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Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

knowhow on sustainability goals

begiining at the economist or earlier
goal 1 1972 survey here- we knew we had to leap beyong paper money printed by bipolar mass mediated parties- digial cash would offere a preferential option for community rising banking especially if designed so that poorest women served such basic securities
as goal 2 food
goal 3 health
goal4 livelihood learning
we also knew that zero-sum rating games of world biggest organisations are harmful to every dynamic of knowhow economies where value multiplies in used instead of getting conumed up

we also knew nothing was more unfair than asking peoples to save more but only in a currency subject to hyper-devaluation- rich people are alowed to access worlwuide investments eg in 100 times more decadfe per decade but most of the worlds nations are trapped in their curency and every diital divide that accelerates

goal 2 we knew from 1977 if not earlier that rural keynesianism included asian access to rice science adapted by alumni of borlaug- we also knew that americas senate in the 14 years since kennedy assasination had lost all optimism americans had been loved for during first 63 years of 20th c- this terribke mass media mistake would need rectifying as much for the futures of the peoples of america as the children of any place in the soon to be globalising

as this chart shows some asian countries were 100 times behing others in rice productivity solely due to lack on knowhow- unlike other crops rice barely responds at all to fertilisers, and has litle economics of scale advantages- it is the perfect crop for village food secutity with a little wrinle- its grat in starch but lacking in veggies- so infants particularly during their first 1000 days need veggies eg carrotts- in the 1970s bangladesh disovered the only change needed to value chains so that vilage woen could be veggie secure was distributing real seeds- at that time many villagers were being sold dud seeds with less than 10% capable of growth; every asian village without access to electricity grids and in humid cliates typically below lat 30 needs to replicate the same life critical know first- fortunately for the worlds poorest new bation of 1971 bangladesh and chinese villagers needs were the same not just on veggies but also on rural rehydration - up to a quater of all infants in both countries humid regions were dyong if ther moters did not know how to do oral rehydration- this was the greatest rural leap ever sponsired by unicef, empowered by illiterate village women starting out of bangladesh and moving through china- within a decade brac had identified how a vilage woman could make a living from serving knowhow on the 10 most basic cures, organising women around sanitation eg pit latrines, being the peer to peer network coordinator when innovations like polio vaccines or quaratning of viruses like tubercuoosis needed bottom up presence

we knew from 1976 survey if not earlier that sustainability would not6 depend on western constitutions legislate for the 3 biggest org forms corporate gov charity- it would need new forms of coalitions valuing community-sized enterprises as integral to value chains and as anchor partners for tech wizards abd big data local platdforms

we knew from 1984 - see economist survey that goal 4  health metrics woul provide a litmus test as to whethre globalisation was being desigbed for everyone or just big brothers getbgger

1984 we als prepped here expoential timelines for all sdgs through the 5 most exciting decades to be alive moores law 1g 1980s through 5g 2020s which moores alumni had promised to multiply 100 times more tech every decade- we explaqnied our core hypothesis that without a sea change in education- the human race would fail natures final exam- nature also demanded tearing up male macreconomic models wherever these made frontine work of women in family, community building and health serving less valued than whateve men were strongest or histoically bossiest at

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

zoom beijing and hundreds of cities startups

eg early tomorrow us time - shanghai startup grind
Webinar: Dare to Collaborate: Expediting Performance Materials Growth with Fusion Innovation

Startup Grind - ShanghaiView in browser
Join us in our next upcoming event happening tomorrow!
Webinar: Dare to Collaborate: Expediting Performance Materials Growth with Fusion Innovation

Date & time
Thu, May 7, 1:00 PM (CST)

About this event

Dare to Collaborate:Expediting Performance Materials Growth with Fusion Innovation
Do not miss this webinar on Thursday, May 7th with Selina Qu, Associate Director of Strategy Development & Realization at Merck China Performance Materials, Steven Zhang, Partner at DUNYU Co., Ltd,Dr. Ning Qiao, CEO and co-founder at SynSense,and Mira Zhang, Senior Manager at Merck Innovation Hub China.
We will discuss how to collaborate and expedite performance materials growth with fusion innovation.

Time 时间
5/7, Thursday, 1:00-2:00 PM

About the Speaker
Selina Qu, Associate Director of Strategy Development & Realization, Merck China Performance Materials. She's in charge of the long-term strategic planning and key projects development and realization in Merck China Performance Materials. Before that, she was in charge of the implementation of build up innovation pipeline in China. She holds an MBA degree from Manchester Business School and a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from East China University of Science and Technology.

