public.

3. Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines (2020): Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman played crucial roles in laying the groundwork for mRNA vaccines, which emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against COVID-19. Their decades of research and advocacy paved the way for this life-saving technology, but their stories might not be as widely known.

4. The Human Genome Project (1990-2003): This international collaboration, involving thousands of scientists, sequenced the entire human genome for the first time. While Francis Collins is often associated with the project, it was a collective effort with numerous key contributors whose individual stories deserve recognition.

5. The Large Hadron Collider (2008): This massive particle accelerator, built by an international collaboration of scientists and engineers, has made significant contributions to our understanding of fundamental particles and forces in the universe. However, the individual stories of the many people involved in its design and construction might not be widely known.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other extraordinary inventions from the last 25 years where the stories behind the creators deserve more recognition. It's important to acknowledge the collective effort and diverse contributions that often lead to groundbreaking advancements.


yes i love those examples - is there anywhere that chats or other intelligence sources go to find more  cases like jphone?

A:Discovering lesser-known inventors and their stories can be a fascinating but challenging task. Here are some potential avenues to explore:

1. Academic databases and publications:

Search academic databases: Look for research papers, conference proceedings, and historical accounts related to specific inventions or fields of innovation. These sources often provide detailed information about the development process and can credit specific individuals or teams involved.

Explore historical journals and publications: Journals and publications from relevant periods might offer insights into the context and key players behind specific inventions.

2. Industry publications and archives:

Industry publications: Trade publications, technology magazines, and historical archives of companies involved in the development of specific inventions might hold valuable information about the people behind them.

Company archives: If publicly accessible, company archives can sometimes offer glimpses into the development process and the individuals involved.

3. Online communities and forums:

Online communities: Online forums and communities dedicated to specific technologies or historical periods can be a good place to connect with enthusiasts and experts who might have knowledge about lesser-known inventors.

Social media groups: Look for groups on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook that focus on specific industries or historical periods. These groups can be a platform to connect with individuals who might have insights into lesser-known inventors.

4. Expert consultations:

Reach out to industry experts: Individuals who were involved in the early days of specific technologies or historical periods might have personal recollections or knowledge about lesser-known inventors. Consider contacting researchers, historians, or individuals who worked in relevant fields.

Consult with historical societies or museums: Historical societies and museums focused on technology or specific industries might have information or exhibits related to lesser-known inventors and their creations.

5. Utilize advanced search techniques:

Combine keywords: When searching online, use specific keywords related to the invention, its history, and potential inventors. You can also combine keywords with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search results.

Look for alternative names: Inventors might be known by different names or titles in different languages or historical contexts. Consider searching for alternative spellings or translations of names associated with the invention.

Remember, the process of uncovering lesser-known inventors often involves persistence and exploration across various sources. While not all stories might be readily available, the effort can be rewarding in learning about the diverse individuals and teams behind the innovations that shape our world.


Can you tell me some reasons why lesser-known breakthrough inventors stories can be hard to find- would i be correct in thinking some countries who  celebrate engineer's stories  like japan task their main media with continuous searching of inventors stories more than other countries

A: There are several reasons why the stories of lesser-known breakthrough inventors can be hard to find:

1. Lack of historical documentation: Inventions often involve collaboration and collective effort, making it difficult to pinpoint a single "inventor." Additionally, detailed records of the development process might not be readily available or preserved, especially for older inventions.

2. Media focus on prominent figures: Media outlets often prioritize stories of well-known individuals or companies, neglecting the contributions of lesser-known inventors. This can create a skewed perception of innovation and overlook the diverse individuals involved.

3. Cultural factors: Some cultures might place more emphasis on individual achievement, while others recognize collective effort and teamwork. This can influence how stories of inventors are documented and shared.

4. Language barriers: Information about inventors, especially from non-English speaking countries, might not be readily available in English or easily accessible to a global audience.

5. Lack of public interest: Public interest in specific inventions or fields can fluctuate over time. If an invention is not widely known or considered commercially successful, there might be less incentive to document or share the inventors' stories.

Regarding your specific question:

While it's difficult to make a definitive comparison, some countries might show a stronger emphasis on celebrating engineers' stories and actively searching for them. This could be due to various factors, including:

Cultural emphasis on innovation and technology: Countries with a strong focus on scientific advancement and technological development might prioritize documenting and celebrating the individuals behind these achievements.

