hip hip hooray world fame comes to those who help education transform attention round humanise goodwill.
Regarding 2023-24 its urgent that very good humansAI links London Nov2023 start of king charles world series AI summit with Korean AI Spring with Paris post-Olympics youth AI spring - with UN summit future NY sept 2024; biotech ai is ready to multiply Fei-Fei leaps thanks to hassabis deep mind 200 million protein database; so here's possible NY topline meta-cooperation to value multiply new york UN and biotech climate womens intel everywhere.
Breaking Local Diary Wash Dc January 24 - Fei-Fei: Condoleezza Rice Stanford and DC Hoover twin policy making's top 10 Intelligence tech gamechangers . Also special may love is all you need be with Taiwan's 3 male leaders J's (Nvidia, Stanford, Ali) and Ms Tang&Tsai
AI Spring began 2012 (first time since NET's last notes on brain & computer 1957); hooray world fame comes to those who help educaion transform attention round humanise goodwill intelligence multipliers- try out simplest ai gamesboard - bingo on the humble tic tac toe grip can integrate 3 triangularions;
Brooklyn MS T&T Tandon&Tsai. | Guterres & Sheika Moza 1 2 | Melinda Gates : womens lifters biotech 23-24 PC & JD. |
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. | In 2012 humans saw for first time how much brainworkers machines love big data : 20 million images - spanning 20000 entities that we human most work & play with - be these animal vegetable mineral; man-made and in case of animals body languages and diversity of ethnic or democratic origins. Computer visioning will change everything. You'll no longer need to be a programing whiz to learn how to do what you choose. And conversely one of the greatest tech wizards since 2012 has got a computer to reveal nature's protein codes -some had historically assumed what alphafold2 has open sourced would take a billion years graduate work. NB some details below may be out by a year or so- eg please check and update with friend bard What's urgently important is to multiply good intelligence; to do that let's help each other see who first gave us which advances of HAI (HumansAI eg 1 and which big investors leapt in to help The biography of Fei-Fei Li "World I See" gives an account of whom most increased her confidence as a 15 year old arriving in Parsippany New Jersey both between ages of 15-30 when non-famous but loving mentors helped her; and from 2009 several people at stanford who were designing MOOCS and around the world 3 professors who had kept neural network mapping alive ; of these3 professors in ai20s- the 70 something hinton has returned from toronto to london to semi-retire -two remarkably youthful 60 something French- americans/canadians Lecun 1 NYU and Bengio quebec algorithm hub 1 2 provide deep wisdom (he's been asked with Li to advise un Guterres on ai for climate and biotech) and to represent the king charles/ai Turing world series as it its foirst 12 months linking korea spring 2024, Paris youthful celebration olympic summer, UN fall summitftutre my assembly sept
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first AI_WHY playing the diagonals (bottom left-top right womens intel; bottom right-top let youth -ie millennial gen's - intel) and four corners around centre of Gravity (HumansAI);
second FIG: see central pillar Gov2.0 with bottom line Foundation (deep data science) and top line Inter-cooperation (global viulage nets uniting 8 billion humans sustaiability with mother nature); in year 23-24 critical top right female ai players of bio/nature tech at stanfird twin valley : priscilla chan and jeenifer doudno; insert eg guterres and sheika moza top centre - herte's there un contribution sept 2023, and aug 2023 top level biotechai panel of guterres; twin brooklyns womens intelliugenbce energies - eg tandons nyu school of engineereing , clara wu tsais-demale basketball supoerstars libery at barclay cente; neuro science labs at yale & stanford; colored inner city justice funds; trustee position stanford board; chip connections wit taiwanese.
Brooklyn MS T&T Tandon&Tsai. | GUterres & Sheika M0za. | Melinda Gates : womens lifters biotech 23-24 PC & JD. |
AI20s.com is at a crossroads. Risks can be minimised by facing up to many technical reasons why Neuman-Einstein-Turing gift of brainworking machines faltered - eg 20th c goats of maths died suddenly ; nuances last value multiplying notes on computer and brain and neural networking; professions have prioritised short-term rather than rising exponential intergenerational governance; western media/coms models have turned out to spin dismally since 1865 more often than transforming intelligent attention; Neumann's and Turing greatest girls coders weren't loved much (IF need technical sources: please ask chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk eg Economist sub-editors produced 2 deep biographies on von neumann 1993/2020, Understanding Einstein's wish for personalised learning agents requires social change not a lot of maths but yes some science is messier and not all critical deep data advances are possible unless you understand Neumann's 20 general (linkedin) leaps integrating maths and nature's sciences.
his looks good - sorry about short notice
ReplyDeleteThe UN's Antonio Guterres writes: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/our-common-agenda-policy-brief-transforming-education-en.pdf
The challenges that we are facing can be addressed only through stronger international cooperation. The Summit of the Future, to be held in 2024, is an opportunity to agree on multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow, strengthening global governance for both present and future generations (General Assembly resolution 76/307).
Against a global backdrop of unprecedented wealth and severe inequalities, progress towards the education-related Sustainable Development Goals and targets has faltered. Hundreds of millions of children and young people remain out of school. Billions of those in school are not even acquiring the basics. Girls continue to encounter discrimination in education and, as elsewhere, the most vulnerable and marginalized – low-income groups, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, migrants, refugees and displaced persons, among others – are being hit hardest. All the while, global inequities in education financing are making it almost impossible for low- and middle income countries to catch up.
I am now in my 17th year bussing up/down US east coast- Brooklyn is far the best place for keeping this dialogue going before and after the 3 days in september when the manhatatan hq is supposed to transform all 17 goals currently collapsing
cheers chris EconomistDiary.com : AI Games: Architect Intelligence 2024's top 31 women intelligence start at this section of UNsummitFuture.com co-editing help welcome
Welcome schedule
EconomistDiary.com : AI Games: Architect Intelligence
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From: Anselmo LEE 이성훈
Sent: Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at 18:18:41 GMT-5
Subject: Zoom with Agenda for Webinar No 2 on Jan. 11, 2024 Transforming Education (UN SOTF Policy Brief No 10)
Dear All registered participants,
Peace new year again!
We are pleased to share with you the zoom and agenda for the webinar no 2 on Transforming Education (UN SOTF Policy Brief No 10) at 6 PM (Bangkok Time, GMT+7) Thursday 11 January 2024.
Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88503640312
ID: 885 0364 0312
Policy Brief No 10 Transforming Education
Please note that the next webinar no 3 on Youth Engagement and Future Generation will be held on Thursday, 18 January 2024.
Hoping to see you all soon,
Anselmo, Beckie and Pradeep
APSD and GCAP Asia
Program Agenda and Speaker
Guiding Questions (tentative)
m Why the UN 2024 Summit of the Future (SOTF) matters for you and civil society in Asia?
m What are the key components/messages of the Policy Brief No 10 on Transforming Education?
m How do you as individual or organization evaluate the relevance of the Policy Brief No 10 on Transforming Education in addressing the global and regional (Asia) challenges on the ground?
m What actions can CSOs in Asia take to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the UN SOTF, specially the Policy Brief No 10 and related agenda.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Beckie Malay, C4UN and GCAP Asia
Rene Raya, Regional Advocacy Coordinator and Lead Policy Analyst,
Asia and South Pacific Bureau for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE),
Anselmo LEE, APSD Coordinator
m Rasheda Choudhury, CAMPE Bangladesh
m Utak Chung, Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Former Director of UNESCO APCEIU Korea
m Sanduni Dissanayake, PyeongChang Youth Peace Ambassador (2021), Sri Lanka
Concluding and Closing Remarks
Pradeep Baisakh, GCAP Asia