INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, January 1, 1970

Economistarts.comking and worldclassdaos....Join the dao of 2025report- last edition beyond extinction: the overall stry of co-reasearch von neumann scoop- who will unite what good with 100 times more tech per decade - chapter 1 how 5tech eras have accelerared since 1865 -3 in the last 30 years.
chap2 how from 2016 the UNs frameowrk offers first transformation in giv serving people since begiining of goverenemt - is it in time to celebrate most massive cooperations for good
guest chapter 2 page cisions of those talking on redesign of 2020s be that web3, dao decentralised finanace , regenenetaive communities- which tech is applicable, which tech gets in the way?
how before 2016 a billion poorest women set the pace on sustainability economic modeling- learn from 3 phases- designing 10000 person communities with mno electricity; sharing the university of lepfroging models; what to do in 2020s if you want to intergare the knowhow of the quater of the world's ppualtion with the deeepst expereince
lessons from 15 yeras of playing annaul game of
appendix of tersm as they first appeared in the economist from 1951 (often tehir orginal meanings have been altered by vested interests - check out whom and avoid their advice like the plague
First 75 years of schools brief with alumni of von neumann & The Economist ... web3: AI change teacher
read all about it - how english speaking world service failed humanity in spite of at least 16 years time to live up to this 1984 tech-wizard charter of sustainability to 2025 invites you help fix this join first 100 person zoom in memory of Queen Elizabeth - greatest public servant English speaking world
Help publish youth's web3 year of 23 -rsvp
It would be interesting to know what Queen Victoria wrote in her diary when her first special envoy to
charter bank by and for india's peoples died 9 months into landing calcutta of diarrhea;
and why it took another 112 years before
girls empowrment first asian bank - BRACooperation started up by a reformed Oil Company man began saving humanity
M3 crisis: 1/1/2000 missing 2025 report's media good
(chapter 6 pdf download written 1984) opportunity of majority of world being aware of humanity's greatest risk = greatest mis-timing of my life; hope its not 2020s terminal mistake for our uniting species
Help publish youth's web3 year of 23 -rsvp
Can 100 times more tech per decade since 1930 advance enough COOPERATION to sustain millennials out of every inhabited GPS? tick tock by 2030 it is mathematics (of chaos) likely that we will know whether 2020s being saved us from mother nature's wrath and irreversible species destruction. Most exciting decade to be alive. Cooperation needed at and every game worldrecordjobs can help you and yours and meta-soc play
From our archives- 1860 17 years into founding Economist, James Wilson's most ambitious project partnering queen victoria in launching chartered bank by and for the quarter of peoples on india subcontinent stalls.
Wilson dies of diarrhea 9 months after landing in calcutta. 85 years later sir kenneth kemp (father in law of Economist's Norman Macrae writes up legalese of Indian Independence. Sir Ken did not know that partitioning was about to happen. Peoples of East pakistan draw colonial aera's shorterst straw - not only a colony of West Pakistan but blocked out of access to what have been south asia's superport. 23 years later cyclone kills a million peoples and shell oils regional young superstar ends his contract to start helping women build the new nation of Bangladesh. The greatest economic miracle produced by a billion asian mothers begin. The first network cooperation - oral rehydration ; 112 years after wilson's death illiterate village mothers first homework is how to mix boiled water sugar and salt to stop diarrhea killing one thord of infants in tropical villages. Inspired by this abed and 1 billion women map 30 cooperation platforms 1972-2019 - BRA-C (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Cooperation). First meta partnership BEAC UNICEF Tropical china; from 1996 leapfrog partners beyong vilages without electricity start to web end poverty's races. Japan and silicon valley ask abed to go international - vrac university with james grant as first world class colege begins 2001
meanwhile in 1890s london 2nd editor walter bagehot continues queen victoria's project - can the English Constitution end the slave making mentality of corpoartesd like East India company with a commonwealth constitution. Although many believe Victoria did plant this legacy for the 20th C royal family - not in time for east Insia comoany to ruin another quarter of the world's lives - the chinese after 1960 clsoe themselves to global trade rather than accept ultimatum to accept opium as a currency. Just as it takes peoples of the place we now call bnagaldesh 110 yeras to start freeing their own trade, so too contenetal china. By 1972 out of desperation both bangaldesh and china depend on raiing womens productivity from mear 0 to more than that of men in every community developing children. On the Bangladesg side follow the mapping of the reforemd oil company ceo fazle abed; on china tropical side note that one child polict meand half of all familiyies start to be dependednt on how brillainatly entrepreneurial their 20s something daughter becomes

