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lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Thursday, July 7, 2022

2025 sdgs curating solutions

1 web0- 1 billion poorest vilage women solutions proven 1996-1972 total chnage of western aid pioneered by 1 billion vilage wome most connected to former royal dutch shell regional ceo Fazle Abed: wherever possible design microfrancises - positive cashflow however small led by vilage motehrs directed at most urgent needs - eg rice to end starvation; veggies needed for childrens nutrition to have enough vitamins; door to door 10 most basic medicines- this franchise began rural last mile health services- with a 300 home route one vilage mother would become trusted as other health services were linkedin
when eg bangaldesh vilage wonen did apply for a grant they focused on designing a solution needed across their hemisphere- ie being the regions best aid collab- the first 2 franchises oral rehydration and mass vaccination took brac nationwide - the sponsor for tehse first 2 grants was epidemiologists and then UN leader James Grant- his family having been missionaries in china- he helped arrange swaps - china's tropical vilage women needed oral rehydartion too; china gladly donated its best rice variants for last mile food security - solution swaps contunued theorgh the last quarer century of no access to eledctricity grieds- what happened next was search for partners who wanted vilage women to leapfrog with silar and mobile

bangladesh women went on to design the world's largewst cashless banking sustems in term sof poulatuion served and web 1 tech ie mobile text 

theree huge finacial lessos needed by anyone teachning the ssutainability generation

transformation of aid - minimise charity (if a microfranchise sme soultion can be found trapping people in endless charity is not only uneconoic but immoral

whenever fazle abed found partners offereing enw tech he always designed a model priortising betetr finace for the poorest - after all teh savings og going beyond paper could make it economical to serve the unbanked - ie those whose transcations might be so small that they would not be economic in days of paper accounting

abed was always concerned taht when his vilage women got involved in a market they found ways to lead the value chain design so that ther=y were never squeezed out- abed was fortuate - he made his bigegst mistake at the start of chnaging from oil ceo to bangladesh rural advance collaborations- he soent all his money rebuilding 15000 vilage hoems that the war of imdependence had flattened in his jhoem region- no sooner than tehse were built than he saw doens of mother dying a wek ofs tarvation , score sog infants dying of dehydartion ; this is both what motivated his urgency in designing best everr microfranchsies but gave him scal in the supply chain -by serving a metavilage of 100000 peopel at a time brac became bothing elading wholesaler as well as lead droduct R&D in any market sequenced to advance sustainability - we will see that the markets chose 1962-1996 math sdgs 1-5 with goal 6 sanitation bodering on how vilagers could prevent cities from dumping waste on them - at the same time over abed's lif 2019-1972 bangladesh progressed from 90% rural to 70% with a 50-%0% balance matching national goal 2050

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