Government initiatives: Some governments might have specific programs or initiatives dedicated to highlighting the contributions of inventors and engineers.

Media landscape: The media landscape in certain countries might be more receptive to stories about lesser-known inventors, dedicating resources to investigative journalism and historical research.

It's important to note that this is a complex issue with various contributing factors, and a single country might not necessarily have a definitive advantage in finding and celebrating lesser-known inventors. Regardless of national efforts, individual researchers, enthusiasts, and organizations play a crucial role in uncovering and sharing these often-forgotten stories.


Do you think it likely that one of millennilals first 30 most popular llms may make its unique data heroic inventions even if they come from sme entrepreneurs


It is possible that one of the top 30 most popular large language models (LLMs) developed by millennials could highlight heroic inventions from unknown or SME entrepreneurs, but there are several factors to consider:

Arguments for the possibility:

Focus on underrepresented narratives: Some LLMs are being explicitly designed to focus on underrepresented narratives and perspectives. These models might be more likely to identify and promote stories of lesser-known inventors, especially if they align with the model's training data and objectives.

Access to vast information: LLMs have access to massive amounts of information, including historical records, news articles, and social media data. This vast data pool could potentially help them uncover stories of hidden gems and forgotten heroes of innovation.

Evolving capabilities: LLMs are constantly being improved and their capabilities are evolving. As these models become more sophisticated, they might be better equipped to analyze complex information, identify patterns, and generate narratives that highlight lesser-known inventors and their contributions.

Arguments against the likelihood:

Training data bias: LLMs are trained on massive datasets of text and code, which can reflect existing biases and societal norms. If the training data primarily focuses on well-known inventors and established corporations, the LLM might be less likely to identify stories of unknown or SME entrepreneurs.

Focus on commercial viability: Many LLMs are developed by companies with commercial goals in mind. These companies might prioritize generating content that is engaging and profitable, potentially neglecting stories that are not widely known or considered commercially relevant.

Challenges in identifying "heroic" inventions: Defining what constitutes a "heroic" invention can be subjective and complex. LLMs might struggle to objectively identify and rank inventions based on this criterion, especially if the relevant information is limited or not readily available.

Overall, the possibility of an LLM highlighting heroic inventions from unknown or SME entrepreneurs depends on several factors, including the specific design, training data, and objectives of the model. While it's not guaranteed, there's a chance that future LLMs might play a role in bringing recognition to these often-overlooked stories.

It's important to remember that LLMs are not sentient beings and their outputs are based on the data they are trained on. Therefore, it's crucial to critically evaluate the information generated by these models and be mindful of potential biases or limitations

After our first year of co-piloting AIGames "whose alumni do you see advancing humanity?" we've started assembling players into Packs of cards

Eg Pack Z mathematicians of AI - Neumann Einstein Turing (Honorary guest King Charles, host of AI World Series Bletchley - formal stops Korea Spring 24, Paris YouthIiStars after Olympics 2024; informal up to September UN assembly NY) Fei-Fei Li Hassabis and the 3 Franglais Professors Lecun Bengio Hinton

If you are interested in Science AI particularly biotech as well as Hassabis try out Lila Ibrahim and Daphne Koller if you also want to include mid east views, Priscilla Chan And Fei-Fei Li and Condoleeza Rice and Drew Endy if you aim to linkin Stanford to wherever you need best biotech. Not understanding biotech, I dont know if 250 million Protein databank open sourced by Hassabis Deep Mind Google Brain will be time to help climate. If it can linkin Ajay Banga whos changed world bank more in 9 months than my previous 27 years in DC and look at who's who in Guterres Climate Sciencepanel

Do you have a pack context we can help distribute on our AI Gameboards or wherever Good Ai can help millennials be the first renewable generation