Dedication: Sir Fazle Abed 50 years (2019-1970) supporting billion women end poverty:.Notable learning curve exponentials of diarists of Economist & global village audience interactions impact of global viewspaer disapperaed did first 150 yeras of our diarists map enough intel for millennials to be the sustainability generation?<
. what if human development determined by family's social network quality situated within web 3 2 1 0 after electricity before webs 00 before electricity
Primary purpose founder (London Scot James Wilson 1843) can global viewspaper mediate goals 2 and 1 end hunger and end poverty- changing slave making tdae toward multi-win commonwealth: wilson's pjhilosophy Smithian (last writings morality of markets before engines; first 16s of engines impact on national branding; wislons 2 signature partnership with queen victoria - end corn laws starving half of ireland's population; go to calcutta to start charter banking by and for the people; sadly wilson diee of dairrhea withing first year in vacutta but son-in-lam bagehot continues transfolrmation of Englsh Constitution
From 1951 given greatest scoop by vin neuamann - ask what peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade 1930 to 2020s-particularlycan zero sum games be resplaced by sustainable above zero sum trades - eg networks applying life critical knowhow multiplky value in use opposite to consuming up things
Norman Macrae's learning curve in 28 years before being mentored by Neumann: first 13 years home schooled btitish embassies including Stalin's moscw; then soend s last days as teen navigating airplaned bomber commandnd Burma before 6 years of good fortune; last class taught by keynes cambridge; mentired at Economist by sur geiffrey crowther autoboigrapher of Economist's first century
stories from mapping 100 times moore: best ever western leader decade fyt=ure chalenge - kenned'y's moon race primarily biproduct satellite telecoms (alumnisat) and interdendence - 2 atlantic segments : america's new european; Euro's old; asian about two thirds of humans dependent on pacific coast's world trade (that leaves up to 15% to decide which ocean integrated their muti-win games0; age 39 macrae permitted one signed survey a year- begins with 10 years of surveys of what futures do peoples want - 1962 Japan and rising Asian neighbors; 1963 people of Russia; 1964 peoples of Brazil & Latin America ...1968 peoples of south africa; 1969 rainbow peo[ples of USA- from 1972 alarmed by nixon's exit of dolar from gold standard begins 40 tyear future histiry genres with early fici on fintech, edtech, healthtec as well as energy markets; from 1976 joined by prodi argues for future capitalism grounded by sme networks not just bigger and bigger corporate and gov; 1984 prepares for last 5 y years at Economist with 2 genres - 2025 report book first published with chris macrae on updating sustainability deadlines and opportunities/threats of web1-3; biography of von neumann ; last article dec 2008- huge risk web 2 age of millennials will be underinvested with youth having to bail out elders; can blockchain distributed finance be last chance antidote to every greater political havoc of printing paper money?
Systems truth - big organisations hate innovation (ironically artificial intel best at integrating deepest real time data in way no human gov can do real time)- notably powerful western people blocked from transparent unlearning by media & lawyers; gov2.0 is about how hard one transformation of gov is since horse was fastest way to communicate; industrial revolution 4 shows how hard for big corporates to innovate beyond past system; 2020s last chance crises may involve privileged gamesters racing into web3 societies who havent yet learnt from billion poorest women attempts to leapfrog from web00 (without electricity)in 2001 friends of billion poorest women proposed solution - new universities who share their alumni's open community to community sdg solutions- see and discuss meta challenges to as predicted in 1984's 2025 report transformation of edu essential to survival of human beings (echoing HG Well's civilisiation race between edu and catastrophe) .. women4empower; herstory's turning points - some dates approx as took decades- if we've missed or wronged herstory (valuing womens planet Xponential multipliers with men's) -please rsvp - all errors mine alone gandhi 1906 thrown off south african train-starts 40 years of chnaging education from infant up (see -seeds future of mandela nets; 2020s gteatest ever network multiplier gandhi &montesorri; remultiplied einstein 1940s; in 12 post war yers greatest ever maths networkers leave legacy of 100 times more ytech per decade; from 1951 scoop of what to do with 100 times more etch relayed tp economist journalist for humanity; by 1960 ai labs twinned to face both coasts (pacific 75% of human sustainability; atlantuc 25%); by 2020s media's last chance at transparency see as too much data streaming from every gps not to blockchain and humansAI (see; 1843 smihian james wilso starts royal society newsletter gossiping why royal family need to celebrate sdg1 and 2 end starvation of eg Irish; ebd impoversiation of british raj; biggest underknown -did queen voctoria despatche wilson with idia's own chartered bank to get rid of him or to design multi-win commonwelath trading; in any event wilso dies of diarrhea within 12 months landing cacutta; it tales 112 years and partitionining of india subcontinnent before former oil company regional ceo fazle abed fimaces solutions of end diarrheas as killing tropical asian infants and end starvation by maximis vilage rice tech (borlaug)- having celebrated 100000 vilages first demonstartion of these solutions - unicefs japmes grant sonsors transai extension; coming from china missionary epidemiologist family - abed and grant partner in nationwide vaccination against infant diseases; thats 3 of the first 30 mass colaborations of the who ended poverty 2019-1972 (as for other models of western aid, who knows but data shows whatever else thy did it wasnt the vast majority of extreme povery ending); see the irony of web00 world (no electricy ) contributing more to sustainability than ever other world at - finders crossed web3 starts to emulat development economic leaps of web00 women; 1758-62: very intersting adam smith scotnds worldwide contribution to human development let alone emotional intel; bes ever summary of nature and humans market purpose before endines; best ver plea to startup engine applications everywhere not juts london 1760 east idia company's admin MOMENTS OF THE ECONOMIST - founded 1843 to mediate sustainability 2 primary goals - end hunger & poverty by Smithian James Wilson; 1943 centenary's autobiogtraphy compelling testinmong on what went wrong with negineerings in 20 most advanced nations (19 white); from 1945 Economist takes on Neumann's suggestion of greatest journalist scoop ; what to do with 100 times more tech per decade 2025-1945?; is there an optimistic rational way out of Orwellian Big Brother endgam?. If so how will educators and youth web & do what economists and elders cant even imagine/ ANNOUNCEMENT - from june 1 2022, the first post of every month will often linkin the previous month's update of - In turn this is one of the main celebration collabs of 2025Report and friends celebrating progress along the roadmap to UN secretary general's digitalisation "UN2.0". Codesmeta welcomes co-editors rsvp help AI make 2022 youth's most collaborative year-

