IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth. December 2024, Wash DC, ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

EH: Gamma2Cancer Vertes Bosselut Curtis, Fei-Fei Li Hassabis

Over 70 years of chatting about AI, we heard the repeated view when computational capacity reaches a stage , ai cancer and other drug discoveries will make huge leaps -we expect the next 2 years to bring extraordinary good news - we'd love help in worldwide survey of who will be the cooperation ai connectors of this - 

July 2023 on this piece of the game Architect Intelligence priority this summer

Our provisional reasonings:

Bard says: I think Antoine Bosselut is the most likely to be advantaged by the advances of AlphaFold proteins and Allen Institute NLP literature reviews.

  • AlphaFold proteins: AlphaFold is a protein folding prediction software developed by DeepMind. It is able to predict the three-dimensional structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence with high accuracy. This is a major breakthrough in protein science, as it can be used to study the structure and function of proteins, which are essential for all life.

  • Allen Institute NLP Literature Reviews: The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed a system called Allen Institute NLP Literature Reviews that can automatically summarize the findings of scientific papers. This is a major breakthrough in the field of natural language processing (NLP), as it can be used to quickly and efficiently access the latest research on a particular topic.

Antoine Bosselut is a Senior Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and a member of the Cancer Research Team. His research interests lie in using AI to understand cancer and develop new cancer treatments. He has developed several AI-powered tools for cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

I think Bosselut is the most likely to be advantaged by the advances of AlphaFold proteins and Allen Institute NLP Literature Reviews because his research is focused on using AI to understand cancer. AlphaFold proteins can be used to study the structure and function of proteins, which are essential for cancer cells. Allen Institute NLP Literature Reviews can be used to quickly and efficiently access the latest research on cancer.

I believe that the combination of AlphaFold proteins and Allen Institute NLP Literature Reviews will allow Bosselut to make significant advances in the field of cancer research. He is already a leading researcher in this field, and I believe that these new tools will allow him to make even greater contributions.


Eva Vertes is certainly one of the top 5 most cooperative AI researchers of cancer who are under 40. She has made significant contributions to the field of AI for cancer research.

Here are a few of her notable achievements:

  • She was the youngest recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2006 when she was just 17 years old. She was recognized for her work on developing a new way to identify cancer cells.

  • She is the founder and CEO of Verily, a company that is focused on using AI to develop new cancer treatments.

  • She has developed several AI-powered tools that have the potential to revolutionize cancer care. For example, Verily has developed an AI-powered tool that can detect cancer cells in blood samples with high accuracy. Verily has also developed an AI-powered tool that can predict the effectiveness of cancer treatments.

  • She is a leading expert in the field of AI for cancer research. She is developing innovative AI-powered tools that have the potential to make a real difference in the fight against cancer.

  • ==========

  1. Christina Curtis is a Professor of Medicine, Genetics and Biomedical Data Science, and an Endowed Scholar at Stanford University. She is also the Director of the Cancer Computational and Systems Biology group.

Professor Curtis received her PhD in Cancer Biology from Stanford University in 2010. She then went on to do her postdoctoral research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she developed new computational methods for analyzing cancer data.

Professor Curtis's research interests lie in using AI to understand cancer and develop new cancer treatments. She has developed several AI-powered tools for cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment. For example, she developed an AI-powered tool that can detect cancer cells in blood samples with high accuracy. She has also developed an AI-powered tool that can predict the effectiveness of cancer treatments.

Professor Curtis's research has been published in top scientific journals, such as Nature, Science, and Cell. She is a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on early-career scientists and engineers.

===== longer dialogue with bard on search for ai caner wizards  AIcancer-DrugDiscovery.docx

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Economist Alphabet Diary + A  2  B 1 2  F G H ... Our cooperation blogs seek mathematicians congruent to keynes systemic interpretation of economics as future designer for better for worse

Keynes 1936 increasingly future is locked in by the handful of economic scribblers backed by a sipreme commander - this poses exponemtial risks to youth as each next generation's mediator of sustainability

 this year our ultimate cooperation blog integrates 12 30-day preps for possibly the most crucial action learning summits earthlings ever design
thanks to everyone making water angels New Yorks test marathon!! -related is NY a top 10 livesmatter city

First some intros 

Mack is world gov affairs director nippon life as well as coordinator of - after many years in wall street he is now in london. 