Steven Zhang holds a Master Degree in Automation and Engineering School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China. He is also an alumnus of CEIBS and ANTAI Business School. He has served as the Chief Architect in Intel Corporation in the fields of wireless, NB-IOT stack, graphic acceleration, and artificial intelligence where he generated a good number of U.S. patents. As one of previous Intel think tank, Steven was responsible for multiple smart edge devices’ design & architect in the collaboration project with Microsoft and Google. Now he joined DUNYU Co., Ltd. and led the team to actively perform in the field of image processing through edge rendering turing and artificial intelligence for digital twins.
张卿 持有上海交通大学硕士学位,中欧和安泰管理学院的校友。曾担任英特尔首席架构师,负责无线与物联网,图像加速和人工智能相关的多款产品与项目。英特尔智库成员之一,直接参与微软、谷歌等合作及多项全球业务的智能终端设计,并取得了卓越业绩。现作为盾钰合伙人之一,致力于以边缘图灵与人工智能为基础的数字孪生。
Ning Qiao,CEO and co-founder at SynSense.Ning Qiao received the Ph.D. degree in microelectronics from the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, in 2012, with a focus on ultra-low-power low-noise mixed-signal circuits in SOI process. He joined the Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zürich, Switzerland, as a PostDoctoral Researcher, in 2012, where he is involved in leading mixed-signal multi-core neuromorphic VLSI circuits and systems. He is co-founder and CEO of SynSense Technology Co., Ltd. and assistant professor at the Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH& ETHZ, leading ultra-low power neuromorphic VLSI development and transferring mature neuromorphic computing technology to market for real tasks.
乔宁,SynSense创始人及CEO。于2012年7月获得中国科学院半导体研究所博士学位,并于2012年10月加入苏黎世大学及苏黎世联邦理 工神经信息研究所,带领课题组从事超大规模神经形态处理器的开发与研究。研究方向主要包括应用与神经形态处理器的:超低功耗,亚阈值数模混合电路,多核并行运算架构,异步运算电路及通讯系统的开发与研究,并在类脑芯片领域发表SCI收录的国际顶级期刊会议发表文章数十篇。他于2017年底作为助理教授任职于苏黎世联邦理工神经信息研究所,带领科研团队从事神经形态处理器理前沿技术研究。基于多年科研成果,于2017年2月在瑞士苏黎世带领初创团队成立专注设计开发神经形态处理器及应用的人工智能芯片公司 SynSense,并作为CEO任职于该公司,带领团队进一步将成熟技术转化为市场应用。
Mira Zhang is the senior manager at Merck Innovation Hub China. She is managing the accelerator and ideation programs in China. Mira had rich experience in startup-corporate collaboration and project management. Prior to joining the Merck Innovation Hub, Mira worked in Merck China healthcare business since 2013. She worked in the executive office and strategy realization office of Biopharma China and APAC, Mira has also an intrapreneurial experience with Merck APAC goes digital initiative in 2016. Mira got her bachelor degree from University of Hull, UK, master degree from Tsinghua University and Executive MBA from INSEAD.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

i dont use the web separately from 10 other things like zoom and google tours -which indian city are you writing from - my maternal grandad spent 25 years with gandhi in mumbai- his family were mainly nurses and pharmacists- kemps corner in mumbai is named after the family-its a small highly connected world

and i dont want large audiences - i want to linkin the most trusted ones

i dont have funds -if you have a change the world purpose out of india what i it- i zoom with many other purposeful indians or i use whatapp +1 240 316 8157

i a just a diaspora scot

i live near usa national institure of health near washington dc- i am not medically expert but i am a data guy- i got my ma in stats from cambridge over40 years ago- i have mainly done data projects on asian societies starting with work for unilever on empowering female communities indonesia 1983- all the data trump is using is wrong- apologies for the mess that causes everywhere just when young people had so many sustainability challenges to share