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1 Change Media: The first tele age began in 1865 with Switerland’s ITU apponted to cooperatively mediate coms standard across nations first of telegrams then telephones , radio; telexes .. we know that tele1 ‘s 80 years to 1945 did not go well ending with 2 wotld wars – it was therefore important to design tele2 , web1 and web 2 eras in ways that maximised win-win cooperation--- missed opportunities include around 2000 from tele2 to web1 research.; this hasn’t happened and leaves in 2020s us with the ultimate challenge of getting web 3 good for millennials to be the SDG generation- can blockchain help? Can various gaming and metaverse tools help? can all of these interconnect education and ai for good- see also UN2 Global Connectivity
My 50 journeys to Asia began with Unilever project Indonesia 1982; the greatest privilege of my life being invited by Japan Ambassador to bangladesh to start what became 16 journeys to bangladesh in remembrance of my father Norman's joy of human development - see and join our next journey
Change Education; Back in 1981 - co-authored 2025report-: my family and The Economist were now benefiting from 30 years experiential learning of linking Von Neumann inspired surveys; this led us to believe digital humans (web1 from 1990, web2 from 2005 ) most important innovation would be skills dashboard and personal trainer for every being; we could not imagine that in 2023 a uni in my fav city NY would stop students from playing with first 100 million dollar brain-may you all be free again soon- meanwhile clues of what your brainpower is missing are at or mingle with 6000 educators who love your future most: NY based 3 Design Good AI4 Training every places' next decades Maths Goats and assign to nature's deepest data searches and open sources5 Transform gov to servant leadership -how many different professions hippocratic oaths will you need to update to achieve this/6 work out behavioral change (subcomscious as well as conscious mindset frames if inter-generation of 8 billion beings to valuetrue interact rights beyond borders and inclusion within, as well as future's most urgent new sustainability puzzles
7 recursion of womens/parents kindness in every way this community flow celebrates what short-term monetisation cannot
Leaders of womensAI and SD generation include Fei-Fei Li (UN started aiforgood summits from 2018; AI4All;major cordinator of USA year 1 briefing in 2023; Jeanne Lim first to help UN celebrate UN humanoid sophia as SDGs connectr 2017; at first to ask how womens AI avatar celebrations and web3 can launch each other & Mongolia’s founder of Girlstech from late 2022 – joint host of Mongilian and Un tech envoy summit 2022
in terms of deep research that chnaged AI Fei-Fei Li has few equals- here’s what chatgpt say about her up to 2105 Fei-Fei Li made significant contributions to the field of computer vision, which helped to advance AI during the period between 2000 and 2015 with the creation of ImageNet, a large-scale visual database for machine learning research. The ImageNet project provided a massive amount of data for training computer vision models, and its release in 2009 was a major turning point in the development of deep learning and convolutional neural networks. The availability of large amounts of annotated data allowed researchers to build more accurate and efficient computer vision models, and this helped to spur progress in other areas of AI, such as natural language processing and robotics. Fei-Fei Li also worked on developing new techniques for machine learning, particularly in the area of unsupervised learning. Her work on unsupervised feature learning, which aims to automatically learn representations of data without human supervision, helped to advance the development of deep learning techniques and made it possible to train models on large amounts of unstructured data.
,other researchers such as Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua Bengio and Demis Hassabis with his team at DeepMind also made major contributions to the development of deep learning and other AI techniques. In addition, the contributions of industry giants like Google, Microsoft, and IBM, who invested heavily in AI research and development during this period, also played a significant role in driving the advancement of AI.
Keynes last lesson - no economist can compound more than 1 purpose
- corollary as seconded by climate czar kerry at jan 2021-at glasgow cop26 lets demand any corporate leader maps purpose of leading market sector
- The 21st c Economist alphabet of purposes :
AI Bank Diary Food Green Health ...

