About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 :X:www.yunuscentre.org There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. https://www.journalofsocialbusiness.com/editorial-board.html https://www.youtube.com/@microeconomist/videos www.normanmacrae.net www.economistdiary.com Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann www.2025report.com www.unsummitfuture.com

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of UNsummitfuture.com ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 vision of world millennials need in 2025 from www.economistasean.com

 2009 was dad norman macrae's last full year 86 in earth - we believe intelligence had converged this promising purpose by 2009 (though it may have been a year later)- we are pretty sure Hassabis was sponsored by King's Royal Society of Neuroscience Gatsby to meet Stanford people 2009

To Gemini I am trying to understand years when a few brilliant engineers got together with a very good vision for ai - i understand this is simplified but am i right in seeing 2009 as a good year We liked 2009's vision for intelligence- this connected 3 extraordinary engineering foci : eg

1) Jensen Huang accelerating million times more computing power (see these IBM annual updates from 2015 to understand what engineers chose to do with as much as 10 times more every 2 years) with

eg 2) Hassabis nature (eg nature's 250 million protein databank and climate solution apps such as green energy) theory Einstein published 1905 but which had not been gravitated until Deep Mind

eg 3) Fei-Fei Li training to vision the way humans do before robots or digital bots directly implement decisions with too much live data for humans to mediate real time.

From Gemini:

A Converging Vision in 2009: A Breakdown

Your analysis is insightful. The year 2009 indeed marked a pivotal point where several key elements converged to lay the groundwork for today's AI advancements.

Let's break down your points:

1. Jensen Huang and Accelerated Computing Power

  • Nvidia's Role: Jensen Huang's leadership at Nvidia was instrumental in driving the exponential growth of computing power through GPUs.
  • The 2015 IBM Update: While not directly related to 2009, the IBM diary update  of annual nvidia highlights from 2015 is seminal. It helps humanise why Jensen says he cant stip until offering million tmes more deep learning computation architectore; in any 2 year peroid from 2009 he may not have reached 10 times more but probably has linked platforms with over 5 times more in some 2 yera periods 

2. Hassabis, Nature, and DeepMind

  • Nature as Inspiration: Demis Hassabis, the co-founder of DeepMind, emphasized the importance of understanding natural intelligence as a foundation for AI.
  • Protein Data Bank and Climate Solutions: These areas represent potential applications of AI where deep learning could make significant contributions.
  • Einstein's Influence: While Einstein's work laid the theoretical groundwork for understanding the universe, its direct connection to AI development in 2009 is more indirect.

3. Fei-Fei Li and Image Recognition

  • ImageNet and Computer Vision: Fei-Fei Li's work on ImageNet was crucial for developing algorithms capable of understanding and processing visual information.
  • Foundation for AI Applications: Image recognition is a fundamental building block for many AI applications, from self-driving cars to medical image analysis.

Overlapping Vision

While these three areas might not have been explicitly coordinated in 2009, their convergence created a fertile ground for AI research and development. The increasing availability of computing power, coupled with a deeper understanding of human intelligence and the development of large-scale datasets, accelerated progress in the field.

Would you like to explore the specific contributions of other individuals or organizations to this convergence, or perhaps delve deeper into a particular area of interest?

It's also worth noting that while 2009 was a significant year, the groundwork for this convergence had been laid over several decades through advancements in computer science, mathematics, and neuroscience.


In 2009 news befan to suggest pearson would break up its parts - indeed steardshipof The Economist left London to the Italian Agnelli family who made fiat fortune out of Turin but whose Exor holding comany for inteligence is in netheralnds; and stewardship of finacial times went to nikkei in Japan

any reporting errors solely mine chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - here to learn!


 Y Back in 2007 Muhammad Yunus was asking Asean, Pacific Ocean Trade and woimen empowerment deepest questions on behalf of 21st C youth but had no sustainable commonwealth, digital  or US west coast friends capable of deep system answers

1 will elders design solution to subprime favoring millennials and next leaps in tech

2 will the world build good infrastructure corridor between bangladesh india myanmar china- what went wrong for pacific oceans middle bay of bengal due to british partitioning 1947

3 what would a climate intelligent world totally remap

A Fazle Abed had shown how village women could build a nation (investing deeply in goals 2,3,4 ,5 and concern for millennial womens empowerment goals 6-8, 9-12, 13-160 but had kept out of the direct politics impacting bangladesh internally and at its borders

Taiwanese Americans and Hong Kong's transnationals were mapping leaps in intelligence solutions out of stanford taiwan hong kong and japan -eg see the story of jerry yang's connections which he epicentred out of stanfird from 2008 add in today's solutions from the 3 J's jerry Joseph and jensen ; blend in intelligence of Maurice Chang , and Audrey Tang. EconomistEnglish.net between 2007-9 UK royal Family worked our Abed not Yunus had solutions - (sir fazle abed 2009 verus US-Paris Nobel Yunus 2006) Fazle Hasan Abed To Be Knighted For Work on Poverty

Dec 30, 2009 — Founder and Chairperson of BRAC, Fazle Hasan Abed, is to be knighted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for services in tackling poverty and ...

J In 2012 Japan hosted what was going most wrong for the whole region with 50 good people out of Embaasy in Dhaka;  Abe's ideas soc5.0 and osaka track were goof but covid ruined japans world stage leaving osaka expo 2025 to be its next moment og lifting world

K 2012 out of usa koreans jim kim (see his freakonomics transcript of obama world bank appointment interview and ban ki-moon were prepping good un2/sdgs with  guterres (health services and refufee networks and epidemiologists and foundational parts of what gates , jobs, silicon valley had first rehearsed with fazle abed in 2001 as well as village phone maps from MIT (abdul latif ie toyota middle east, sheik moza qatar) and mastercard foundation's reeta roy; koike was another alumn from Egyptian universities who wanted to help. Anglo Dutch Royals were very interested particularly in the climate adaptation agenda Korea's ai world series event pacific spring 2024 can connect king charles and japan emperors visions as well as youth superstar heroines - EconomistSports.net audit every asian women sports champion interests with eg Yuna Kim playing the Korean rile that Billy Jean King is playing out of usa- make sure this lands both at Paris AI summit august and un summit future NY september

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