peter i spent a lot of my last 14 years aiming to understand the difference between yunus and fazle abed. the nuances go very deep - one example is abed wanted to be trusted by hi-trust partners for ever- evidence is brac in the midst of the world's largest ngo partnership. abed wanted his knowledge open sourced through universities- ones that positioned themselves as knowing practical things future public servants would want to be trained in. one of the most interesting dynamics happened between 1999-2005. jim kim pitched to george soros and soros saw kim and farmers passion for last mile health mattered. he asked jim kim to review who else both cared and had solutions. kim surprised himself in finding abed. b2 2005 kim farmer abed and both gates had found each others knowhow vital. almost none of the people who led microcredit summit understood this as they blindly advocated yunus for all the prizes us president, congress, nobel. i have an indian friend whose client is the founding family of tata and whose wife got burned by yunus. she wanted to do good with microcredit but was working with the network that went astray by ipo. although consulting to tata is their main thing they chose to start their family in other indian contact is shelly batra. jim kim held one tedx at world bank batra was the only person who accompanied him in telling her story about health-  others talked about direct cash transfer or being ghanas number 1 pop star for responsibility. those are the people i am zooming with today. but the big question i am trying to ask is 90 year old soros has also decided his legacy is a world of sdg universities partnering each other. that could have been simple before the virus. anyhow soros has chosen brac but he hasnt chosen any group in india yet- he hasnt really chosen anywhere in britain yet at university level though he has several british economists he has networked with. i think of all these things an easy starting point would be if you are happy to whatsapp with my indian friend unni. one more cherry on the cake- in november the university soros founded central european had to move from budapest to vienna! vienna is very hot on sdgs- former president of austria asked banki moon to locate there. vienna is city of music- and soros main us friend is a philiharmonic orcestra leader who also has been vice chancellor of a university over 40 years which  is about 45 minutes drive from soros home in new york state. i hope these people connections make sense you probably know that of 21st c pieces of brac the most valuable is whose main partners today are gates and jack ma but whose coding strategy is sourced out of mit - the space i always hoped microloan foundation would maintain partners and today at the ai epicentre of schwarzmans partnerships between beijing mit and oxford. if relevant to chat to also on whatapp i know who fazle appointed to head the university and i know in bethesda my neighborhood the main american professor tutoring global youth on friendships across asia as part of schwarzmans global faculty of student mentors. in this year when the virus has become the final exam of all who could have empowered youth to unite sdgs. the connections above seem to matter and linking in eg london ang scotland to them is urgent the way i parse what trust is left in this world

Monday, May 4, 2020

Embassy of Japan in the United States of America Official Newsletter
you may be interested in this zoom on wednesday but i see its late for those on india time

i dont have any inside track to leaders of but they seem to be scaling unstoppably in usa - i havent understood if they have international partners though obviously khan academy does

hadi parlovi is an interesting person -and great teacher  but as i say i have no connection with him

take care chris macrae

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Sent: Monday, 4 May 2020, 12:40:04 GMT-4
Subject: Join us with Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy!

Hi there,

Last week, we welcomed Keegan-Michael Key and Vint Cerf on Code Break to discuss the Internet, protocols, and creating your own website. If you missed it, you can still watch the episode and try the activities.

In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, we’re excited to welcome the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, Sal Khan, as well as computer science educator, Flo Vaughn. Together we’ll learn about conditionals, which is how computers use logic and IF statements to make decisions.

Please show support for a teacher in your life by tweeting your appreciation with #CodeBreak, or join our episode live this week to submit a comment that may end up being read on air!

Wednesday, May 6 at 10am PT / 1pm ET


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Hadi Partovi

*You can join us on screen via smartphone or computer, just make sure that you have video capabilities in a well-lit area, and clear audio so you can chat with us! Also, we’ll only include students who join together with a parent or guardian. By participating on camera you agree to be part of the episode, respect our Code of Conduct, and give us rights to reproduce your likeness in the context of your participation in the episode.

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Friday, May 1, 2020

 now have a flash research topic i need your advice on if at all possible- we can rehearse at or i can come up to boston as soon as freedom of movement returns

how do those of us who value american/western youth friendships with china and japan help students navigate the next few virus-ridden PR months- what is advice we should be giving students particularly those currently blocked by the virus- who do you know that my friends and I can research positively on this subject

do you think as an example that privately prof nye would share views - i asked him this related question 2 weeks ago at csis

i hope my reason for valuing this meeting is clear- all my fathers work and east-west reconciliation purpose at The Economist related to this as well as prospects for human sustainability

my goal (2020's resolution) with adam smith scholars is to set up a fringe series of debates in glasgow nov 2020 alongside cop26 - this is likely to be the best time to reappraise every international mess in which youth have become the victim- do you know if there is one japanese diplomat anywhere who remembers my fathers work and who might set up a parallel debate as fringe eg to youth influencers at the olympics

