INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, June 30, 2022

sample browses that interested us in june

 future fund interesting - example funding 100 students machine learning summer program

speakers bios at consensus 2022- annual crypto summit  -how games (virtual reality's emerging metaverse and DAO funding) are changing tomorrow faster than any non-gamer can imagine

june ended with 24 hour metafestival - 3 hemispheres diverse approaches to how next to chnage the world- scan speakers here -see youtube replays 

summer update of what i wish 8 billion people could unite round learning/doing first

This summer I return to the person  FAZLE ABED -whose knowhow made the greaest impression on me. Thats through communities supporting hunders of million peo[ples lives. Somnetime as a maths/tech guiy, its easy to get confused with tech wizardry. Of course its the big magic of the futiure so to speak but if our 8 billion nbeings have lost touch with nartyres' evolutiponary desgn , there is no future toi generate... 

. Just to summarise my perspective of Fazle Abed. He entrepreneurially changed so many things - starting with totally new model of aid- and it all built piece on piece so I havent yet found a good way to share it. I was fortunate to get unique perspective of Fazle Abed. The Japan Ambassador to Dhaka arranged 2 brainstorming dinners chaired by sir fazle abed soon after my father (The Economist's Norman Macrae)  died in 2010. My father had started cataloguing Asia Rising Models in the Economist 1962- these were endorsed by 3 people JFK, Prince Charles and Japan Emperor's Award. Abed's first surprise at dinner was to say he wished microcreditsummit had been called microeducationsummit. He saw his work as hundreds of millions of womens achievement empowered by overall hiring over 100,000 Paulo Freire educators/servant leaders in village sme skills coaches . It is probably easiest to catalogue his contribution in 3 parts.1972 To 1996 all work was with villagers mothers and daughters. who had no access to electricity. Uniquely he worked on clusters of 100000 villagers at a time to iterate and fast proof concepts Part 2 began when 25 years of trusted partners from 1996 brought villagers mobile and solar, abed raced to do two things first. Design nation wide supply chain leadership in about 15 markets - mostly food but also nationwide supply of 10 most basic non prescription medicine. and every community component of bottom up investing  It was the meds supply chain which he built rural health microfranchise service with - mothers would litteraly doordash meds to 300 homes each. become most trusted medical networkers. This scaled nationwide and across humid china because there were 2 things infant oral rehydration and vaccination that abed designed 1972-1982 which Unicef made grants to both across bangladesh and across china. These health interventions added 15 or more years to total life expectancy. In return  rural china of 1970s/80s gave abed best rice varieties etc. Early on in this 2nd phase 2001 abed founded what he wanted to be the most collaborative open university in the world. he believed he could help design solutions eg play schools that 50 or even 200 countries needed and could best scale through female worldwide graduates beyond separate alumni groups. It was this idea's 2010s version that abed spent one whole dinner describing - his other dinner finding partners for the largest cashless bank in the world in population terms. these 2 dinners started 16 visits to bangladesh including abeds 80th birthday party 2016 through which my family and i tried to sponsor a different graduate student each time. Abed thought he had fixed some of the world's optimal partners to succeed him but at least on the university side the combination of trump, putin , covid has stopped what he meant by sharing sdg graduates without borders. Enter the ITU and - i am sure if Abed was around he would invite every partner to help as many teams join in this competition as it also helps guterres digital UN2 roadmapping and geneva itu advance UN2.0.   Abed students and I try to file his 50 years of collaboration solutions by goals 1-5 and other at but last 5 years has caused  chaos in dhaka and elsewhere so I dont know what to do next with Abed knowhow!! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 From Economist Entrepreneurial Revolution 1976 : Big Organisation cannot sustain the future- morality of Economist profession will depend on urgent design of new business model celebrating community scaled enterprise networks valuing 100 time s more tech every decade ; from The Economist next 40 years 1972; Nixon's removal of dollar from gold standard deprives main street america from owning a currency (a crisis that will compound round risk that USA is driven by fearsome & fake media)- 

fintech will be needed to design money systems that paper printing politicians will not value deeply enough for last mile health, education, nutrition - all the core relationships families need to grow up joyfully-where will the world's most transparent govtech models rise - singapore is one to benchmark ; can the ITU play a pivotal role in uniting govtech peoples safety and emotional intel communities need to adapt? 1

LOOKING FORWARD TO UN's 2 MOST URGENT YEARS OF LEAP FORWARD CELEBRATIONS & choose breaking summits week ending july 4 2022

gaming summit june 30

metafestival summit netherlands june 28 (on replay Dept) -24 hours for Asia EU & America

rsvp wherever you see scalable cases/zooms of last mile service economies rising or education valuing youth as sustainability generation. TA!


