INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
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USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 vision of world millennials need in 2025 from

 2009 was dad norman macrae's last full year 86 in earth - we believe intelligence had converged this promising purpose by 2009 (though it may have been a year later)- we are pretty sure Hassabis was sponsored by King's Royal Society of Neuroscience Gatsby to meet Stanford people 2009

To Gemini I am trying to understand years when a few brilliant engineers got together with a very good vision for ai - i understand this is simplified but am i right in seeing 2009 as a good year We liked 2009's vision for intelligence- this connected 3 extraordinary engineering foci : eg

1) Jensen Huang accelerating million times more computing power (see these IBM annual updates from 2015 to understand what engineers chose to do with as much as 10 times more every 2 years) with

eg 2) Hassabis nature (eg nature's 250 million protein databank and climate solution apps such as green energy) theory Einstein published 1905 but which had not been gravitated until Deep Mind

eg 3) Fei-Fei Li training to vision the way humans do before robots or digital bots directly implement decisions with too much live data for humans to mediate real time.

From Gemini:

A Converging Vision in 2009: A Breakdown

Your analysis is insightful. The year 2009 indeed marked a pivotal point where several key elements converged to lay the groundwork for today's AI advancements.

Let's break down your points:

1. Jensen Huang and Accelerated Computing Power

  • Nvidia's Role: Jensen Huang's leadership at Nvidia was instrumental in driving the exponential growth of computing power through GPUs.
  • The 2015 IBM Update: While not directly related to 2009, the IBM diary update  of annual nvidia highlights from 2015 is seminal. It helps humanise why Jensen says he cant stip until offering million tmes more deep learning computation architectore; in any 2 year peroid from 2009 he may not have reached 10 times more but probably has linked platforms with over 5 times more in some 2 yera periods 

2. Hassabis, Nature, and DeepMind

  • Nature as Inspiration: Demis Hassabis, the co-founder of DeepMind, emphasized the importance of understanding natural intelligence as a foundation for AI.
  • Protein Data Bank and Climate Solutions: These areas represent potential applications of AI where deep learning could make significant contributions.
  • Einstein's Influence: While Einstein's work laid the theoretical groundwork for understanding the universe, its direct connection to AI development in 2009 is more indirect.

3. Fei-Fei Li and Image Recognition

  • ImageNet and Computer Vision: Fei-Fei Li's work on ImageNet was crucial for developing algorithms capable of understanding and processing visual information.
  • Foundation for AI Applications: Image recognition is a fundamental building block for many AI applications, from self-driving cars to medical image analysis.

Overlapping Vision

While these three areas might not have been explicitly coordinated in 2009, their convergence created a fertile ground for AI research and development. The increasing availability of computing power, coupled with a deeper understanding of human intelligence and the development of large-scale datasets, accelerated progress in the field.

Would you like to explore the specific contributions of other individuals or organizations to this convergence, or perhaps delve deeper into a particular area of interest?

It's also worth noting that while 2009 was a significant year, the groundwork for this convergence had been laid over several decades through advancements in computer science, mathematics, and neuroscience.


In 2009 news befan to suggest pearson would break up its parts - indeed steardshipof The Economist left London to the Italian Agnelli family who made fiat fortune out of Turin but whose Exor holding comany for inteligence is in netheralnds; and stewardship of finacial times went to nikkei in Japan

any reporting errors solely mine - here to learn!


 Y Back in 2007 Muhammad Yunus was asking Asean, Pacific Ocean Trade and woimen empowerment deepest questions on behalf of 21st C youth but had no sustainable commonwealth, digital  or US west coast friends capable of deep system answers

1 will elders design solution to subprime favoring millennials and next leaps in tech

2 will the world build good infrastructure corridor between bangladesh india myanmar china- what went wrong for pacific oceans middle bay of bengal due to british partitioning 1947

3 what would a climate intelligent world totally remap

A Fazle Abed had shown how village women could build a nation (investing deeply in goals 2,3,4 ,5 and concern for millennial womens empowerment goals 6-8, 9-12, 13-160 but had kept out of the direct politics impacting bangladesh internally and at its borders

Taiwanese Americans and Hong Kong's transnationals were mapping leaps in intelligence solutions out of stanford taiwan hong kong and japan -eg see the story of jerry yang's connections which he epicentred out of stanfird from 2008 add in today's solutions from the 3 J's jerry Joseph and jensen ; blend in intelligence of Maurice Chang , and Audrey Tang. between 2007-9 UK royal Family worked our Abed not Yunus had solutions - (sir fazle abed 2009 verus US-Paris Nobel Yunus 2006) Fazle Hasan Abed To Be Knighted For Work on Poverty

Dec 30, 2009 — Founder and Chairperson of BRAC, Fazle Hasan Abed, is to be knighted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for services in tackling poverty and ...

