Happy 2013 to all young people -and young at heart - as we celebrate the year of the MOOC
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40 years ago when dad (Norman Macrae, a leading pro-youth economist and founder of the Entrepreneurial Revolution genre at The Economist ) and I first saw 500 youth sharing knowledge around an early digital network, it seemed that by 2010s it would be economically possible to develop worldwide job-creating education so that:
- in any practical course, everyone could have almost free access to content animated by the world's most successful teacher
- that's the promise that MOOC is starting to free hopefully at an exponentially rising rate starting in tertiary but linking all the way back through the education chain
...New Zealand and 10 million chinese families now have other 30 years of experimentation around this line of thinking wherever people linkin to http://thelearningweb.net. | .Most of the rest of the world's educational systems (search Ken Robinson youtubes: schools kill creativity ,,, changing paradigms .... bringon the learning revolution ... multiple intelligences)) have not yet been designed around the needs of children but have become trapped by government and educators trying to hold onto a 4 dimensional monoploy of acreditation, certification, knowledge production and distribution (see confession at brookings 2012)... |
we foresee that any gamechanger to education such as MOOC changes the role of local teachers to much more tutoring as well as searching out when local context is different in terms of practical priorities and facilities ; however we also assume that many skills will be integrated around a series of mobile apps (something which again needs an open dialogue on when is there a world's best way and when do local ways need to be valued more) - help with the girl effect case study that has become Muhammad Yunus number 1 focus since winning the Nobel peace prize in 2006- will the village nurse be the 21st c world's most trusted information networker
as part of a vibrant age of communities and knowledge networking, we also value that education should bring back every opportunity for involving parents and communities into transferring skills practices to our children, ending the separation that children only need to be taught by professional educators
its vital to accelerate experimentation of every role that MOOCs can play because the risk has always been that the internet will be suject to a hostile takeove by tv ad mass media before enough people realise the 10 times more economic possibilities of smart jobs-creating educational media compared to the dumbing down age that tv ad mass media trapped the late 20th century in
for all these sorts of reasons we are surveying educational opinion leaders who want to unite round a call fpor microeducationsummit and we aim to identify how other education gamechangers eg youth entrepreneur competitions, and free university paradigms win-win with the age of the MOOC
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