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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

peter i spent a lot of my last 14 years aiming to understand the difference between yunus and fazle abed. the nuances go very deep - one example is abed wanted to be trusted by hi-trust partners for ever- evidence is brac in the midst of the world's largest ngo partnership. abed wanted his knowledge open sourced through universities- ones that positioned themselves as knowing practical things future public servants would want to be trained in. one of the most interesting dynamics happened between 1999-2005. jim kim pitched to george soros and soros saw kim and farmers passion for last mile health mattered. he asked jim kim to review who else both cared and had solutions. kim surprised himself in finding abed. b2 2005 kim farmer abed and both gates had found each others knowhow vital. almost none of the people who led microcredit summit understood this as they blindly advocated yunus for all the prizes us president, congress, nobel. i have an indian friend whose client is the founding family of tata and whose wife got burned by yunus. she wanted to do good with microcredit but was working with the network that went astray by ipo. although consulting to tata is their main thing they chose to start their family in other indian contact is shelly batra. jim kim held one tedx at world bank batra was the only person who accompanied him in telling her story about health-  others talked about direct cash transfer or being ghanas number 1 pop star for responsibility. those are the people i am zooming with today. but the big question i am trying to ask is 90 year old soros has also decided his legacy is a world of sdg universities partnering each other. that could have been simple before the virus. anyhow soros has chosen brac but he hasnt chosen any group in india yet- he hasnt really chosen anywhere in britain yet at university level though he has several british economists he has networked with. i think of all these things an easy starting point would be if you are happy to whatsapp with my indian friend unni. one more cherry on the cake- in november the university soros founded central european had to move from budapest to vienna! vienna is very hot on sdgs- former president of austria asked banki moon to locate there. vienna is city of music- and soros main us friend is a philiharmonic orcestra leader who also has been vice chancellor of a university over 40 years which  is about 45 minutes drive from soros home in new york state. i hope these people connections make sense you probably know that of 21st c pieces of brac the most valuable is whose main partners today are gates and jack ma but whose coding strategy is sourced out of mit - the space i always hoped microloan foundation would maintain partners and today at the ai epicentre of schwarzmans partnerships between beijing mit and oxford. if relevant to chat to also on whatapp i know who fazle appointed to head the university and i know in bethesda my neighborhood the main american professor tutoring global youth on friendships across asia as part of schwarzmans global faculty of student mentors. in this year when the virus has become the final exam of all who could have empowered youth to unite sdgs. the connections above seem to matter and linking in eg london ang scotland to them is urgent the way i parse what trust is left in this world

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