Intelligence 8 Happiest Summits: 8/8 King Charles series Paris Feb 2025; 7/8 Tokyo JensesS Nov 2024; 6/8 Mumbai JensenS Oct 2024; 5/8 DC Jensen S Octpber; 4/8 Taiwan Jensen S June; 3/8 Korea KingCharlesS May; 2/8 Santa Clara JensenS Mar; 1/8 Blethcley King Charles Series Nov 2023 (Exec Order Oct).
ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einstein, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
breaking OCt2025:India to be lead Intelligence Economy
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Tuesday, March 24, 1970


123 "Tomorrow, Intelligence =1 What we compute:2 What we communicate: 3 Whether Mother Nature chooses to cancel our species." Scary huh! -records show 3 men foresaw exponential acceleration of this intergenerative crisis in 1945. The NET: Neumann Einstein Turing. By 1955 Neumann noted a Large Language Mediation solution but he also entered terminal cancer and Einstein died and Turing Suicided. For over 50 years we raced to design global media while forgetting NeuronN maths
If urgently concerned by worldviews of intelligence please get your peoples/place to help relay King Charles AI World Series - what else is English for? 54321 Wash DC.

Wednesday, March 11, 1970

 Lila Ibrahim 

(she had 20 years in Silicon Valley with intel's ceo Craig Barrett, then coursera/mooc and vc firm led by Doerrs which also funds Stanford climate school)- Lila is Hassabis code-layperson trying to make sure his brilliance connects with every good application area as well as AI for public good and so what i believe King Charles  tries to connect through royal societies and in natures case with BBC journalists. Hassabis may be the greatest maths mind ever - not an easy responsibility, and heck knows how much of British (or English-speaking world) Economy depends on him!! OK I'm being provocative cos I'd love to be told there is someone else who really knows whats AI next move for good especially out of Asia

Hassabis original office is close to British Library in London and indeed he studied at UCL and was sponsored by neuroscience networks of Welcome; so 2 the crick institute which is in same area of london and whomever leads Welcome in different expert practices may be worth double checking with

3 the actual 250 million alphafold's ecosystem of labs  seems to be hosted out of Hinxton in Cambridge - i dont know if there is more to find out from who's advancing what at eg EBI Search
