INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Sunday, May 29, 2022

early sightings colleges seek to host million student teach-in earth day march 2022

 December Education Free VIRTUAL Summits :Yidan-HK Dec 5 WISE Qatar Dec 7 -9

DUBAI Youtube Replay FEATURING 4 UN branches (not free not virtual?)
thanks to qatar and bloomberg now on-demand replay..offering best case yet of fazle abed's 30th hunicorn 5.6

in contrast to unicorns, we search for hunicorns- multi billion dollar human knowhow networks too valuable for exiting investors or party politics; we were privileged to visit bangladesh's fazle abed 15 times in his last 10 years and aim to share notes on how billion women empowered of extreme poverty through mobilising hunicorns -dates in 21-22 staging global sustainability summits where abed partners (largest ngo web in world) expected to impact include

NOVEMBER - CLIMATE COP26 GLASGOW 1 2 3. OCTOBER BIODIVERSITY KUMNING: INFRASTRUCTURE AIIB DUBAI: G20 italy; September unga76 ny; August weforum singapore; May yidan europe oxford...
digital april - fuzhou apr 25;; green summit in april: 13 sees bnef - 22 sees earth day with biden hosting virtual leadership call-actions speaker louder than words joe- followed up by next bloomberg open green summit april 26/7 - free virtual for worldwide citizens .. next virtual celebration with 45000 teachers t4-vidas oct 2021 -help map t4cop26 nov 2021 first time this century glasgow on world stage- we want to make sure we celebrate glasgow u and sdg's greatest alumn fazle abed ...ideas rsvp 2021 - valuing humanity most collaborative year - leap forward 1 covid; 2 to green; 3 to investing in lifelong education & all under 30s sdg livelihoods not under half-see dubai december 1
60 years ago dad published two serial surveys over 15 years in The Economist: on how two thirds of people who are Asian sought to rise from less than 15% of markets to at least half and how those who played best above zero-sum games with von neumann innovations could most advamce mankind- in spite of john f kennedy's post to learn abou this- i dont know of any american academics who did....emembering Norman Macrae at The Economist
Dad lost his battle with cancer in 2010 but not before inviting young female journalists to 10 years of visiting Fazle Abed in Bangladesh - what we found will appear at and as well as Glasgow U's Journal of Social Business

thank you brac & fazle abed & asian women preventing greatest bureaucratic mistake ever made in english

hg wells - civilisation is a race between education and disaster…

the archives of fazle abed

how 1 billion women ended extreme poverty building world's largest ngo partnerships round livelihood education, health & ...catalogue of solutions 50 years in the networking

STARSteacher who's who valuing future of 2020s sdg youth most

keTry has called 2021 humanity's last best chance year - next global zoom by un on actions 25th march-
2021 major summit maps -weforum series - january davos; may moved to august singapore; cop26 november glasgow; g20 italy october; dubai most exciting edu expo ever in december; biodiversity cop may kunming; aiib infrastucture uae october; unga76 ny sept; ai earth and sdgs year round geneva itu ; year round university coalitions; year round trillion dollar sector purposes including 300 trillion dollar western pensions :14 trillion dollar and rising covid sector- you tell us rsvp
....japan is making about 10 exciting contributions to united nations 48 hour sdg actions zoom in 2 weeks - you can see both the japan and global program here - if anyone from your side participates actively- it would be good to know- we are aiming to find yourg sherpas from any sustainable city to the youth fringe of cop26 glasgow- now that tokyo is having no guests at olympics will you be doing any virtual platform; i will be trying to renew contact with japan society assuming unga76 will return to normal- are you expecting to be in ny again ? i will use my linked in space to make action calendars between now and glasgow whilst at same time inserting ads on 50 years of fazle abeds deepest partners country/city notes #br0 china #br1.1 japan #br1.2 s. korea #br1.3 singapore-hk-taiwan #br1.4 rest asean #br2.1 bangladesh #br2.2 india #br2.3 pakistan #br2.4 rest south asia #br3 russia #dr4 rest lanblocked north-central asia #br4 europe excluding eu nordica britain; #br5 west europe #br6 north america #middle east or west asia #br8 arctic circle #br 9 africa #b10 latin america#br11 un...260 years after adam smith first questioned the futures of humans and machines- glasgow university union sat nov 6 (middle weekend cop26) invites ideas on staging humanity's most urgent summit since birth of united nations san francisco opera house 1945..JFK put about 10000 young american brains on one decade- long networking goal- race to the moon; although usa today has about 100 million under 30 brains, its elders & educators have never since freed 10000 brains to any goal in spite of fact that and EntrepreneurialRevolution are now most exciting co-creative games ever played ever- is it too late for american youth to be included in tech to sustain the world? click astronaut Garan's urgent collaboration crisis -which seas or continent can you help youth sdg economic map - asia asean africa america arctic europe ..
twitter version of 2025 report

