About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 :X:www.yunuscentre.org There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. https://www.journalofsocialbusiness.com/editorial-board.html https://www.youtube.com/@microeconomist/videos www.normanmacrae.net www.economistdiary.com Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann www.2025report.com www.unsummitfuture.com

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of UNsummitfuture.com ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, December 31, 2015


 Announced this year the UN's 17 SDGs presdent problems:

Name why were't the called collaboration develoment goals as coolaboration is the action millennials need elders to invest in if they are to have any chnace of renewing plamet

Meaidatinf cominations of 17 goals is not actiobaly possible; i spent more than a decade of my life working on million of hours of interveiws with humans; their behaviors in any context are not driven by reemebereing and choosing combinations of 17 things

Mathematically we need a notation for SDGS - ii suggest you choolse letter that you remember goal by and a number - some are likely to be easy eg H3 - as dg 3 = Health. I like to play scarbble with letters so usually i remember goal 5 with S5 for She-too not w woman that reminds me of 16 trips to bangladesh where women who built the nation focused on the 5 primary goals S5H3E4 F2F1 (edu is goal 4 food is goal 2 finance poorest sdg-entrepreneurship goal 1)

I dont agree with calling 17 a goal - its your overall system - so i remember it as L17  (LeadAIgood) - 

so the first 25 years of the human development miracle of asia village empowerment ending poverty mapped SHELFF - these wre grassroots networks between vilage mothers and children in places with no electricity grids. I was privileged to go to bangladesh 16 times to map the last 10 years of 1billiongirls solutions coordinated over 50 years by Fazle Abed. If you understand the deep data manually of SHELFF 1970-late 1990s you can then integrate partnership which broufght solar and mobile to vilage women www.abedmooc.com

Mapping L17eadaigood.com could look a bit like this ; but make your own consistent neurolinguistic program and the llms will soon be aroung to translate what combos your intelligence knows how to action, and what cooperations you may need to AILeadgood (Architect Imtel) games are for you

Anyhow once you have decided on your own 17 codes of the sdgs , what was more important was not just having 17 gaosl to chat about but the transformational system gov2.0 that world bank jim=kim and guterress  have been designing so they can map servnat leader gov2.0 with making the most of 8 billion peoples time and data

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