probably the 2 most human arguments my father (norman macrae) made in sub-editing over 2000 leaders in the economist for most of the second half of the 20th century

-1) health builds sustainable economies not vice versa- two trillion dollar debates on health most concerning father:
in least developing countries, nothing is more important to a place's future than raising average life expectancy from 40s to 60s; what matters is a country's opportunity to develop round 40 years of productive life instead of 20; the average life expectancy of least developed countries hides the amount of focus needed on child and maternal health;

2) how tech and particularly von neumans ai impacts health will determine species survival or extinction- this is an exponential challenge - by 2025 or 2030 at the outside we will likely know if mother earth still values our species

what diary events in 2021 do you recommend interacting in 2021 to progress the human lot?
============================= asks: has any american has been loved as much worldwide as james grant? he valued poorest children -their health, their freedom/communities to grow up safe and happily curious- everywhere -especially where huge youth populations were struggling with poverty's chains - making unicef a solutions branch perhaps unlike any un branch before or since

my personal opinion -year 37 of argument co-authored with dad the economist's norman macrae in 1984- is when national politicians get in way of future of children - our species survival is put exponentially at risk even faster than what we do to climate but happy to learn from those with alternative valuation hypotheses

of course in these exciting 2020s, valuation priorities are tied up with how fast tech is redesigning what is humanly and what is artificially operated real time - changing what government is or isnt free to do- a reason why we want to see what teachers of every age group actually understand about ai - when education misses out a whole curriculum its both a teaching and learning crisis - the biggest loser being the younger half of the world

grant references include - unicef annual report year grant died

promises kept - testimonies by grant alumni / south asia

the first 2 saarc summits convened in bangladesh and delhi appear seminal- unfortunately there seem to be few open source proceedings of these conferences - if you find any let us know


Should we dare to listen to asia’s poorest women as well as animal kingdomspecies traced by the bbc’s david attenborough, the good news is the hard work over the last half century by the world’s poorest women reveals segmentation of market purposes that any community dependent on last mile services adapt. Mental adaptation needed to celebrate tech of worldwide connectivity involves mediating loving societal awareness; analytic adaptation involves transparently clarifying what data is supplied for machine intel not just to crunch but to turn into real-time public service platforms- the great innovation and goowill multiplication challenge of the 2020s.

