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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Entrepreneurial Revolution : Rising Sun and Diaspora Scottish economics (eg what adam smith actually wrote as a counter to mercantile empire rules the world) have over half a century argued that it will be Asian peoples not the West that will most determine whether sustainability goals are won or lost. Japan Reiwa can play a timely and hugely joyful role in mediating possibilities of 2020s as decade when computer brains outnumber human ones, Ultimately AI is programmed by human senses. How grounded, natural and micro can Big Data Intelligence be? So far it is a remote western mindset that has mainly spun a globalisation in which 10 richest men own more than 40% poorest. Remember USA is only 5% of the world's people and its internal ethnicties (caucasian, black, latin .. female and male) are not yet harmonious. Americans have at least as much to learn culturally from Asean as Vice Versa.( Ditto EU with or without UK). Considering population sustainability Japan has much more to learn and action app with China and India than USA. Climate if it is to be resolved will depend on Japan interactions with the whole Arctic circle not USA or EU bowling alone.If sustainability is ultimately won or lost at community levels then big data small needs to integrate smart city hubs, trading maps and app global village networking not externalise risk across national or big corporation borders. As the Pope has argued youth can be a win-win currency that printing paper and GDP analysis cannot. Whether you call our new www search IR4 or Society5.0 these are the most exciting times to be alive. Investment of 3 generations in each others rising knowhow exponentials will determine the lot of our species. TO BE OR NOT TO BE requires transformational education, exploring back from the future of the 2020s (trillion times moore technology than when man and machine intelligence raced to the moon). Imagineering much more ado with Yoko Ono's loveq than 7 no Trumps. Arts , nature, family loveq, deep community trust-flows and local resilience offer much more to innovate as rising exponential value multipliers than man made science driven by paper currency, arms races. addiction and externalisation of risk, short-term monetisation. Scotty, please beam me up from era of subprime rankings.

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