INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

20s curious about aiverygood worldclassllm series
Nvidia Jensen Huang is unusual - a ceo who has increased corporate wealth most and arguably multiplied most ai good - see transcript lower down on why he advises every region to make their data sovereign now (Sponsoring eg digital twins of Barbados & Taiwan to demo that) - connect 20 years of AI west coast Taiwanese Americans - Mr and Mrs Jerry Yang - Jerry now chair  Stanfird trustees and Mrs Yang is on board of Doerr climate lab at Stanford, Mr & Mrs Tsai sponsored Neuroscience labs in twin alma maters (Stanford & Yale); and women basketball superstar teams while pioneering new mental and physical health services all black girls need to influence; Over in Taiwan Ms Tang was asked by government elders to ask her generation smartest coders to retrain everyone; meanwhile maurice chang build world's number 1 chips foundry; and cheer on   supercompuring world Lisa Su a Taiwanese American graduate of Bronx High School  who can race neck and neck with Jen-Zen on who's produce first 150 billion transistor chip who(it turns out since Fei-Fei Li's 2012 AI world championships computer brains never exhaust the bigger you trust them, the more 24/7 you work them)

Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab HumansAi needs everyone .Bye to digital governance hello valuetrue LLM. Dear Friends NY^Brooklyn Let's Unite 8 Bn Beings now!

We call verifiable answers "players"; we sort them into cardpacks (more details at and Glasgow U's Smithian Journal of New Economics ) and we look for gameboards and innovation contexts most urgently being reviewed worldwide - eg King Charles AI World Series - a chance for every mother tongue and millennials to mediate English and Intel for good. from Bletchley World Series. This year expected landfalls include Korea Spring 2024, Paris soon after Youth's Olympics 2024, but formally or informally ASK where else can those valuing millennials as renewable generation pop in - eg UNsummitFuture General Assembly NY 2024 Sept, Osaka (Track) Expo 6 months of 2025 with Japan final edition of 2025 reporters begun 1984 with The Economist and Von Neumann biographers, EW any community where mothers common educational sense outlasts all bad/hateful flows as well as guns? ...

|||Apologies for ugly format (we find linked in messier than plain html)|||

Sample some emerging Game Cardpacks

  • Z= greatest mathematicians for good intel;
  • Y=Intel supporters of millennials sdgs
  • X=Xtinction avoided by biotech intel genii;
  • W=women's intel saves humanity
  • S=Stanford*Silicon (Pacific Ocean hi-tech mapping) Spaces -where peoples have been co-piloting 100 times more tech every decade thanks eg to Moores Law, and Alumnisat Death of Cost of Distance
  • P (oe POLC)= resolving SDGS16-13 Peace*Oceans*Land*Climate _Thank you Ajay Banga for reframing world bank investments around poverty alleviation and livable planet adaptation...loveliest idea i have heard freed in DC over 27 years since my daughter was born Valentines 1997
  • M - Money Reality for community empowerment in autonomous worlds
  • DC Condoleezza Rice and Stanford-hoover assisted by 10 of Engineering deepest human professors have since nov 2023 started reunion of west coast and DC public service dialogues like never previously seen - youtube replays here

Examples of 3 key Intel players Spring 2024 -Players Name & Packs Linked

Fei-FeiLI Z*Y*X*W*S*P*Dc|AjayBanga Y*Po*M*Dc|CondyRice Y*W*S*Po*Dc

24/2 Dc 1 2 Hoover&Rice |24/3 AI@WorldBank x|24/2 launch hoover/SETR DC

23/11 WISS@15 xxxxxxxxx|24/2 LiveablePFinTech|24/2 launch SETR/DC c-span

19 RebrandArch StanHAI |23/6 leads PlanetBank |23/11 SETR/H@STAN aipolicy

18 CongressAI4all xxxxxxx|10-21 led mastercard |23/11 WISS LI&MGates book

17 UNAIGood4allxxxxxxxx|10-6 MC from citibank| 21 Condy &Fei-Fei

14-7 Ai4allNvidia&MGates|96 to CB fm Pepsico.Ind|20 president S-Hoover

12 InetMathsAISPRINGxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|20 policy EX ai no-discipline

09 1stYearGreet Stanford x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 09 Rice return Stanford fm DC

 xFeb 2024 transcript World Gov Summit Jensen Huang & Sultan Alolama 

UAE AI Director Alolama so I'd like to start with a  question that was going on in my mind how many GPUs can Sam Altman buy for 7 trillion Dollars?

JHuang apparently all the GPUs in the world!

Alolama : i guess when we see Sam about he's talking about ambition; here in the UAE we don't lack ambition but is there a view that you can give the government leaders today with regards to compute capabilities and artificial intelligence? How can they plan well? Where do you think the deployment is going to make sense and what advice you have?