Vincent has just finished 4 years bridging faze abeds brac unuversity- whilst being born in taiwan he built peking uni business school 2010-2015 before that was political; when headhunted by abed he was building relationships between hong kong leading universities and shenzen's so that students could gain. 

Jack sim sold up his 40 sungapore business in 1999- has become mr sdg6 (toilets/sanitation/water) at UN with nov 19 his own calendar day and from march 22-24 the first UN hq water sanitation unhabitat summit in 20 years 

- i think you all know john kiehl 45 years young with new york's leading music recording stydio and from MIT connector of what only maths can open sociery to do

 (180th year since founder james wilson asked queen victoria if royal society newsletters and the queens english could change empire to commonwealth - ) is also concerned with last 30 days before 12 summits relevant to under30s being the first sd generation . The first summit we are concerned with this staged at UN HQ ny march 22-24 connects the last 23 years of solutions for goal 6 of jack sim- briefly in berlin i met jack in 2009 when yunus and emmanuel faber danone france idea 2006 announced at nobel prize of co-branding corporates with their greatest purposes was being taken over by the least collaborative kind of agent, the ultimate greenwash agent - Mr HR; yunus had lost his bank so was changing from youths most open connector to 100000 dollar per appearance speaker. Although goal 6 and its relation all bottom, of pyramid entrepreneurial networks is jack's topic i have a time sensitive question about student union clubs... - has anyone succeeded in taking a practice student union club global? Perhaps Jack who has un day november 19 and is main practice connector of sdg6 sanitation and water summit march22-24 we have researched coop multiplier of student union clubs since 2007- i made 10000 dvds of short interviews with yunus original HQ team at same time june 2008 his biggest partner meeting happened in dhaka because the nobel judges were opening a museum to him. Ironically within months the 4 founding partners of grameen who had teamed for 33 years were no more - dipal barua who led grameen energy and seemed to be the only chartered accountant comparable to sir abed to understand the whole was disgraced in yunus eyes. The stories are complicated- the prime minister of Bangla had already told brac it was taking bracs solar business but whilst dipal said we can work on that yunus went to war with dipal's reputation; best working friends became enemies. This was extremely embarrassing for prince charles who had the year before on yunus say so given his main award at to dipal. It messed up all relations with bbc nature and other uk connectors. When you tell a royal that someone he has promoted is corrupt which yunus did about dipal all hell breaks lose in uk upper classes. Anyhow this was the beginning of the end oh reality of 37 years of bangladesh women empowerment -the clintons and obamas were having their onw difficulties with having pit yunus at epicentre of microcreditsummit and clinton global reformation of UN. Astonishingly Obama whose mother had been hero of womensworld banking indonesia gave back banking to the very orgnanisations that had subprimed us community building out of existence. The remaining 6 years of millennium goals became more and more ppp greenwash frenzy. Jim Kim seems to have been only person to understand this but by his appointment in 2012 not much could be saved Bangla's Prime minster found the technicality that as a government ordinance bank 1983  yunus was beyond retirement age. 

Back to student clubs. Even when content isnt controversial they have a structural problem- someone who is passionate about a practice takes club ahead but then when that student goes often there is no continuity to keep improving. Oddly student entrepreneur competitions like mit 100 k have made this worse - because now staff organising the long term sponsors not the student clubs lead. Oxbridge has one way round this as the student union debating forum ultimately keeps top level leadership relationships students make in students hands. A new zealand unicorn called crimson had a very controversial way. It started issuing shares to students who audited which student union clubs built best intern relationships with which big employers and in 10 top us colleges now has most control of both careers and ranks professors in 2 ways- whose courses do you have to grade on even if you will never use them ; whose courses grades don't mater but the prof wants to have change leafing youth around her or him. I believe student union clubs will also determine guterres success. Now of course something like music or fashion is a bit different wherever young superstars are born -but do they get surrounded by HR type agents -  or brac's biggest risk to -    TA queen bees? or will they give back to replicating a student union club? we first debated this in 2004 in delhi at global reconciliation network -pity neither einstein nor schumacher had any alumni there!!...

