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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

knowhow on sustainability goals

begiining at the economist or earlier
goal 1 1972 survey here- we knew we had to leap beyong paper money printed by bipolar mass mediated parties- digial cash would offere a preferential option for community rising banking especially if designed so that poorest women served such basic securities
as goal 2 food
goal 3 health
goal4 livelihood learning
we also knew that zero-sum rating games of world biggest organisations are harmful to every dynamic of knowhow economies where value multiplies in used instead of getting conumed up

we also knew nothing was more unfair than asking peoples to save more but only in a currency subject to hyper-devaluation- rich people are alowed to access worlwuide investments eg in 100 times more decadfe per decade but most of the worlds nations are trapped in their curency and every diital divide that accelerates

goal 2 we knew from 1977 if not earlier that rural keynesianism included asian access to rice science adapted by alumni of borlaug- we also knew that americas senate in the 14 years since kennedy assasination had lost all optimism americans had been loved for during first 63 years of 20th c- this terribke mass media mistake would need rectifying as much for the futures of the peoples of america as the children of any place in the soon to be globalising

as this chart shows some asian countries were 100 times behing others in rice productivity solely due to lack on knowhow- unlike other crops rice barely responds at all to fertilisers, and has litle economics of scale advantages- it is the perfect crop for village food secutity with a little wrinle- its grat in starch but lacking in veggies- so infants particularly during their first 1000 days need veggies eg carrotts- in the 1970s bangladesh disovered the only change needed to value chains so that vilage woen could be veggie secure was distributing real seeds- at that time many villagers were being sold dud seeds with less than 10% capable of growth; every asian village without access to electricity grids and in humid cliates typically below lat 30 needs to replicate the same life critical know first- fortunately for the worlds poorest new bation of 1971 bangladesh and chinese villagers needs were the same not just on veggies but also on rural rehydration - up to a quater of all infants in both countries humid regions were dyong if ther moters did not know how to do oral rehydration- this was the greatest rural leap ever sponsired by unicef, empowered by illiterate village women starting out of bangladesh and moving through china- within a decade brac had identified how a vilage woman could make a living from serving knowhow on the 10 most basic cures, organising women around sanitation eg pit latrines, being the peer to peer network coordinator when innovations like polio vaccines or quaratning of viruses like tubercuoosis needed bottom up presence

we knew from 1976 survey if not earlier that sustainability would not6 depend on western constitutions legislate for the 3 biggest org forms corporate gov charity- it would need new forms of coalitions valuing community-sized enterprises as integral to value chains and as anchor partners for tech wizards abd big data local platdforms

we knew from 1984 - see economist survey that goal 4  health metrics woul provide a litmus test as to whethre globalisation was being desigbed for everyone or just big brothers getbgger

1984 we als prepped here expoential timelines for all sdgs through the 5 most exciting decades to be alive moores law 1g 1980s through 5g 2020s which moores alumni had promised to multiply 100 times more tech every decade- we explaqnied our core hypothesis that without a sea change in education- the human race would fail natures final exam- nature also demanded tearing up male macreconomic models wherever these made frontine work of women in family, community building and health serving less valued than whateve men were strongest or histoically bossiest at

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