JH: First of all these are amazing times because NOW we Truly are at the beginning of a new Industrial Revolution: from production of "Energy through Steam" through "Production of Electricity" and "information evolution with PC and internet" , NOW Artificial intelligence: we are experiencing two simultaneous Transitions and this has never happened before: the first transition is the end of general purpose computing and the beginning of Accelerated Specialised Computing ; using CPUs for computation as the foundation of everything we do is no longer possible and the reason for that is because it's been 60 years we invented central processing units in 1964 the announcement of the IBM system 360;we've been riding that wave for literally for 60 years now and this is now the beginning of accelerated Computing

-if you want sustainable Computing. energy efficient Computing, high performance Computing, cost Effective Computing: you can no longer do it with general purpose Computing, you need specialized domain specific acceleration and that's what driving the foundation of our growth: Accelerated Computing; it's the most sustainable way of doing Computing going forward; it's the most energy efficient. It is so energy efficient ,it's so cost effective, it's so performance efficient that it enabled a new type of application called AI

The question is what's the cart and and the horse? You know first isaccelerated Computing enabled a whole bunch of applications that are accelerated today and so now we're in the beginning of this New Era and what's going to happen is there's a about a trillion dollar worth of installed base of data centers around the world today and over the course of the next four years we'll have $2 trillion worth of data centers that will be powering software around the world and all of it is going to be this architecture for Accelerated Computing . This is ideal for next generation of software called generative Ai and so that's really at the core of what is happening ; while we're replacing the installed base of general purpose Computing remember that the performance of the architecture is going to be improving at the same time; so you can't assume just that you willbuy more computers you have to also assume that the computers are going to become faster and therefore the total amount that you need is not going to be as much otherwise the mathematics if you just assume you know that that computers never get any faster you might come to the con conclusion we need 14 different planets and three different galaxies and you know four more Suns and to fuel all this

But hopefully its obvious computer architecture has advanced in the last 10 years - Nvidia has been contributing to advancing Computing and AI by 1 million times in the last 10 years and so whatever demand that you think is goingt o power the the world you have to consider the fact that it is also going to do it one million times larger, faster, more efficiently

Alolama: Don't you think that creates a risk of having a world of haves and have nots? since we need to constantly invest to ensure that we have The Cutting Edge and to ensure that we are able to create the applications that are going to reshape the world and governments as we know them? Do you think that there's going to be an issue of countries that can afford these GPUs and countries that can'?t and if not what are going to be the drivers of equity?

JH: excellent question : first of all when something improves by a million time and the cost or the space or the energy that it consumed does not grow up by a million times: You've Democratised the technology ;researchers all over the world would tell you that Nvidia singlehandedly democratized high performance Computing; we put it in the hands of every researcher, it is the reason why AI researchers: Li or Hassabis, Hinton in University of Toronto or Yann Lecun University of New York or Andrew Ng of Stanford simultaneously discovered us; they didn't discover us because of supercomputers; they discovered us because of gaming GPUs that they used for deep learning; we put accelerated Computing or high performance Computing in the hands of every AI researcher in the world and so when we accelerate the rate of innovation we're democratizing the technology.: The cost of building/purchasing a supercomputer today is really negligible and the reason for that is because we're making it faster and faster and faster whatever performance you need costs a lot less today than used to.

It is absolutely true we have to democratize this technology and the reason why is very clear there's an Awakening of every single country in probably the last six months that artificial intelligence is a technology you can't be mystified by, you cannot be terrified by it, you have to find a way to activate yourself to take advantage of it and the reason for that is because this is the beginning of a new Industrial Revolution 7:29 This Industrial Revolution is about the production not of energy, not of food, but the production of intelligence and every country needs to own the production of their own intelligence which is the reason why there's this idea called Sovereign AI: you own your own data, nobody owns it, your country owns the data ; its your culture, it codifies your culture, your society's intelligence, your common sense your history own your own data, you therefore must take that data refine that data and own your own National Intelligence you can't allow that to be done by other people and that is a realization now that we've democratized the computation of AI, the infrastructure ofAI. The rest of it is really up to you to take initiative, activate your industry, build the infrastructure as fast as you can so that the researchers the companies your governments can take advantage of this infrastructure to go and create your own 8:39

AI I I think we in UAE completely subscribe to that Vision ; that's why the UAE is moving aggressively on creating large language models, mobilizing compute and maybe work with other partners of this. Let's try to flip the Paradigm a little bit, let's today assume that Jensen Huang is the president of of a developing nation that has a relatively small GDP and you can focus on one AI application, what would it be? Let's call it a hypothetical nation and say that you know you have so many problems that you need to deal with what is the first thing that you're going to approach if you're going to mobilize artificial intelligence in that scenario