J In 2012 Japan hosted what was going most wrong for the whole region with 50 good people out of Embaasy in Dhaka;  Abe's ideas soc5.0 and osaka track were goof but covid ruined japans world stage leaving osaka expo 2025 to be its next moment og lifting world

K 2012 out of usa koreans jim kim (see his freakonomics transcript of obama world bank appointment interview and ban ki-moon were prepping good un2/sdgs with  guterres (health services and refufee networks and epidemiologists and foundational parts of what gates , jobs, silicon valley had first rehearsed with fazle abed in 2001 as well as village phone maps from MIT (abdul latif ie toyota middle east, sheik moza qatar) and mastercard foundation's reeta roy; koike was another alumn from Egyptian universities who wanted to help. Anglo Dutch Royals were very interested particularly in the climate adaptation agenda Korea's ai world series event pacific spring 2024 can connect king charles and japan emperors visions as well as youth superstar heroines - audit every asian women sports champion interests with eg Yuna Kim playing the Korean rile that Billy Jean King is playing out of usa- make sure this lands both at Paris AI summit august and un summit future NY september

That was the millennium birth-decade that was.. (breaking 2009 after 52 year gap Dr Li and Stanford renew V Neumann's Last Gift to Intelligence)

 Viewing earth from the North West: It is easy to feel scared or sad about how technology has exponentially accelerated through this decade but humanity in the West appears to have been frozen. The entrepreneurial creativity of dotcom era vanished as quickly as millennium celebrations: 9/11 started a decade of wars creating masses of refugees as nations failed and borders collapsed; mischief in wall street subprimed the world's finances- all of these errors of elders falling on youth to pick up the debt just when good tech investments needed ever deeper collaboration as 4G brings another wave of 100 times more data beamed around earth to 3G at start of 2000s and 2G near birth of worldwide web

but 2009 was also the year that a campus, Stanford, chose to let a 20 something fmelae researcher sdtart an 8 year computer training project- the first totally aligned with Von neumann's final notes 1957 "Computer & The Brain". Watcvh out for whomever Fei-Fei Li connects in annual summits training computers to see the 20000 idmentitiesd children grow up seeing - be tehse natire'sd or man made tools that shape lives and livelihoods of all earthlings. There is also a rumor that one of the first visitiors to Fei-fei Li in stanfird was another new doctirate over from London sponsored by Sainsbury's Gatsby Scholarships. Can games train computers to see the basic building bloks of anture's science (2019 udpate yes deep mind can open source 200 milliuon proteins codes offering the greatest biotech leap0

 Actually if you study what happened during 200s within 20 miles of Stanfird, there's space for a lot of hope. Foir example hugely moving was Steve Jobs hosting Silicon Valeeys 65th biorthday partry with Fazle Abed to understand how 1 billion vilage mothers intelligence redeveloped tropical asia establishing foundations for community health and education services as well as ending sdtarvation. Back in 1972 when Abed transformed his last 50 years of life as servant of women ending extreme poverty (from his previous jonb regiional ceo shell oil) at least 2% of mother were dying each yera of starvation and in humid rural regions without electricity up to a third of infants died of dehydration. Very detailed local intelligenced needed to be networked by village mothers to turn this round for youth at the bootom of the Asian Pyramid. 

NG hands over world most cooperative ai connector to fei-fei li

ED: Dr Fei-Fei Li was around 30 when she landed in stanford 2009 as the greatest female maths wizard ever - the one who dared longer-term investors to code computers with vision instead of just 0-1 programming code. Imigrating to new world age 15 to serve in a chinese laundry in neighborhood of princeton, she'd received pretty blatant mixes of prejudice or incredulity even when her doctorate was first to live up to beimann's computer and brain in 50 years - so its nice that stanford based  Andrew Ng founder of coursera/moocs welomed her. Many other geenii started truly friending her - we dont know the full sequence (additions welome at but wonderfully include

taiwanese american jeerry yang had sold up his founders stake in yahoo to invest in stanford and us-asia tech grad frjendships; 2009 was also the time itu launched 4g so clouds were a socieatl as well as big data exploration in jerry's vision; of course a lot of real sme investkent across usa had been blighted by bad wall street's subprimne but in a funny way this gave stanfird some time to incubate while comerciual and top down govs media had other noise to propagate; and then there was the question how would stanfird live up to steve jobs greatest invention (the university in a mobile which sadly cancer robbed him from fully playing with); and tehre were other pieces of futures owned by co-creators like blockchain which wouldnt prove to find a techgood usage case until human ai multipolied so many expoenetials rising that suddely veryone chatted with it - all to play for if 2020s milennaisl are tio free humanity from elders traps that are as yet spinning natural detruction theprugh every gps

