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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cases coordinated by Nvidia's AI Nations leader Ms Shilpa Kolhatkar

 Shilpa Kolhatkar

Showing results for "ship a Kolhatkar"
1 - 12 of 13  | 
March 2024
, Founder, North.io
, Global Head of AI Nations Business Development, NVIDIA
Our Earth, often referred as the “Blue Planet,” owes this moniker to its vast oceans. When benchmarked against national economies, the blue economy ranks as the seventh-largest globally and is growing massively due to offshore wind 
March 2023
, Global Head of AI Nations Business Development, NVIDIA
, Research Scientist, SI Analytics
Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in disaster risk reduction – from the forecasting of extreme events, to the detection of events in real time, to intelligent situational awareness and inform rapid decision-making 
September 2022
, Senior Scientist, Global AI, NVIDIA
, Data Scientist, United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)
, Global Head of AI Nations Business Development, NVIDIA
Earth observations are invaluable for assessing and mitigating the impact of climate change and human activities on our planet. This talk from NVIDIA and United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) data scientists will focus on how AI 
March 2022
, CEO, Blocpower
, President / Vice President, Future Cities Council, Canada
, Special Advisor, Climate & Sustainability, Columbia University
, Global Head of AI Nations Business Development, NVIDIA
, Principal scientist, NVIDIA
It's becoming increasingly important to ensure that advancements and innovations in urban planning are also achieving cities' sustainability goals. Learn how AI is playing a big role in making urbanization smarter, but also more 
March 2022
, Engineer, MarineAI Ltd
, Director of Engineering, Submergence, LLC
The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) is an exploratory ship, powered by renewable resources for endurance, with full autonomous capability to operate in even the most remote areas of the world’s oceans.
November 2021
, JBG Smith
, Municipality of Tel Aviv Yafo
This session brings together notable leaders with rich government, industry, and academic backgrounds to dive deep into how AI is being used to transform cities. We’ll learn about the potential of urban AI data centers as a platform for 
November 2021
, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
, Fujitsu Technology Solution GmbH
Think of travel restrictions due to pandemics, but also locations that are difficult to reach in time — for example, in a ship propulsion system on the high seas, or a malfunctioning cooling system in a remote warehouse with sensitive goods.
April 2021
, OmniSci
, OmniSci
In this presentation, we explore three applications of the macroscope concept, applying it to the monitoring of individual tree health for hundreds of millions of trees, the exposure of static and moving assets to weather, and the analysis of 
April 2021
Learn how the Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) will self-navigate across oceans, run operations 24/7, and collect and analyze large amounts of real-time data on climate and ocean health with its AI captain powered by IBM Automation.
April 2021
, Jozef Stefan Institute
, Telconet
This panel aims to bring together notable leaders from industry, academia and government to dive deep into how cities are using AI to enhance urban communities, to become more environmentally sustainable, and to improve 
October 2020
, Submergence, LLC
, Submergence, LLC
Brett Phaneuf, president of Submergence Group LLC and founder of Marine AI, an NVIDIA Inception partner, will discuss lessons learned from creating his vision to build a working and fully autonomous AI ship that will travel from Plymouth, 
October 2020
, SparkBeyond
, Quantiphi
, Corti
In this panel discussion, Shilpa Kolhatkar, NVIDIA AI Nations executive, talks to organisations whose GPU-accelerated solutions are helping governments tackle key policy goals and emerge even stronger.

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