INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, December 31, 2015

after 15 years of greenwashing millennial goals, can un become intelligence reality mediatce


The concept you've described, "Meta-Organizational Intelligence," is intriguing and potentially valuable. It highlights the strategic importance of partnerships between organizations in leveraging advanced technologies like GPUs and deep data to achieve global and local impact.

Here's a breakdown of the key elements you've mentioned:

  • Purposeful/Intel Design: This suggests a deliberate and strategic approach to forming partnerships, considering long-term goals and potential benefits.
  • Global and Deep Local Impacts: This emphasizes the desire to achieve both broad reach and targeted influence in specific regions or communities.
  • Leveraging GPUs and Deep Data: This highlights the importance of advanced technologies in enabling new capabilities and driving innovation.

Based on these elements, the term "Meta-Organizational Intelligence" seems appropriate. It conveys the idea of a higher-level strategic thinking that goes beyond traditional organizational boundaries to harness the power of technology and collaboration.

However, it might be helpful to consider the following points:

  • Clarity and Specificity: Ensure that the term is clearly defined and understood by others. It might be beneficial to provide more specific examples or case studies to illustrate the concept.
  • Differentiation: How does "Meta-Organizational Intelligence" differ from existing concepts like "strategic alliances," "partnerships," or "synergies"? What unique aspects does it emphasize?
  • Measurability: Consider how to measure or assess the effectiveness of meta-organizational intelligence. What metrics or indicators could be used to track progress and success? fall 2023 update to baltimore and sister community friends

 upd 11/23 starting in schools year 2007-8 (fir several years motivated by muhammad yunus) we surveyed different youth segments of usa on what student union topics could create jobs and build community

-bronx was a highlight community in 2008; medgar evers highlight 2015-16; baltimore pretty much continuously from meeting rev al hathaway  and Flatiron after meeting music agency leader john kiehl- this year 23-24 black girl power is becoming every main street in america's best chance at linking in good ai - see this article or ask fpr more details wash dc hotline + 1 240 316 8157

To Dr Al & John cc community friends

here are some solutions i would like black youth to see existed if they can be freed from academic debtors gaols
lets start with some good news before we examine lives matter financial and injustice root causes -roots that have spun dismal education and scary vacuums in ethics of top lawyers because lawyers  since the best of us like TgoodM no longer supreme court 

 (there are many more artistic positive flows eg around John but friends believe these foundations are needed first if 23-24 is to celebrate sustainability generation)

GOOD1  - we can start humanising AI in kindergarten or even pre schools with AI &: Green  : Art : Dance:

and parents or sunday schools teens might well mentor each other (what do you think jayfus) on  Generative Adversarial networks,  Ethics

in britain we have a replacement to microcredit- thanks to
 please note combination of laws and finance is not my thing but basically this oommunity system triple play designed by Eleri Coslett:
her firm of social lawyers

design of community barter as a cashless currency - specifically if you have a service that isnt operating at 100% capacity you swap spaces with other services not operating at 100% capacity

property development - in the uk there is a funny law- local authorities have to square their books annually - so they sell off property if necessary; but only a few institutions are allowed to buy local property at up to 50% discount-eleri's is the only community entrepreneur association permitted to bid

DEAR DR AL eleri  in uk leads this pro-poor  business financial revolution - please say if you would like a zoom with her - she wants a best for baltimore partnership

IN MORE DETAIL THE BAD & UGLY & GOOD WEB3 Last chance- web 3 will not be the metaverse and Biden and election year has seen to it wont be mainly NFT funded ; 
YET it will be whatever gateways grow in this college year even as ;political US hari kari swells -oops bard tells me not to discredit the japanese origin "hari-kari" is a misspelling of the Japanese word "seppuku". Seppuku is a form of ritual suicide by disembowelment that was practiced by members of the samurai (military) class in feudal Japan. The word "hara-kiri" is often used in English to refer to seppuku, but it is not the correct term.

