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Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Designing a Roadmap to

The Future We Want, The UN We Need

Dear colleague:

Join us in less than two hours for the first day of the UN75 Global Governance Forum. In this update, you will find today’s agenda and Livestream & Zoom links to join your preferred sessions and your favorite speakers. Do not miss the chance to engage in this global conversation!
Opening Plenary – 9:00am - 10:30am (New York)
Welcome Remarks
Maryam Nemazee, Al Jazeera Newshour Anchor, Opening Plenary Moderator

Opening Comments
“Where We’ve Been, What We Hope to Accomplish” by Maureen Connolly, Forum Director

Statement of Appreciation
Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the General Assembly, UNGA 74 and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations

Brief Presentation
Cristina Petcu, Research Associate, The Stimson Center
Roadmap for the Future We Want & UN We Need: A Vision 20/20 for UN75 & Beyond

Opening Panel
"The Future We Want, The United Nations We Need"
  • Ban Ki-Moon, Eighth UN Secretary-General, Deputy Chair of The Elders, and President & Chair, Global Green Growth Institute
  • Aya Chebbi, African Union Envoy on Youth
  • Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the General Assembly (UNGA 74th Session) and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations
  • Gro Harlem Brundtland, Co-Chair, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, Member of The Elders, and former Director-General of the World Health Organization and Prime Minister of Norway
Q&A with Global Audience
Led by Maryam Nemazee
Concurrent Sessions – 10:30am - 12:00pm (New York)
Post-COVID Recovery and the Future of Global Economic and Social Governance
  • Laura Chinchilla, Vice-President of the Club de Madrid and former President of Costa Rica
  • Jose Antonio Ocampo, Former UN Undersecretary-General for Economic & Social Affairs
  • Maria João Rodrigues, President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Member of the European Parliament, and former Portuguese Minister of Employment
  • Michael Møller, 12th Director-General of the United Nations in Geneva and Kofi Annan Foundation Board Member
Moderator: Augusto Lopez-Claros, Chair of the Global Governance Forum and former senior IMF & World Bank official
Rethinking the World’s System of Collective Security 75 Years After San Francisco
  • Juan Manuel Santos, Nobel Peace Laureate and former President of Colombia
  • Danilo Türk, Former President of Slovenia, President of Club de Madrid
  • Adela Raz, Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations
  • Lise Howard, Professor of International Relations, Georgetown University, and Chair, Academic Council on the UN System
  • Gizem Kilinç, Leading Coordinator, United Network of Young Peacebuilders
Moderator: Rachel Bronson, President & CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Reimagining the Global Human Rights and Humanitarian Architecture
  • Hina Jilani, President of the World Organization Against Torture and Member of The Elders
  • Olof Skoog, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations
  • Cindy Huang, Vice-President of Strategic Outreach, Refugees International
  • Michael Yiqiang Liu, Founder and Executive-Director, Chinese Initiative on International Law
Moderator: Natalie Samarasinghe, Chief of Strategy in the Office of the Special Adviser on the Preparations for the Commemoration of the United Nations’ 75th Anniversary
Climate Governance: The Paris Agreement and Beyond
  • Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland, Chair of The Elders
  • Wanjira Mathai, Vice President and Regional Director for Africa of the World Resources Institute
  • Lloyd Axworthy, former Foreign Minister of Canada and Chair, World Refugee Council
  • Adriana Abdenur, Co-Founder of CIPO and Member of the UN’s Committee on Development Policy
  • Arunabha Ghosh, Founder and CEO, Council on Energy, Environment and Water
Moderator: Magnus Jiborn, Senior Researcher at Global Challenges Foundation and Maja Groff, Convener, Climate Governance Commission and Visiting Professor at Leiden University
Concurrent Dialogues – 12:00pm - 1:30pm (New York)
A Global Civic Ethic, Countering Rising Nationalism, and The Future of Global Governance
  • Lysa John, Secretary-General of CIVICUS
  • Lolwah Al-Khater, Executive-Director of the Doha Forum
  • Saphira Rameshfar, Representative, United Nations New York, Baha’i International Community
  • Thomas Weiss, Presidential Professor, City University of New York Graduate Center, former President of the International Studies Association, and former Chair and Executive-Director of the Academic Council on the UN System
Moderator: Richard Ponzio, Director and Senior Fellow, Just Security 2020 Program, The Stimson Center
The Future of Philanthropy in Global Governance
  • Jens Orback, Executive Director, The Global Challenges Foundation
  • Marcel Arsenault, Founder, One Earth Future Foundation
  • Sandra Breka, Member of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch Stiftung
  • James Goldston, Executive Director, Open Society Justice Initiative, Open Society Foundations
Moderator: Maria Kisumbi, Senior Adviser, Policy & Government Relations, Humanity United and former Coordinator of Law and Advocacy for Women in Uganda
Technology, Financing and Global Governance Partnerships for Good Global Citizenship
  • Paul Monaghan, CEO Fair Tax Mark
  • Yu Ping Chan, Senior Programme Officer/Team Leader, Digital Cooperation, United Nations
    Ambassador Henri Verdier, French Ambassador for Digital Affairs
  • Jack Dangermond, Founder and President, ESRI
  • Rajiv Joshi, Founder of Bridging Ventures and Executive-in-Residence at Oxford Saïd Business School
  • Ursula Wynhoven, United Nations Representative, International Telecommunications Union 
  • Henri Verdier, French Ambassador for Digital Affairs
Moderator: Sue Allchurch, Chief, Outreach & Engagement, the United Nations Global Compact

 whats been happening at the un's 75th birthday

the door is being left open for 2021 being the year of great coalitions not decoupling

movements by the peoples have been leaving the door open to america to join in colalitions not decoupling of

green - see americas pledge/ and bloomberg media

the peoples money see guterres digital finance- ten different cases around the world reconnecting earlier digital cooperation report

the peoples ai see itu

transforimmg education - see qatar wise invitation to the world

will health and livesmatter movements turn washington dc from the capital of hatred to the capital of loveach movemement needs its doary

green to cop26 glasgow?

what role will wefoum play- will it be as smart virtually as bloomberg

can the new found edutech interest od euae and isreal adance the world - will the post poned 2020 forum come to life- will jhapans new pm take the olympics by the scruff of its neck and redesign value chains of sports around youthd needs not old amdinstrators ills