I am pretty sure there is a way through soros networks if we can mediate the opposite views out of brac college , vienna and brac bangladesh- at the end of the day half people live on asian continent - and policies that exclude them now whether out of brussels or dc will spin our species to extinction- is there anyone who does exponential prospect risk theory out of bostpn

yours aye chris macrae +1 240 316 8157
ps if there is a more polite way to express this issue please forgive my inability as a diaspora scot to speak american english; the only time i gave a seminar at harvard it did not go well- in 1999 having special edited a triple issue of journal of marketing management on every mistake mass media made in 20th century i was told by the marketing faculty that while i might be correct america would never fund such research

he Office of the Korea Chair at CSIS
invites you to a special event:

Online Event:
Korea Update

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (EST)
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM (KST)

moderated by

Mark Lippert

Senior Advisor (Non-resident), CSIS Korea Chair
Vice President, Boeing International
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea


Marc Knapper

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Korea and Japan,
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs,
U.S. Department of State

Victor Cha

Senior Adviser and Korea Chair, CSIS
Vice Dean for Faculty and Graduate Affairs and
D.S.-Song - KF Professor of Government, Georgetown University
Former National Security Council

Sue Mi Terry

Senior Fellow, CSIS Korea Chair
Former Senior Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
Former National Security Council

This event will be livestreamed on the event page
and made available on-demand.

a zoom is absolutely what we need - particularly the way you shelly host it where all the features are open

i am always happy to optimistically say what i love best about someone's purpose and be corrected if i got some of the fine details wrong i have chatted to 3 of the 4 people whose replicable knowhow i admire for doing community health and mitigating infections in poorest villages up

paul farmer who i met at central euro university the year 2013  it was celebrating fazle abed

fazle abed 5 times on 15 visits to bangladesh including a 4 hour dinner roundtable japan embassy hosted in remembrance of dad and where sir fazle moderated debate on future of sdg and girls university

shelly once over lunch in dc after she had been one of 8 people the jim kim world bank did a tedx with
shelly and her daughter both now in delhi do extraordinary community based work originally to try to end tuberculosis but also on childrens first 1000 days to mitigate stunting- they will know before any official media if the virus is destroying costs of basic foods in indian villages

BUT SOROS global board in new york are people like maloch brown well meaning - he drafted the millennial goals but not people who have lived in villages developing/scaling/educating peer to peer solutions

- i can find no indication that soros yet has a main education partner in india- a huge opportunity or threat depending on who is chosen for your 1/5 of world pop- in fact once you go east of east europe - feel that soros main advisers dont really know the half of the worlds population who share the continent's south and east let alone japan or asean-look at the global board maybe i am missing something - top rank economist kaletsky looks like a lone voice for the oriental majority of the world's economy and far more than that in population terms

i met unni and anna in vienna where i understand (please correct me) unni is trusted by founders of indian organisation like Tata to clarify their sdg purpose/perpetuity/exponential audit and anna previously worked for one on the big indian microcredits which in my opinion was falsely advised by yunus, went to ipo and did not understand fazle abed- its pretty simple if you look at history of bangladesh from its birth in 1971- 12 years before yunus was granted grameen bank ordinance, brac's abed started multiplying lesson of oral rehydration to every village mother, and  para health and nutrition village mothers businesses and once there were 50000 of these very small but positive income models they needed their own banking value chain - brac was always about livelihood education franchises first, from which banking value chain for poorest emerged- brac takes responsibility to design entire value chains

soros own university central europe which he started 1991 moved to vienna last year- i think anna advises part of the gov on that- also moved to vienna is ban ki-moon who has with former president of austria started up a local to global youth citizenry curriculum and with other partners a global climate risk consultancy- moon had also be invited by jack ma to be in the ethical middle of the olympics he had become main sponsor for

so which edu system in india will join osun first- it seems to me you all can search out best choice and somehow we need to get that recommendation made to one of the 12 people on soros global board- while i know the 13 th person vincent chang who sir fazle charged with his university legacy the finances of the university and possibility bracs banking have stopped during the virus and the meet in vincent was hoping to present to soros top people scheduled for april has been serially postponed as has glasgows cop26 which we were building teams to linkin as probably has 75th birthday of un ny sept

Why the World Bank ex-chief is on a mission to end coronavirus transmission

if we can work out how to brainstorm on zoom i can find some people one level down from soros global board who are passionate about solutions and there must also be a way to get back to jim kim- kim left the new job he took after the world bank 2 weeks ag to make boston a lab for ending the virus

please correct me as needed but anyhow i hope you find some win-wns
chris macrae dc region whatsapp +1 240 316 8157