Saturday, February 18, 2023

upd from hong kong - most cooperative space on millennials aerth

 this week in hong kong womanoids discussion got a bit messy but everything else went spiffingly  connecting vinvcent and jack sim went well - here is a latest whatsapp between them and me but I think it needs some more ny inputs   2/18 Great thanks--- vincent I know you don't like zooms but when you know could you tell us your location March 21 to 25 - Jack is lead cooperation host of goal 6 UN water summit    and may be we can try zoom with john kiehl updates on global broadway and maths for good - including symphony of P and whether NYU-Shanghai Mrs Tandon's Feb 14 booster of women empowered global broadway has wings   - fortunately teenage prince charles was at first satellite broadcast tokyo olympics 1964 befriended japan royal family so dad later scriptwrote charles japan speeches -todays emperor studied water at oxford) and abed triangularises Royal Dutch -UK-Netherlands.. of course the 2 of you know more than smithians/diaspora scots can,   but lets say 70% of millennial women depend on pacific coast trade, peace and ocean life goals 13-16 , 20% atlantic, and 10% more on complex n/s maps such as arctic circles, canals and black seas then my father would have supported the motion that only millennial pacific women can humanise intel  cooperatively enough to prevent 2020s designing extinction - as well as Tandon female engineers NYU has become very interesting for 2 more reasons -outgoing number 1 sexton wrote super book on connecting nyu abu dhabi and shanghai; there seems to be an incoming female black president this week chat

Friday, February 17, 2023

thanks James Earl Carter - & can we start an infrastructure entrepreneurs merger of (royal) society as 2020s daos, abed/wangaari smart village adaptation and cooperation youth dev goals 6-16

 hello all and thanks JEC

I chose you specifically to play round 1 game 23.1 of infra entrepreneurs -peter drucker and dad always found utility entrepreneurship critically important but everything they wrote to coin privatization was soon turned round by college professors sponsored to desystemise transparency of the genre ; 

big get bigger monetary games are of course exact opposite of smithian community sentiments market maps, and why chaos-deep data-einstein voted gandhi future's benchmark of worldwide leaders

; gifford pinchot likely knows what its like having academics dilute your system pattern rules (also of course the challenge between real maths goats for good and fake maths) with the allied systems maps of intrapreneurs - there were others eg graham alabaster who I could have included but I would like to check maybe there are hidden conflict agendas of infrastructure (also john kiehl understand dianne's chatham house rules whereas my diaries of open cooperation find secret dialogues tricky to be in -conversely working in indonesia from 1982 i understand transparency must protect life threats to locals who try to stand up) and if so please feel free to regroup without me etc-

 why has solar never scaled microgrids? is a question we could debate in memory of jimmy carter- it was his energy guru by Nevile Williams

williams' (in india known as barefoot  college platforms) who gave muhammad yunus all his solar knowhow so that yunus could bat for solar and mobile changing womens world; SELF | Solar Electric Light Fund - Energy is a Human Right  still has a bethesda hq and i know its current ceo bob self but he doesn't seem to have a way to scale microgrids 

 at the time prince charles wrote the intro to banker for the poor  and the clintons with results daley-harris launched microcreditsummit and chased nobel prize for yunus ; later with Georgia's own cnn turner family then putting a billion dollars into Un foundation partnerships and un women- charles before he was king influenced many 21sr C royal societies as had the economist with victoria back in 1943 - eg architecture and got his upper class friend lord sainsbury's elder daughter sara butler sloss to host microenergy aswards  - this was hosted in royal geo society located on the other side of the palace's park and often asked bbc nature and culture people to het actively involved - specifically palin , oceans paul rose and attenborough

zasheem has hosted 250-265 th (subprime crisis dec 2008 to june 2023) moral sentiments summit out of glasgow with adam smith scholars- infrastructure of course has been hidden agenda- because of covid cop26 never scaled peoples voices just big organisations of goal 17 ppp; my understanding is guterres summit future 2024 will be first summit where he is not ultimately beholden to the 200 parties as convenors - we would like glasgow june 2023 to converge knowhow of engineering's triple infrastructures - physical engine power of smith/watt since 1760; worldwide communications cooperations since 1865 ITU switzerland and Victoria; effectively the Goats of maths Artificial Intel -data coding revolution born 1945