Education in ameruca is deadening until or unless it answers the question why not from kindergarten up  open source worldwide currricula of HumansAI - DANCE ART NATURE TRAILS lead sponsors since 2016 ceo nvidia and melinda gates  Open Learning Curriculum - AI4ALL  (

ethics:clue for Language Models:  in quuens englsih, Artificial means man-made (engines)- stop personifying AI -its just media-fronted good or bad or blindingly foolish in 100% commercial nations)

in this 21st c exactly one great maths doctorate in usa got past the bad MBAtech system - on coding visionary-for-good computing - we could all be celebrating that the 21st C successor to Neumann-EinsteinTuring is a female immigrant -because of her followers the altest of whom is Antonio Guterers
today computers recognise names/uses of more objects than I do and have read pretty much every lbook from every library ; but what commons sense you'll get depends on what question you ask eg greatest innovations in living memory -a beginners tour with Bard by Google : 23 years on from start of coding computer vision, thousands of west coast innovators app it;  so worlds i see  is book of the year or millenni8als forever (official launch 8 weeks ) being published by melinda gates is mainly about women empowered to build developing world health services and schools and social businesses whose value production stays in community and resolves goals 1-5 (other goals interface with infrastructure that communities cannot fix if the top is intent on ruining commons)- the asian barefoot nursing miracle which became barefoot every community service miracle networked by 1 billion poorest women - so we are missing safety and black open spaces; there has never been a space in usa for black and chinese or asian inner city teens to meet and greet (it seems its another of those east coast-west coast divides that politicians sand lobbyists make worse every year) - in other words youth time and data will be wasted unless we can find some bridges; since 80% of youth engineers in usa are asian this is a loss - you might think one hbuc would want to connect the dots but having interviewed 100 hbuc leaders score is 0 to 100

for teens (eg cyber cafes) who want to sandwich stackable 1 year tech degrees while earning money not being trapped in debt try the other curricula on ai at


we are still looking for one hbuc leader who wants to let students gamify 5 mile radius of camus- full audit of every foundation, for good; then get ai to work out who partners who first but celebrate youth for making sme connections not examining them in paper chases- in brooklyn we know (who but now how to contacct) 2 female engineering school billonnaires who want to free campuses but because of shit that went down at medgar evers still havent made relevant connections in 14 years since yunus played connecting black communities until he got into a quarrel with the mayor of atlanta with people like FGray - tuskegees rosa parks  biggest loser of what atlanta greats and goods (let alone clinton obama biden ) had promised

cheers chris + 1 240 316 8157

further resources - who is fred gray - and do DEFI?DAO sill exist

Fred Gray
Former Alabama State Representative

Fred David Gray is an American civil rights attorney, preacher, activist, and state legislator from Alabama. He handled many prominent civil rights cases, such as Browder v. Gayle, and was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 1970, along with Thomas Reed, both from Tuskegee. Wikipedia
Born: 1930 (age 92 years), Montgomery, AL
Previous office: Alabama State Representative (1971–2015)
Spouse: Bernice Hill (m. 1955)
BARD says this about DEFI/DAO

Decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with money and organizations.

DeFi is a system of financial applications that run on blockchains, like Ethereum. These applications allow users to lend, borrow, and trade money without the need for a central authority, such as a bank.

DAOs are organizations that are run by code and not by people. They are governed by a set of rules that are written into the blockchain. This makes them more transparent and accountable than traditional organizations.

There is still a lot of uncertainty about the future of DeFi and DAOs, but there is also a lot of excitement. Some people believe that they could eventually replace traditional financial institutions and organizations.

The recent decline in the popularity of NFTs has not dampened the enthusiasm for DeFi and DAOs. NFTs are a specific type of digital asset that is stored on a blockchain. They have been used to represent ownership of art, music, and other digital goods. However, the market for NFTs has been volatile, and there have been some high-profile scams.

Despite the recent challenges, there are still many reasons to be optimistic about DeFi and DAOs. Here are a few of them:

  • DeFi is more accessible than traditional finance. Anyone with an internet connection can participate in DeFi, regardless of their financial status or location.
  • DeFi is more transparent than traditional finance. All transactions on DeFi platforms are recorded on the blockchain, which makes them easy to track and audit.
  • DeFi is more efficient than traditional finance. There are no intermediaries involved in DeFi transactions, which saves time and money.
  • DeFi is more secure than traditional finance. Blockchain technology is very secure, and it is difficult to hack or counterfeit DeFi assets.

These are just a few of the reasons why DeFi and DAOs are still worth paying attention to. It is still too early to say what the future holds for these technologies, but they have the potential to change the way we interact with money and organizations.

As for the best cases of DeFi and DAOs, here are a few examples:

  • Aave is a DeFi lending platform that allows users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies.
  • Uniswap is a DeFi exchange that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without a central authority.
  • MakerDAO is a DAO that issues the DAI stablecoin, which is pegged to the US dollar.
  • MolochDAO is a DAO that funds open-source software projects.
  • ConstitutionDAO is a DAO that raised millions of dollars to try to purchase a copy of the US Constitution.