 Dear Sarah i believe that unites several hundred people who care most about Guterres digitalisation of UN and under30s roles in their SDgs. My scots family has been studying 100 times more tech per decade since von neumann briefed my dad at the Economist 1951 with resurgence in moral sentiments Simthian annual keynotes Glasgow from 2008 and valuing lifelong engineers' contributions around bangladesh women empowerment Is there anyone in your team that I can diiscuss urgency of prize 2022-23 with - any youth team can enter round any sdg compass and there is already at least one 6000 member web3-edu DAO/ETf as a model for each underfunded SDG. Also  a thousand person DAO mentoring metal health especially of young women but wish to catalogue the 20 most emotionally intelligent ways to spend time co-creating metaverse I am in bethesda maryland and Flatiron NY - anyone at NYU we could help brief? +1 240 316 8157 chris macrae

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

 Hi Somi keep up the great work - do you already know my mentor jeanne lim of Home - beingAI  once the UN's main humanising Ai co-editor voice- while 

she's in hongkong trying to launch nft of women kindness we host monthly events with her out of flat iron district new york ; be great if you would like to join in- i am superkeen on next 15 months of SDG Metaverse Prize - thi

 UN competition gives youth centre stage on every sustainability goal and every way tech can bridge the next 2 UNGA summits - education is destroying youth's sustainability sept 2022- has digital UN succeeded in indluding every girls futire spet 2023 through every operating branch?

On Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 17:14:03 GMT-4, Somi Arian <> wrote:

Hi Chris

Tomorrow we are having a fantastic live session with Julie Barber,CEO of Spark! Consulting, a boutique consultancy working with innovative startups who need to raise funding, introduce a corporate governance framework and carry out strategic planning. If you are building your business this workshop is the place to be:

Sharing with you some amazing upcoming sessions that I'm thrilled about:

We have a great line up and you will be receiving valuable content from Web3 leaders who are helping shape this space.Don't miss out and upgrade your account. 

Use code WEB315 and get 15% off your membership if redeemed by July 2nd.

BTW, be sure to check out my latest podcast epsiode with Carly Reilley from Overpriced JPEGs and enjoy a year's free supply of vitamin D when you order Athletic Greens who have kindly sponsored it. 

Somi Arian

Follow us on Twitter @somiarian and @inpeakxyz

Tune into my podcast 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

,here are the top 10 zooms and meetups our networks want to linkin before sept 2022 unga - guterres summit on purpose of education
Entrepreneurial Revolution diary1

 dear ER friends ed3 
Diary 1 apprenticeships at 50 dollars per sustainability apprentice when 1000 person cohort circles platformed .. several generations of my family have argued both media and education will need transformation if there if millennials especially girls are to be sustainable- gandhi, von neumann , fazle abed and readers of the economist have all directly shaped experiences- i believe chosen selectively ed3 nfts can now qualify specific skills most needed eg virtual reality on metaverse the way the itu and marcus shingles launched last month - indeed for the next year the and sdg ntfs offer ops for apprentice teams to prove themselves and the whole fits in with all of guterres digital roadmap. Are you interested in more details- iapart from some freinds in hong kong I am not sure if parts of discord want to link this; equally not sure about lunchclub though I assume this links with much of andrew ng's purpose.  chris wash dc +1 240 316 8157

2 celebratmg the top 30 collaborations that 1billiongirls'com and fazle abed mapped so asians villages end extreme poverty  - choose from 30 at

3 closing the big gaps that destroy confidence through education playschool-early grades- pre-adolescence- adolescence- (early adult -first college of first job or startup) ... rejoining community sustainability at any age- for example shpws that 90 by 20 minute 1:1 sessions can end illiteracy at any age - better yet most lietarte people can be the host of this method; other missing peer to peer curricula pre-adolescent physical and menta health .... key issue most 21st work depends of expereinential skill flows not endless classroom examination - see also flow work by csik... (flow)

4 the mess of covid and failure to help russians beyond putin's vision could cause the largest starvation in 40 years - food data logistics etc need collaboratively mapping - we know people with the data but do you know where community platforms can interact safely with this crisis-
5 help us with list of 50 womens most sustaining the world -more at
6 to 10 coming soon


,if you know anyone going to these hoot june events pls say ny june 21 since 1951 when dad norman (co=creator of globalisation's newspaper The Economist) met von neumman at princeton the most exciting question journalists or millennial students or of EXPONENTIALly sustainable goals can ask; what to do with 1000 times more tech per decade???........- 7 WONDEROUS DECADES OF 100 TIMES MORE INTEL??