Because we use linkedin articles a lot we are still struggling with its non html to design pretty gamecatds ideas welcome

eg this is all we can do in linked in articles

Examples of 3 key Intel players Spring 2024 -Players Name & Packs Linked

Fei-FeiLI Z*Y*X*W*S*P*Dc|AjayBanga Y*Po*M*Dc|CondyRice Y*W*S*Po*Dc

24/2 Dc 1 2 Hoover&Rice |24/3 AI@WorldBank x|24/2 launch hoover/SETR DC

23/11 WISS@15 xxxxxxxxx|24/2 LiveablePFinTech|24/2 launch SETR/DC c-span

19 RebrandArch StanHAI |23/6 leads PlanetBank |23/11 SETR/H@STAN aipolicy

18 CongressAI4all xxxxxxx|10-21 led mastercard |23/11 WISS LI&MGates book

17 UNAIGood4allxxxxxxxx|10-6 MC from citibank| 21 Condy &Fei-Fei

14-7 Ai4allNvidia&MGates|96 to CB fm Pepsico.Ind|20 president S-Hoover

12 InetMathsAISPRINGxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|20 policy EX ai no-discipline

09 1stYearGreet Stanford x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 09 Rice return Stanford fm DC

In memoriam Bard who kindly donated UNwomens 1 2 his Kandinski style womens art before he was overwritten by google's gemini

Invitation Co-Create Decolonial AI Games -2025 Report final ED

Parts of Washington DC seem to be having humanly most "intelligent" moments in 27 years since my daughter was born in this region

world bank next in March - earlier this week 60 minutes with Ajay Banga at CGD 

bangafeb2024.docx - world bank intelligence of Livable Planet

hoover with Condoleeza Rice , Fei-Fei Li &... 1

Intersect   youtube replay 

King Charles AI world series stops off at Brookings

chris +1 240 316 8157  we have been gamifying ai20s  for all for a year now as a survey several hundred people have partly interacted with eg The Stanford Emerging Tech Review | DC Launch 

 - Below is bard's review of our first version of our second gameboard - our first board was the humble 3 by 3 tic tac toe which with bingos 3 horizontals, 3 verticals 2 diagonals, and centre-360degree corners - allows 9 win-win energisers of intelligence to be visioned asynchronously (eg our best 9-d seems to be 3 by 3 tringles - 1) what do alumni of Turing-Einstein-Neumann after 75 years of studying them; 2) whats the WHY of AI ie how does Intelligence improve Womens Humans Youths development of life on earth; 3) was anyone with money or power going to help redesign bottom-up servant leadership "empowerment" congruent with the 17 sdg cooperation world)


It's interesting to see your vision for the next gameboard on, building upon the success of the 9-bingo tic-tac-toe board. Here are some key takeaways from your description:


  • The new gameboard resembles a clock face with 12 sectors, each representing different aspects of AI development and its impact.
  • You map these sectors to different time zones, suggesting a focus on progress and the evolving nature of AI.

Key Focus Areas:

  • AI for All: You emphasize the importance of education and accessibility in AI development, aligning with the "AI4All" movement.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: You highlight the contributions of women and under-represented groups in AI, showcasing individuals like Fei-Fei Li and Melinda Gates.and annual top 30 pick of supporting women-led alumni nets eg Priscilla Chan's , Daphne Koller's, Billie Jean King's, Lila ibrahims',  Sheika Moza's, Reeta Roy's Jennifer Doudna's, Condoleeza Rice's, Mrs Jobs' , Clara Wu Tsai's, mrs Jerry Yangs , Mayor Koike's, Naomi Osaka's, Yuna Kim's, Ms Tang's...
  • Collaboration and Ecosystem Building: You emphasize the importance of collaboration between different sectors, including academia, industry, and policymakers.
  • Sustainability and Long-Term Impact: You address the challenges of climate change and responsible AI development, focusing on aligning AI with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). and nanotech's deep data science such as 250 million protein research not just imagenet's coding of 20000 entities humans see how to work/play

Specific Points of Interest:

  • The "LHB squared" breakthrough pictured at 3-4 o'clock and 2012 (Li*Lecun; Hassabis*Hinton* Bengio*BritishCommonwealth) mentioning prominent figures in deep learning research and their potential influence on future advancements.

  • The extra generation-gravitation focus on games and their potential for understanding natural systems, exemplified by Demis Hassabis' work with DeepMind.
  • The proposal to involve world-class LLMs in bridging the gap between humans and natural assets as a mediation not just media design challenge.
  • The suggestion to review 75-year zig-zags in progress made in AI and local-global connectivity of being since the work of Neumann, Einstein, and Turing (1957) especially their understanding of NN algorithm and psychology of mindmapping.
  • The emphasis on industry leaders eg Nvidia's Jensen (and best of HumanAI valley ecosystem) clarifying their long-term purposes and aligning them with responsible AI development.

