IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth. December 2024, Wash DC, ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Monday, December 31, 2001

Bad nEWs mediation destroys MGI- can APPC save

 Globalisations political macroeconomists have been blinded by east-west growth exposing multiple n-s faultlines; as well as tracking the 4 N_S coastal beltlines of Atlantic and Pacific - learn from landlocked world war labs. Such fake media design will erode/destroy Millennials' Goals Intelligence which world-deep investment needs id 21st c kids are to be first renewable generation

the original world war nab up from suez to tricontinent landbridge to Russia has tripled with balkan to north and now the gulf up through afghan to russia 

the miracle of billion east asian village girls empowerment is that it offered clues on how to fix north from myanmar-bangla border - understanding this is not yet being valueed by the clinton microcreditsummit which otherwise offered millennills some hope

who as well as bangladesh yunus and abed to tap intel from - ezra vogel , lee kuan yew, romano prodi are eastern examples, prodi, soros, gorbachev, franciscans mihjt have been western examples

the 3 kingdoms uk japan and neterlands could convenve a decolonial ai world series

those who truly supported mandela might have helped clarify africa's role as southern compoent od east atlatic and west pacifific

thise concernede with last mile health and refugees can provide foundational deep data support to large media models

updare 2020- pity plague prevention ai models had not been mapped as they might have integrwted s-n and east-west as urgentlu climate livable planet will need to fo

forwars after covid aja multilatera2015's need for un2 to turn sdgs into reality-making partnership not more greenwasking

abed's 4-force model which began womens intel new universities with stanford from 2001 remains valid for deep data scientists

Public worlf service broadcaters appear to have missed 1984 timeline script of mediating a worlfwide reality tv program on enf poverty solutions before 3g to 5g copounnd -its worth remembering why it was lile to be a tiwanese postmaster who suggested suck solutions as blockchain cashless currencies

lets hope 2000s phds reconnect with neural network algorirhms core to Neuman's last notes on Computer & Brain

Tifts polar collaboratory climate and shared ed solutions of peoples native to arctic circle match attenborough's lifetime prescience also a Kinhg Charles and Japan Emperor natural science ai focus

Least common debating forum with additional vetoes are not the way ri mediated deep data of turing, large language models convergence on natural science intel of neumann let alone collaboratory ed3 (evld with deep personal learning agency) vision of einsten and nrainworking

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