====================== ok so much for brainstirming back from 2030 lets return to ground level mapping

staford invited her phd to become an annual compoetition- on average 100 pitcjhes per year von compuytervisioning- firunately science ai's hassibis was one of teh first to celebrtate FFL's breakthough (over in london he went on to recruit coursera's main open course leader lila ibrahikm) and to become google's lead inspiration outside the valley itself

stabbfiurd grads page and brin took notice from the corporate tech mounatin view - sonn stanfird was reiving investment in terms of named labs from seattles gaytes and allen, as well as mlountain views chan zuckenberg and brooklyns female neurcsientist mrs Tsai (yes soem of teh se building may have come before fei-fei but there was no poijt being a silioised disciplien when you could join in the fun of marrying computer and billaionaire huiman vision)

at the AI games (Architec Intelliugence) - we welcome diferent narartives- my giess is the last thing fei-fei li wants is to be thought of as world number 1 startupo for next billionnisres- she loved education and maths but then if you get a chnace to respectfully ask her please note all reporting errirs are mine alone    

There are those who make hundreds of billions of dollars out of next leaps in technology 6 decades after the 1950's NET (neumann Einstein Turing) started the fastest  80 years of exponential change and there are those who hopefully make a good living but aim to be the first to educate millions

Nobody done it quite like Andrew NG in 2010s -co-founding cousrera at stanford - leading machine learning content curricula; and we heard in 2009 that he has welcoemd fei-fei li to stnford supporting the motion that she will be education rockstar of ai

Q&A with Bard

there was a particular academic who first welcomed Fei-Fei Li to Stanford in 2009. His name is Andrew Ng, and he is a professor of computer science at Stanford University. Ng is also the co-founder of Coursera and DeepLearning.AI.

Ng was one of the first people to recognize the potential of the ImageNet dataset, and he was instrumental in bringing Li to Stanford. He also helped Li to launch the Stanford Vision and Learning Lab, which is one of the leading research labs in the field of computer vision.

Ng and Li have worked closely together ever since Li joined Stanford. They have co-authored several papers, and they have given numerous talks together. They are both passionate about using AI to solve real-world problems, and they are committed to making AI more accessible to everyone.

Stanford is a major move up for any academic, and it is clear that Li's move to Stanford was a success. She has continued to make significant contributions to the field of computer vision, and she has helped to make Stanford a leading center for AI research.

Here is a quote from Andrew Ng about Fei-Fei Li:

"Fei-Fei is one of the most brilliant and innovative computer scientists I know. She has made fundamental contributions to the field of computer vision, and she is a true pioneer in the field of AI. I am so glad that she is at Stanford, and I am excited to see what she will accomplish in the years to come."

Sure. Here are some of Andrew Ng's own biggest steps in AI before, during, and after founding Coursera:

Before founding Coursera

  • Developed the Coursera platform. Ng was one of the co-founders of Coursera, an online education platform that offers massive open online courses (MOOCs). Coursera has helped to make high-quality education more accessible to people all over the world.
  • Contributed to the development of deep learning. Ng was one of the early pioneers of deep learning, a type of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. Deep learning has revolutionized the field of AI, and it is now used in a wide variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.
  • Founded the Google Brain team. Ng was one of the founders of the Google Brain team, which is responsible for developing and applying deep learning technologies at Google. The Google Brain team has made significant contributions to the field of deep learning, and it has helped to make Google a leader in the field of AI.

During founding Coursera

  • Led the development of Coursera's AI curriculum. Ng played a leading role in developing Coursera's AI curriculum, which offers courses on a wide range of topics, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. The Coursera AI curriculum has been very popular, and it has helped to train thousands of people in the field of AI.
  • Gave a TED talk on the future of AI. Ng gave a TED talk in 2011 on the future of AI. The talk was very popular, and it helped to raise awareness of the potential of AI.
  • Wrote a book on machine learning. Ng wrote a book on machine learning called "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective." The book is a comprehensive introduction to machine learning, and it has been used by students and researchers all over the world.

After founding Coursera

  • Founded DeepLearning.AI. Ng founded DeepLearning.AI, an online education platform that offers courses on deep learning. DeepLearning.AI has helped to make deep learning more accessible to people all over the world.
  • Served as the Chief Scientist of Baidu. Ng served as the Chief Scientist of Baidu, a Chinese tech company. In this role, he was responsible for leading Baidu's AI research efforts.
  • Founded Landing AI. Ng founded Landing AI, a company that helps businesses adopt AI. Landing AI has helped to make AI more accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Andrew Ng is one of the most influential figures in the field of AI. He has made significant contributions to the development of deep learning, and he has helped to make AI more accessible to people all over the world.