Astronaut Ron Garan: urgent collaboration crisis
Astronaut Ron Garan poses massive collaboration challenge ,,
Future of :health; culture; energy; finance. education-1960-2025: at The Economist 1960 my family started asking leaders when were they including the people in key market futures assuming the moon race made gordon moores promise that microelectronic engineers will multilpy ai capabilities every decade by 100 fold (to 2030 that's a trillion times moore than man raced to moon with, and needs road maps valuing the most exciting goals humans can linkin we use machine intelligence terms broadly to include everything that the human brain alone is now able to innovate; Economist diary continues to investigate when and where top people meet does anything get shared enabling youth to go great work and become the first sustainability generation.What is ER (Entrepreneurial Revolution)? Searches show that ER is a curriculum for valuing trust and youth especially girls by changing systems of education and community development economics. ER was founded as a media challenge of leadership purpose and friendship across nations at The Economist as man was racing to the moon in the 1960s- it was based on the hypothesis that it would be wise to put a deadline on sustainability system design. At some stage failure to educate and invest in sustainability would become exponentially irreversible. A deadline of 2025-2030 was thought to be wise.
In this worldwide economic model, communications TECH doubles every 7 years from 1946 to 2030- over 4000 times Moore! 2018-2019 is the last but 12th year for action learning sustainability. This diary aims to map the most exciting opportunities of each of the last countdown years
june 2019 luxembourg hosts 100 banking delegations sharing cases on long-term collaborative investment in infrastructure
april 2019 sees 100 national leaders coming to beijing to map sustainable world trade routes integrated round coastal Belts and Roads (eg railRoads & overland grids) as well as the sdg opportunities for cooperation that arise when all communities are linked in to win-win trade and under 30s dreams of being the sustainability generation map top 13 sdg world trade routes 0 inside china, 1 East-Belt,
2 South-Belt; 3NorthBelt
4 centre eurasia &E.Euro; 5 WEuro 6 N.Am; 7 MidEast 8MedSea 9Africa 10LatinAm 11 Arctic Circle 12UN-urgent..
help ALI report 2018-2019 Mass Collaboration 1 2 3 and Sustainability Student Livelihoods Year is turning out weird, at end of year:
june 2019 AIIB (world leader in new dev banking_ is being hosted by EU epicentre of big old banking - luxembourg, and
july sees a truncated year for preparing Japan G20 because somehow Argentina was allowed to postpone Franciscan G20 to Nov 2018 coming after the world bank oct 2018 from indonesia where theme of world development report is Livelihoods, and where the billion dollar bank partnership with aiib aims to be world class benchmark for ending slums. Asean's leading economist Mahbubani brings out his second provocation - have americans lost it, alongside can asians think- it takes 2 to win-win trade as well as tango. This most co-creative student year kicks off from Joburg BRICS in early September the start of the UNGA year sees handover from E Europe to Ecuador meanwhile the newest of Guterres entrepreneurial revolution committees led by melinda gates and jack ma has been asked to report by march 2019 in time for the greatest sustainability summit ever hosted as 100 national leaders collaborate around maps- beijing's BRI May 2019 rsvp with good news special mentions - shanghai hosts first world expo only for foreign exhibitors nov 2018- archives 2013 mainly silk road and BRI - 2012 mainly education

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