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Friday, December 31, 1982

1982 most intel q -WHY NOT SILICON VALLEY FOR ALL- v neumann playbook year 32 est 1951 Neumann and Economist's Norman Macrae

Where had intelligence got to in 1982?

 This was the start of 4th and last decade that dad Norman sub-edited  The Economist survey (what good will peoples unite wherever they have access to 100 times more tech per decade) inspired by year with Neumann-Einstein 1951 in NY/Princeton region. Of all the places we'd been tracking silicon valley seemed the most exciting - hence dad updates survey of silicon valley (below: why not silicon valley everywhere). The launch of Sun Micro was starting to take computers beyond tools for computer aided design by engineers-  and so dad decided that it was time to write up the next 40 years starting with personal computer networking 1984 starting line 1 2

 published in 1984 2025 report by norman and chris macrae- timelined how as an integral system a global village world could only result in 2 opposite end games - our stories on positive ways forward clarified opposite risks -

most popular chapter 6

chapter 20 will optimistic economics lead local-global space 1984-2024

As well as 1984's book 2025 report, dad wanted to clarify - digital/intelligence worlds would be going well if basic community health became every better value -see 1984 health survey, and if educational transformation started being celebrated by teachers -see 1986 survey


 upd sept 2023- to start UN-NY general assembly month we asked bard 7 questions updating our survey in 1982 Economist - why not silico valley for all

Q&A 1 which of world's 10 most powerful languages also value the peoples freedom of wolrwide speech with a democratically transpatrent LLM (Large Language meditor/)

Q2 if your mother tongue is one of next 990 languages will LLMs and new AI put you at a disadvantage

q3 Among AI experts, are there any who are most working on what you have just described at what seems to be the intersection of national democracy, llm, aigood?.

q4 will vision integration of design of language* nation* LLM* aigood IDS going to be pivotal to educational transformation

Q5 40 years on- how many if any regions in the world are capable of win-winning with Svalley  of HumanAI Valley(now clara, moutain view, stanfird)

Q6 Do any national media help witrh developing the human ai valley futures millennials need to be the first renewable generation

7 on a lighter nite do LLM plays the wizard odd couple game (a 21st C uopdate of english parlor game Consequences

play neumann's AIGames here

In 1951 Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to survey what good would peoples unite where they were first to access at elast 100 time more com p tech per decade

by 1982 smartest question economist was asking - why not silicon valleys for all;  see survey below

Shall we design AI & web3 for survival of under 30s

ChrisAIgames Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
HumansAi needs everyone now . Dear Friends NY Unite 8 Bn Beings now please

Play the AIGames to find out current maps of smart valleys for all

Or empower UN to free learning/actioning communal sdgs and tech college year 23/4 -


EE start now by forming student union clubs ready to make worlds i see the number 1 book of graduating this and every year until sustainability is won or lost. If you are in any college in NYPrinceton region and want ideas on building world women see with good intelligence now, please mail me or east coast time phone +1 240 316 8157

Five west coast women with sustainability world's toughest jobs of 23/4 -MGates FLi CRice PChan JDowds - celebrating youth intelligence - if your alumni linkin with any of them send them best wishes.

2023 update why not HumansAI Valleys for all- since 1988 world class brands formed by media experts who want to compound good or at east no evil have searched for place brands implementing silicon valleys for all; suprisingly there seem to be-very few - we'd focus of singapore and s korea as models

we believe if japan had not been trapped in a generation of property mess it would have advanced silicon valleys

there is no evidence, in spite of 4 yeras volunteering to mediate emotional intelligence dialoguesd at EU knowledgboard and some confidentialy sponsored research,  we can find little interest in svalleys everywhere  most of european union (indeed as pope paul has said the eu is system designed around haggard infertile grammothers); conversely nordica was very interested asking for local translations of 1984's 2025 report; there have been some miracles like estonia and slovenia but overall extrordinary few silicon valleys

we'd like to say china ois hard t assess ; some of the ,models that eg jack ma developed could have bene celebrated everywhere and to some extemt livened up hk and taiwan; 

we asked bard for a discussion comparing mpodels of amazon and ali baba

second smarteesdt questions- why not intrapreneurship toregenerate entrepreneurial spirit in every largest corporation - as far as Economist joutrnalists know j gifford pinchot started intrapenership mpovements

- here's teh economsit 1982 survey we are all intraprenurial npw
this follows up one of teh 2 main themes of 19676 emtrepreneurial revolution

how to change oragsnaitiol cosntitutions in favor of SME supply chains and start ups in coming digital world

aklso how to end costly political batteles over left versus right as the most emaningless possible way to design 21st C 2 party politics

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