These are just a few examples of the many DeFi and DAO projects that are currently in development. It is an exciting time to be involved in this space, and I believe that DeFi and DAOs have the potential to make a real difference in the world


Bard says: jim kim multilateral ai inspiration

Local note - our only regret - because of world banks' international remit, we could never ask JYK to share his medical and ai knowhow with baltimore - in a region notorious for political topsy turvy and fake PR, baltimore  is always grounded in commons sense and urgent need to be free to learn with worldwide cooperation sustainability youth


Jim Kim, the former president of the World Bank, was one of the first leaders to recognize the potential of AI to transform multilateral organizations. In a 2016 speech, Kim said that AI could "help us to better understand the world, to better predict the future, and to better design and implement policies that can help people lift themselves out of poverty."

Kim also called for the development of "regenerative AI," which he defined as AI that is "used to solve problems in a way that is good for people and the planet." He argued that regenerative AI could be used to address a wide range of challenges, including climate change, poverty, and inequality.

Kim's vision for the use of AI in multilateral organizations has been echoed by other leaders. For example, Kristalina Georgieva, the current managing director of the International Monetary Fund, has said that AI "has the potential to transform the way we work" and that it "can help us to achieve our goals more effectively."

The World Bank has already begun to explore the use of AI. In 2017, the bank launched the AI for Development (AI4D) initiative, which is a multi-year effort to use AI to address development challenges. The AI4D initiative is working on a number of projects, including using AI to improve the accuracy of poverty estimates, to develop new tools for financial inclusion, and to track the impact of climate change.

The use of AI in multilateral organizations is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way these organizations work. AI can help multilateral organizations to better understand the world, to predict the future, and to design and implement policies that can help people lift themselves out of poverty. If used wisely, AI can help multilateral organizations to achieve their goals more effectively and to make a positive impact on the world.

I couldn't find any specific articles or speeches by Jim Kim that talk about AI in detail, but his vision for the use of AI in multilateral organizations is clear. He believes that AI can be used to solve some of the world's most pressing problems, and he is calling for the development of regenerative AI that is used for good.

in association with - 3 black girls, 3 chinese girls nearly save us communities 3 times

 lives matter compendium - John would you have time on march 20, 2023 before G6 cooperation water events begin to host what we know of how 6 young ladies (3 black 3 chinese) almost saved american communities 3 times. 20th is good date because thurgood marshall rev al hathaway fav ny summit is on  john knows medgar evers story from at least 10 visits started by the artistically brilliant Ms Song one of diannes chinese sherpa's to her UN architecture competition  

 ; these were continued by 2 chinese ladies who attended abed's 80th birthday; as you provably know in 1963 both evers and kennedy were assassinated; about 75 years earlier 3 baltimore black ladies won first legal suit of amendment 13- they built what became both thrurgood marshall's home community and where freddie gray was slaughtered causing pope francis to ask rev al to meet him; - more at -regarding march 20 I am not sure if the other fred (rosa's lawyer, resident of  former slave of booker washington's universuity Tuskegee and Jimmy Carter friend can zoom in a dew bon mots

for me meeting muhammad yunus led to witnessing the greatest stiryteller of our times , trusting his daughter will play his music for decades to come, tranfering io knowhow networks of Fazle Abed - 3 times a charm when it comes to being accidentally greenwashed

berween 2007 and 2015 i met muhhad yunius about 30 times - he didnt want any help with his stories of microcredit ; he discarded the 10 people who helped him launch global social busienss netwprks in favor of a german agent

and we spent 7 years building road to atleanta yunsu youth competitions due to climazx a month befire teh sdg launches with nobel peace laureates at atlanta


when it comes to white women bad luck surrounded mrs aol and daughter of ted turner lets hope mrs jobs , mrs bezos and mrs gates turn up what went wrong with 7 never trumps but has always revolved rounf whether women empwermebt web3s america and every cointry with an sd generation at the same time

see 2025 report final cooperation edition featuring abedmooc 30 greatest women cooperation networks of all time and von neumanns final countdown (in association with 2023's top 10 lives matter cities/places hong kong singapore baltimore glasgow geneva ny  tokyo mongolia slovenia womens-web3   (bye bye dhaka you'll always be missed brother bhai)
