INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

sdg3 listing top inteligence picks for health

 pur intest is to use this diary space to index health intelligenc solutions everyone needs to be aware of as 2020s  blossoms as human ai smartest age

an early [ick to watch is czi- in 2016 zuckenberg's wife proecilla chan (already a brilainat young pediatrician) has been tasked with what will liokely be one of 21st C leaidng philanthopies

thois note postyed fall 2024 updayes the vision - acrpss the deep compass of cure, prevention and management of health

From AI-driven medical advancements to climate research and open source software, this month’s stories showcase the power of technology and collaboration in tackling some of today’s most pressing challenges.

Priscilla Chan, Stephen Quake Discuss Accelerating Science With AI 


Explore how we’re creating virtual cell models that aim to unlock a new understanding of human health and disease with broad applications for biomedical research, disease diagnosis and more.

6 Breakthrough Climate Research Initiatives


Discover research efforts exploring cutting-edge technologies to tackle global warming and address the climate crisis, from carbon mineralization to ocean-based solutions.

How Open Source Software Is Transforming Biomedicine

Learn how open source software is shaping biomedical research. Our recently published report highlights the impact of CZI’s Essential Open Source Software for Science program over the past five years.

ai foundation models posted fall 2023

 among biggest computer-training models in world - no wonder stanford report reviews their impacts on such wide range of contexts

Contents 2 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Emergence and homogenization 3 1.2 Social impact and the foundation models ecosystem 7 1.3 The future of foundation models 9 1.4 Overview of this report 12 2 Capabilities 21 2.1 Language 22 2.2 Vision 28 2.3 Robotics 34 2.4 Reasoning and search 40 2.5 Interaction 44 2.6 Philosophy of understanding 48 3 Applications 53 3.1 Healthcare and biomedicine 54 3.2 Law 59 3.3 Education 67 4 Technology 73 4.1 Modeling 74 4.2 Training 81 4.3 Adaptation 85 4.4 Evaluation 91 4.5 Systems 97 4.6 Data 101 4.7 Security and privacy 105 4.8 Robustness to distribution shifts 109 4.9 AI safety and alignment 114 4.10 Theory 118 4.11 Interpretability 123 5 Society 129 5.1 Inequity and fairness 130 5.2 Misuse 136 5.3 Environment 140 5.4 Legality 146 5.5 Economics 149 5.6 Ethics of scale 152 6 Conclusion 161 Acknowledgments 161 References 161

Sunday, December 28, 2003

nvidia some health cases

 Jensen's biggest investment in life scxiences ai beyond nvidia may be recursion; within nvidia ai of biotech sometimes called Clara; in valey Daphne Koler lonmg recognised as stamford biotech ace also co-founder corsera/mooc; at berkeley jennifer doudna nmobel prize for Crispr gene databank; demih hasabis deep mind leader deepming alphafold3 generated 250 million protein databank (London/Cambbriege/Google Moutain View)

March 2024
, Chief Technology Officer, Recursion
As the pace of AI-enabled drug discovery accelerates, you’ll hear firsthand how companies like Recursion and NVIDIA are pushing the boundaries of research to deliver some of the most exciting and impactful solutions for humanity.
March 2024
, Group Lead, Life Sciences Developer Relations, NVIDIA
, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Odyssey Therapeutics
, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, Insitro, Stanford University
, Chief Scientific Officer, Relation Therapeutics 
, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, VantAI
Exploring the intersection of biology and artificial intelligence, this panel will delve into the transformative role of AI, from graph machine learning to large language models, in drug discovery.

March 2022
, Clara Discovery PM, NVIDIA
, Healthcare and Life Science Product Marketing, NVIDIA
, Senior AI and Deep Learning Scientist, NVIDIA
, Principal Solutions Architect, NVIDIA
, Senior Alliance Manager, NVIDIA
Learn from data scientists, computational chemists, computational biologists, and other experts in the life sciences about how they are using in silico methods for virtual screening, molecular dynamics, simulations, 3D protein predictions, protein engineering, and more.

January 2023
, Ph.D., Executive Director in the Drug Discovery Group , Schrodinger
, Director, Global Head of Business Development, Healthcare & Life Sciences, NVIDIA
Learn how to leverage HPC and GPU technology to explore and accurately profile vast amounts of drug-like chemical space in-silico.
March 2023
, Medical Imaging Alliance Manager, NVIDIA
, Group Lead, Life Sciences Developer Relations, NVIDIA
, Clara Discovery Product Manager, NVIDIA
, Global Head of Genomics Alliances, NVIDIA
, Product Manager, NVIDIA
, Senior Scientist - Genomics, HPC and AI, NVIDIA
, Genomics Product Lead, NVIDIA
, Holoscan Product Management Lead, NVIDIA
, Senior Alliance Manager, NVIDIA
, Senior Manager for Healthcare AI Products, NVIDIA
, Director of Product for Healthcare AI, NVIDIA
, Global Marketing Manager, NVIDIA
, Senior Technical Product Manager - Medical Devices, NVIDIA
Healthcare and life sciences demand accelerated and optimized workflows for genomics, radiology, pathology, medical devices, and in silico drug discovery. With NVIDIA, data scientists, bioinformaticians, and developers can harness the power of artificial intelligence and high performance computing to provide better care for patients 

March 2024
, Research Engineer/Co-Founder, Sorbonne Université/Qubit-Pharmaceuticals
It's a long and costly process with a low success rate, but it can be drastically accelerated and the associated cost mitigated by ‘in silico’ molecular simulations, provided that these are accurate and fast enough.

March 2024
, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, RECEPTOR.AI
We'll explain how the workflow brings together a spectrum of in-silico drug discovery methods: protein structure prediction, binding pocket identification, molecule generation, virtual screening, and ML-powered molecular docking.

, T-Mobile
, Hugging Face
, RingCentral
Conversational AI is opening new opportunities in every industry with applications like real-time transcription, virtual assistants, and chatbots. Hear from industry leaders about how deploying speech and language technologies enhanced their businesses, and challenges, tips, and emerging trends for conversational AI in