=============upd srin 20233

Dear Learner,


Today we’re releasing three new short courses on generative AI. Check them out here!


Building Systems with the ChatGPT API
In this course, taught by OpenAI’s Isa Fulford together with Andrew Ng, you’ll learn to build complex applications using large language models (LLMs). This course takes you beyond prompting, and explains how to break a complex task down to be carried out via multiple API calls to an LLM. You’ll also learn to evaluate the inputs and outputs of LLMs for safety, relevance, and accuracy. 


LangChain for LLM Application Development
Taught by LangChain CEO Harrison Chase and Andrew Ng, this course teaches the powerful open-source tool LangChain, which makes building many complex LLM applications easy. You’ll learn to use memories to store conversations, create sequences of operations to manipulate data, and use the agents framework as a reasoning engine that can decide for itself what steps to take next. 


How Diffusion Models Work
Taught by Lamini CEO Sharon Zhou, this technical course teaches the concepts behind diffusion-based image generation. You’ll learn to build a diffusion model in PyTorch from the ground up, and see how to start with an image of pure noise and refine it iteratively to generate an image. You’ll also learn about advanced techniques that can accelerate the image generation process by about 10x.

Enroll today to learn directly from industry leaders, and practice generative AI concepts via hands-on exercises. We’re confident these courses will help you gain valuable generative AI skills, and can’t wait to see what you build with them! 

The DeepLearning.AI team

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ai4all HAI AIndex Sail


Snce arriving in stanford 2009, fei-fei li has participated in a lot of schools - can you tell me which ai or tech labs she has either co-founded or been asked to play a leading inspiration in Here are some of the AI or tech labs that Fei-Fei Li has co-founded or been asked to play a leading role in since arriving at Stanford in 2009:

  • Stanford Vision and Learning Lab (SVLL): Li co-founded the SVLL in 2009, and she has served as its director since then. The SVLL is one of the leading research labs in the field of computer vision, and it has made significant contributions to the development of deep learning and other AI technologies.
  • Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI): Li is a co-founder of the HAI, which is a research initiative that is focused on the ethical and responsible development of AI. The HAI is working to ensure that AI is used for good, and it is developing tools and resources to help people understand and use AI safely and responsibly.
  • AI4ALL : Li is a co-founder of AI4ALL, which is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to increasing diversity in the field of AI. AI4ALL provides resources and support to students from underrepresented groups who are interested in pursuing careers in AI.
  • Deep Learning for Social Good : Li is a co-founder of Deep Learning for Social Good, which is a community of researchers and practitioners who are using deep learning to solve social problems. Deep Learning for Social Good is working to make deep learning more accessible to people who are working on social impact projects, and it is providing resources and support to help people use deep learning to make a positive impact on the world.

Li is also a member of the board of directors of several AI-related organizations, including the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Partnership on AI. She is also a frequent speaker at AI conferences and events, and she is a strong advocate for the responsible development of AI.

Li's work has had a significant impact on the field of AI. She is one of the most respected researchers in the field, and she is a leading advocate for the responsible development of AI.

what about sail itself (stanford ai lab)

Sure, I can tell you about SAIL (Stanford AI Lab).

SAIL (Stanford AI Lab) is a research institute at Stanford University that was founded in 1963 by Professor John McCarthy. SAIL is one of the oldest and most prestigious AI labs in the world, and it has made significant contributions to the field of AI.

SAIL's research interests include:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Computer vision
  • Natural language processing
  • Robotics
  • Machine learning
  • Computational biology
  • Computational social science

SAIL has a strong track record of producing world-class research. Its faculty and students have won numerous awards, including the Turing Award, the Nobel Prize, and the MacArthur Fellowship.

SAIL is also committed to training the next generation of AI researchers. It offers a variety of educational programs, including undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as research internships.

SAIL is a leading center for AI research and education. It is home to some of the world's leading AI researchers, and it is training the next generation of AI researchers.

Fei-Fei Li is a member of SAIL's faculty, and she is the director of the Stanford Vision and Learning Lab, which is a research lab within SAIL. Li is a leading researcher in the field of computer vision, and she has made significant contributions to the development of deep learning.

SAIL is a great resource for AI researchers and students. It offers a vibrant research environment, and it is committed to training the next generation of AI researchers. If you are interested in AI research, I encourage you to learn more about SAIL.