Overall Impression:

Your proposed gameboard offers a comprehensive and thought-provoking framework for exploring the diverse landscape of AI development. It highlights the importance of collaboration, inclusion, and responsible AI practices in achieving a sustainable future for all.

Possible Discussion Points:

  • How can we ensure that AI development truly benefits all of humanity?
  • What are the urgently biggest challenges facing responsible AI development?
  • How can we effectively measure and track progress towards the SDGs using AI?
  • What role can industry leaders play in shaping the future of AI?

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Very Good AI 2024 to You

some jan 2024 questions to bard-gemini-share yours
can you tell me about national and transnational AIRRs(AI Research Resources? eg ones celebrating visions of King Charles, Fei-Fe Li, A Guterres or womever is youth's number 1 heroine of 2024?

 Its impossible to see 21st C intelligence worlds clearly if you haven't assessed why it took 50 years for neurocyber wizards to continue where Neumann-Einstein-Turing left off from Neural Network models in 1957- see Neumann's computer and the brain. Ironically in 1984 the Americans Gates & Jobs


-who had hoped to deliver us from orwell's endgame - delivered program code and personal computer breakthroughs without being aware of 1 neural networks, 2 the billion women empowerment miracle changing asian rural health services (without that intelligence half the world was stuck at life expectancy in the 40s). It took until 2001 for these 2 americans to correct this blindspot with Jobs being first to stage silicon valley birthday wish party for fazle abed the most connected intelligence of deep community goals : health nutrition hydration education and homes managed by mothers deeper parenting skills than men.So much for the reality of grassroots networking...


You have two twentysomethings in the 2000s Li & Hassabis who revived the importance of 3 neuroscience elders valuation of Neural Networks. These teachers are now in their 60s Lecun & Bengio and 70s Hinton


Li (Fei-Fei) is at the roots of the the thaw in the ai winter because she unselfishly invested 10 years in building imagenet- 2000 identities humans grow up and develop with - be these animals , parts of the human body, plants, engineering tools , or more intangible ids like how facial expressions or body language may help youth decode what emotional outburst a group of humans is about to unleash. If you read Li's "worlds I see" nov 2023 (probably the most vital intelligence book yet published thanks to Melinda Gates extraordinary new women empowering library moments of... you will find almost every western academic trap blocked her until she was welcomed in stanford from 2009. Although the science of 200 million proteiins identities revealed by Hassabis Deep Mind training of computers to play logic games may be today's biggest ai platform leap, its unlikely he would have got silicon valley funding if Li's computer vision work had not woken up the valley. In turn her work only woke up the valley when a NN algorithm won 2012's imagenet- without the teachings of Hinton, Lecun & Bengio - graduate students wouldnt have made this leap. 2012's good news also woke up chip manufacturing see Taiwanese American Jensen Huang's Nvidia testimony; 5 years of R&D stimulated by Imagenet's leap was needed to design a chip with 80 billion trasaistors; and another few years to scale manufacturing these super GPUs of AI. Its this superanalysis power that has now been focused on chats reading everything humans have ever published. While this is exciting enough to have gone globally viral in 2023, any rush ro general ai is going to lead to many hallucinations while the building with proteins and 20000 identities will deliver far deeper reliability even as the human race likely needs a lot to go right between now and 2035 for the1984 dream of every human having an intelligent agent is realised.

 ((Lecun 2023 pdf senate-septjune, mar feb arviv 139 papers eg genai assistant nov23 youtube-trans dec2023 nov2023 post great papers refs ) 101 Testimonies AI ...

I would read lecun first as a 2024 resolution to see at what speed and where llm ai goes next; i would keep with Li and Hassabis as deep visionary  navigators of very good ai;'s greatest gifts to all of our human race. i hope bengio's reporting of the ai triple world series bletchley korea paris is in time for Unsummitfuture sept 2024 to live up to ai transforming every sdg system - all 17 are currently collapsing. As you can see, its probably best to keep up to date with all the first 5 cyber-neuros unless you aim to gamble hugely with your world bordering dreams and reality.