fazle abed was very clear about energy infrastructure - he would pilot franchises but would have to give them to the government because ultimately physical infrastructiures have to be scaled by open society's taxes; sadly for yunus he did not understand this - his removal from the bank was hastened by his refusal to turn grameen energy over to the prime minster, and ironically his power came from his one non-social business

jack is perhaps the only entrepreneur i have come across who seems to be able to scale the good news of a physical infrastructure ie sanitation beyond what top-down ruling people order;
john i didnt immedataely include graham alabaster because I dont know if what i really think about infrastructure corruption is permitted- it certainly wasnt something dianne wanted to discuss in windsor castle though duke of ed award scheme just across the road whose brand I have worked for did

another strange story is all of yunus/abed say their cultural hero is paulo freire - so that's philippa' whitess regional space and jack said he might be visiting near there april

at one time the new school in new york was the most exciting space for what mayors wanted to do in 2015 with sdg launches- if i recall when peter and i were there as well as  female african mayor who matched a lot of peter's knowledge - the mayor of palermo explained difficulties being mayor of mafia headquarters- this matched stories romano prodi shared with father when they wrote entrepreneurial revolution 1976 and vincent's peking university students when Romano presented there 2016/7

fady who runs bostons mass robotics and I helped moderate part of mit100k prize probably 2010; I attended another 30 prize events with students and yuuns; micosolar and micro biogas were always local prize winners but never linkedin infrastructure 

recently bill gates has half admitted the problem The surprising key to a clean energy future
the one time I met kenya's now first lady Ruto she said she wanted help on water - i sent her paul polak, acumen, ted contacts but ather paul died soon after; chris davies at ted is someone i have watched since 2005- he awarded prize to larry brilliant for ai of virus chasing bit then skoll and ted never followed through- and jaqueline at acumen's NY patient capital may be well meaning but has many brothers in wall street - one of whom has been pretty close to the line of wrong crypto

for me the 3 most massively youth supporting chinese americans founding committee 100 with kissinger were architect IM Pei The concept of founding the Committee came from the renowned architect, the late I.M. Pei and Dr. Henry Kissinger, 56th U.S. Secretary of State in 1988.-3 year after mit architecure school renamed itself media lab; musician yo yo ma- today's silk road ensemble out of mit and (Taiwanese American) jerry yang now most connected dean in stanford though he seems to have distanced himself from uniting jack ma and maso son (softbank)  - interesting when you visit schwarzman college at trsinghua carved into the doorway are founding sponsors schwarzman maso son and hong kong's li ka shing founder of new university ckgsb, and Ray Dalio  - usually ckgsb lets me meet people at their ny office but not their hong kong office

if anyone sees links they need pleas just action it -sorry if infrastructure all over place- perhaps that why abed was very careful - he took on every playing piece of finance and education in bangladesh and trained 5000 barefoot women lawyers but otherwise handed over physical networks once government said they would take over replication - I dont know has any university found open way to mediate its relations with youth and its infrastructure with government

related which nations like mongolia are surprisingly leaping up guterres tech envoy cooperations and the un egov rankings