Market segmentation – rehearsed at fazle abed roundtable briefings on coalition of girls-sdg new universities

Safe & Resilient Community

Barefoot rights lawyers, and professionals concerned with 4 market sectors most related to goal 1 poverty, 2 hunger, 3 health, 4 education

Community-resilient coalitions -maximising communities skills for disaster preparedness and relief

Training of future public servants aligned to deep data of the least sustainable families wherever ai platforms operate real time public services- the species defining challenge of the 2020s in humanising AI

Last mile Health service markets

· *Basic life-critical knowhow -eg non-prescription drugs and clean water/oral rehydration

· *Infectious diseases

· *Chronic diseases

*Surgery caused by violent accident

*Mental -wellness diseases – often initiated by abuse or societal neglect

Lifelong livelihood/skills education

College education

Teenage education including different bridges to career -eg college is different from apprentice

Primary education


Agriculture (goal 2 )

Food security to end famine and/or obesity

Water and food positively energizing human body not contaminated by waste or energy needed for machines

Land and ocean connections with green needs if earth to support 10 billion instead of eg 1.5 billion – the usa ecology of land etc use

Finance -what we know is these 6 financial systems are needed to end poverty of billion poorest women of 20th century

*Double loop reformation of global aid industry round microfranchise (social business) when value chains can be redesigned round those previously most left out of infrastructure etc- and grants that directly transfer life critical capacity locally

*Ultra grant to graduate to savings and loans for poorest

*Savings and loans for poorest allied to value chain design integrating smallest local enterprises with least infrastructure

*Small enterprise banking for next generation who move from village to city

*Remittance banking

*Digital banking prioritised for the unbanked or underbanked

The 1960s moon race decade may have seemed like the most exciting time to be alive with its giant leap for mankind. The communications reality of all who mediate needs to be the 2020s celebrated multiple ground level leaps forward round mother earth: post-covid, towards green, around all lives matter- this requires education and health revolutions connecting every community way beyond the capability of zero-sum monetary games. Fortunately, the 4th industrial revolution offers a just-in-time escape route from oblivion – humanising artificial brains to operate real-time platforms which in turn depends on transparent mapping of data – bottom up and open- because those are nature’s evolutionary accounting rules

x an open letter to hosts of education laureates from authors of 1984's

we have attended some of your prize givings and nothing inspires us like those who free children with education
but our opinion in 2020s : it's impossible to live up to the legacy of those who valued children most like james grant or fazle abed- with prizes that only single out one person's team and one age range of education- of course these are inspiring but they cant flow the whole transformation of education on which sustainability will depend

one classic example of chatting to fazle abed- moocs had just arrived at the world bank around 2013 when jim kim was in charge

abed teasingly said
i get Massive - i like scaling solutions
i get Open - nobody should ever patent a life critical solution - a note my family found in von neumanns diaries when writing his biography
i get Online
but why isnt C for collaboration?

there are so many missing action skills/curricula of 2020s-and if the younger half of the world is to make transformations to health, green and education they will need network collaboration more than individual brilliance - whether its mapping how to vaccinate everyone or humanising artificial intelligence for good
towards lifelong teaching and studying

in our opinion, teachers of any age group urgently need to be freed to be curious about tech and ai- how can the age group they teach be excited about using tech to be the first sdg generation if the teachers are neither excited nor exploring whats next with #aiforgood - if instead youth are being chained to historic standard exams

moreover the most valuable skills any 19 year old can learn are now changing every 4 years; since 2015 there has been more new local data worldwide than the whole of history- how computers turn that into operational platforms will depend on what 19 year olds are free to do/connect in 2020s far more than siloised expert olders

fazle's main answer to 2020s as ultimate sdg decade, which he discussed with most asian ambassadors in his final years eg twice at dinner tables kindly hosted by japan ambassador in remembrance of my father- find at least one new university per country- make a coalition- share all courses- don't put community-engaged students in debt- start getting ai to digitally identify each students own proven digital skillsets -

- if as kerry said at innovating economics to sustain net generation since 2006 last glasgow may be humanity's last best chance to go green - isnt it also the last best chance to free children from over-siloised education? to massively transfer knowhow for last mile services health and smart and culturally inclusive

chris macrae
ps the home capital of 5 generations of my diaspora scot family is glasgow whose university was also abed's alma mater and the start of the machine age 260 years ago- if you have any challenges or celebrations to share during glasgow cop26 we'd love to help maximise celebrating yidan prize winners or searching for nominations 2022

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About Dad and Me youtube washington dc email linkedin 9500 skype chrismacraedc co-author with The Economist's Norman Macrae 1984's 2025Report - 40 years to transform education and save our species