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Sunday, December 31, 2006

select People fei-fei li follows on twitter by discipline -218 years of shaping human ai movemnt

@drfeifei Prof (CS @Stanford ), Co-Director @drfeifei 
Prof (CS ), Co-Director , CoFounder/Chair
@ai4allorg , Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare , CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg , Researcher #AI #computervision #ML AI+healthcare

Stanford Institutes

@drfeifei @Stanford Top Players at AI Game
Jeff Dean (@🏡) @JeffDean Chief Scientist, Google DeepMind and Google Research. Co-designer/implementor of software systems like @TensorFlow , MapReduce, Bigtable, Spanner, .. (he/him)
Allen Institute for AI @allen_ai AI for the Common Good. › Join us: › Get our newsletter:
Stanford Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) @StanfordOTL OTL is responsible for licensing state-of-the-art Stanford University technologies. Interested in an invention? DM or email us at!

Stanford AI Lab @StanfordAILab
Sustainability   Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability @stanforddoerr Official account of @StanfordDoerr

Theo Baker @tab_delete investigations @stanforddaily . 2022 polk award recipient. dm for signal.

global coopetition 
Prof. Anima Anandkumar @AnimaAnandkumar Bren Professor @caltech , Sr Director of #AI research @nvidia , Fmr Principal Scientist @awscloud , AI+Science, PDE, Neural operators

NVIDIA AI @NVIDIAAI Solving the unsolvable with AI enterprise #IAMAI
De-An Huang @deanh_tw Research Scientist @NVIDIAAI , CS PhD @StanfordAILab , Robotics MS @CMU_Robotics

Kaggle @kaggle The world's largest community of data scientists. Join us to compete, collaborate, learn, and share your work.
Colaboratory @GoogleColab Colaboratory is a data analysis tool that combines text, code, and code outputs into a single documen

Multiple SDGs.23 Vijaya Gadde @vijaya Board of @GuardantHealth , @planet & @mercycorps . Trustee at @nyulaw . Founding Partner, @HashtagAngels .
;3.23 health

Chieh-Ju Chao MD @ChiehJuChao1 Attending Cardiologist, Mayo Clinic Rochester | Alum @MayoClinicCV | Visiting Scholar, Stanford@HAI 

Chia-Chun Chiang, MD @ChiaChunChiang Headache Specialist, Stroke Specialist, Neurologist, Assistant Professor of Neurology at @MayoClinic

.23 NY 
Shuran Song @SongShuran Assistant Professor @Columbia University working on #AI #ComputerVision #Robotics
& sdg4 ed3 Jerome Pesenti @an_open_mind Founder @Sizzle_AI . Ex @MetaAI , @Benevolent_AI , @IBMWatson , co-founder Vivisimo (acq. by IBM).

.23 Stanford Org Design 
Melissa Valentine @stanfordmav Prof. @stanford research on org design - flash teams - data/algos in future of work

.23 media/space

David @DavidSHolz founder @midjourney , prev founder leap motion, nasa, max planck

.23 robotics vision
Andy Zeng @andyzeng_ Building smarter robots @GoogleDeepMind . PhD @Princeton . Interested in embodied AGI 🤖
Bohan Wu @Bohanwu_

.23 safety  
Lilian Weng @lilianweng Working on AI safety @OpenAI ;

.23 nature 

Yann Sweeney @yanniscaus Computing and robotics editor @Nature
.23 community first coding
Community Notes @CommunityNotes Empowering users to create a better-informed world.

Together AI @togethercompute The future of AI is open-source. Let's build together.
.23 AI special Teams:
Jon Barron @jon_barron Research scientist at Google in San Francisco, NeRF maximalist.
..23 ML scientist Ali @sadeghian_ali ML scientist by day, accidental neural network by night. ex @GoogleAI , ex @oliveai__ , PhD @UF (U Follow)

23 UK  Ada  Lovelace Institute @AdaLovelaceInst
Papers with Code @paperswithcode Our mission is to organize science by converting information into useful knowledge.
 Dan @danmurrayserter 5x entrepreneur & Angel Investor in 80+ startups. Follow me to learn about AI, entrepreneurship & mental health. Host of Top UK Business Podcast, Secret Leaders

.23 LLM Harm de Vries @harmdevries77 Research Scientist @ServiceNowRsrch @BigCodeProject

.23 Saudi
Future of AI @future_of_AI #AI Essentials publishes only the most insightful links shared by trusted #artificialintelligence, #machinelearning experts helping you focus on what matters.
AI Japan Toyota Research Institute (TRI) @ToyotaResearch Amplifying human ability through advances in Energy and Materials, Human-Centered AI, Human Interactive Driving, Machine Learning, and Robotics

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