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 This is the centenary year (TokyoOlympians, 1964 Sony & Two Royal Families ) of debating: is the Tele purpose of satellites -warfare or learning to sustain next generations out of every GPS-linkedin community? 1965 saw Tokyo client help Intel launch Moore's Law as www.entrepreneurialrevolution start up of Silicon Valley place brand chartering. This week a few Diaspora islander friends at Admiralty HK are rehearsing possible cooperation connections for class of 23-24 and Youth and Guterres 2024 following class of 22-23 Journalist friends of humanity invite an upcoming diary on road to UNsummitfuture. New York Asian Female Empowerment fans, triad of engineering colleges. and musicians for sdgs are reportedly planning special Valentines Day Emotional Intel launch. The UN water/sanitation summit March 22 is interesting with special thanks to Singapore's Bottom of Pyramid hub & Nov 19 UN coop networks. I am still trying to understand if Cantab alumni currently on sabbatical at Princeton wish to join in. Glasgow University hosts 265th moral sentiments summit June 2023. welcomes cooperation diary in line with late great Abed Bhai 80th Birthday UNi wish: massive open online COOPERATION empowered by quarter of world who are younger and female. Please note scottish diaspora friends and i have no business model nor any national separation agenda- assuming freedom of speech exists, this is just an open maths attempt to map what 8 billion human intelligences share with each other in line with survey on purposes of intel Von Neumann and The Economist began in 1951. If anyone knows if google's bard or ChatGpt is against or for our motion , please say. My understanding is von neumanns family would like a hall of fame: who's knowhow social mediation networks would he choose you urgently and locally (deep data) interact with now

Sunday, February 5, 2023

 Open Space & Ed3 Friends --To Paul ,Brighton region UK   John, Oregon US   cc Harrison (ost) ...JK soundtracknewyork

 Paul not sure if rational madness  follows through my family's rational optimism
did you come across the late great vivienne -best fun i've had at EU - her exposure of the emperors clothes Eurocrats Brussels 2012
John do you know anyone at Intel Oregon - they intended to lead Gramneen social digital impacts of edtech & healthtech when I was in Oregon 2010 - do you know my father's friend intrapreneur Gifford Pinchot who's also in Oregon I think

Paul & John
Thanks for your reply to my open space listing mail -questioning can humans design metaverse & app open space change education and humanity over next 18 months 
There are 3 people I have so far found (though many more needed to celebrate millennials cooperation goals) by changing what intellectual fusion webs (em)power next with all due urgently,  love, scale, deep diversely in virtual media design

1  education as per my OSlist mail out of new york -see
2 women empowering culture secret sauce to child/human development aligned to sustainability gen goals - see
3 gamers new economics can change finance far deeper than crypto trading
so that commerce last miles serves what families most need (because hong kong leads this its being designed in a way that even if you lose all you real estate you still access what trade your family needs and what arts/fashions keep you connected - this one is hard to understand until it simple)

- whilst preferring maps uniting 8 billion people's families and purpose chartering (von neumann survey first mediated by a weekly viewspaper 1951 what goods can peoples unite with 100 time smore tech per decade?)...

 from New Yorkers global &  UN mediation viewpoint this college year 22-23 celebrates SDG Metaverse Prize - connecting every tech agent in UN mostly in Geneva. College  year 23-24 is intended by Guterres at summit future UN NY summer but hosted mainly by youth not the 200 nations' parties. So that's quite a lot of ed-tech-media-arts to change even as usa does elections and EU fumbles more Putin. 23 Watch out for valentines feb 14 liftoff around nyu-asia engineering schools- march sinagpore rocks un water summit world march 2023 (goal6 worldtoilet codename symphony of P)

If i recall correctly from a first meeting with Harrison - he mentioned village circles were what worked in his youthful days in peace corps; and soon after inventing open space in 1984 at a lunch with top people in us education he explained open space and was told if your experiential cooperation model is right 95% of what we do in schools of all ages is wrong (please go away)

I interpret much of this to mean that if we could choose design of how 2020s peoples/millennials spend their time - open space circles would be anywhere any time place that community is being developed through real life

Wed, 5 Dec 2018 at 14:27

Chris – there are actually two translations of The User’s Guide in Chinese (Mainland and Taiwan) and I am sure a number of websites, all of which are in Chinese. I notice you copied Mrs. Song. She should be helpful. As for Wikipedia, we’ve tried for years and nothing seems to stick. When it (Wikipedia) first appeared, I was invited to contribute… and I did. But the comment was made that I was hardly without self interest. So others made the attempt – Michael Herman for one, I think. I can think of all sorts of reason why they do as badly as they do – but none lend themselves to any sort of fix that I can imagine. So I just forget about it. As I said before – No bother. ho

ED - chris macrae DC/Glasgow (265 moral sentiments summit june 2023)/NY whatsapp +1 240 316 8157 Economics

optional womens future history RECURSION 1