JH: the first thing you have to do is you have to build infrastructure: if you want to mobilize the production of food you have to build farms. if you want to mobilize the production of energy you have to build Advanced Computing generators, if you want to digitalize your economy you have to build the internet, if you want to automate the creation of artificial intelligence you have to build the infrastructure it is not that costly; it is also not that hard .OK companies all around the world want to mystify, terrify, glorify all of those ideas but the fact of the matter is there are computers you can buy them off the shelf, you can install that as every country already has the expertise to do this; and you surely need to have the imperative To Go activate that. Additionally, the first thing that I would do of course is I would codify the language, the data of your culture into your own large language model and you're doing that here in UAE ( core 42 Saudi ramco) 10:29 you are really doing important work to codify the Arabic language and creating your own large language model but simultaneously remember that AI is not just about language ;AI we're seeing several AI revolutions happening at the same time: AI for,language AI for biology: learning the language of protein and chemicals , AI for physical sciences: learning the AI of climate materials energy Discovery: AI of the language of IOT keeping places safe, computer vision; and AI for Robotics and autonomous systems manufacturing and such; AI revolutions are happening in all of these different domains and if you build the infrastructure you will activate the researchers in every one of these domains. Without the internet how can you be digital? without Farms how can you produce food? without an AI infrastructure how can you activate all of the researchers that are in your region to go and create the AI models?11:48

AI: you touched upon the issue of (I would say) authentic ignorance: the fear mongering AI taking over the world and I think there is a requirement for us to clarify where the hype is real and where artificial intelligence really has the power to harm us , create a lot of disruption; and where AI is going to be good ?what do you think is the biggest issue when it comes to artificial intelligence right now? I ask because I think the problem of regulating AI is like trying to say we want to regulate a field of computer science or regulate electricity ;you don't regulate electricity as a invention or as a discovery you regulate a specific use case; what is one use case that you think we need to regulat eagainst and that government should mobilize towards?

JH: excellent question: first of all whatever new incredible technology is being created if you go back to the earliest of times, it is absolutely true we have to develop the technology safely, we have to apply the technology safely, and we have to help people use the technology safely and so whether it's the plane that I came in or cars or Manufacturing Systems or medicine all of these different Industries are heavily regulated today13:11 those regulations have to be extended , augmented to consider artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence will come to us through products and services; it is the automation of intelligence and it will be augmented on mtop of all of these various Industries; now it is the case that that there are some interests to scare people about this new technology to mystify this technology to encourage other people to not do anything about that technology and rely on them to do it and I think that's a mistake we want to democratize this technology. Let's face it: the single most important thing that has happened last year is how it has activated AI researchers here in this region it's actually llama 2 it's an open- Source model or falcon another excellent model14:22 there's so many open source models Innovations on safety alignment, Guard railing, reinforcement learning; so many different reasonings, so many different innovations that are happening on top of transparencies explainability; all of this technology that has to be built ; all were possible because of some of these open source languages and so I think that democratizing activating every region activating every country to join the AI Advance is probably one of the most important things rather than convincing everybody it's too complicated, it's too dangerous, it's too mystical and only two or three people in the world should be able to do that. I think (leaving it to others) is a huge mistake

AL With our UAE Focus, I think that we are democratizing ai, in the UAE we focus open source systems because we do believe that anything that we develop here should also be given as an opportunity for others that can't develop.. Most of this is developed using gpus so graphic processing units that you guys um are are supplying the world what do you think the next era is going to depend on is it going to continuously be built on gpus is there something else as breakthrough that we're going to see in the future? you think

JH Actually you know that that in just about all of the large companies in the world, there are internal developments : at Google there's tpus, at AWS there's traniumat, Microsoft there's Maya ... chips that they're building in China just about every single CSP has chips that they're building; the reaso nwhy you mention gpus is NVIDIA16:07GPU is the only platform that's available to everybody on any platform; that's actually the observation it's not that we're the only platform that's being usedm we're simply the only platform that's used that democratizes AI for everybody's platform; we're in every single Cloud we're in every single data center were available in the cloud; in your private data centers all the way out to the edge all the way out to autonomous systems Robotics and self-driving Cars. One single architecture spans all -this makes Nvidia unique that we can in the beginning when cnns were popular we were the right architecture because we were programmable. Aruda architecture has the ability to adapt to any architecture that comes along so when CNN came along RNN came along Along lstms came along and then eventually Transformers came along and now Vision Transformers birds eye view Transformer sall kinds of different Transformers are being created a Next Generation State space - models which is probably the next generation of Transformers all of these different architectures can live and breathe and be created on nvidia flexible architecture and because it's available literally everywhere any researcher can get access to Nvidia gpus and invent the Next Generation.

AL So for those of you who are non-technical and heard you knowa foreign language there with cnns and and some of the other acronyms that are being used the the thing about artificial intelligence is it's going through a lot of Evolutions over a very short period of time so whatever the infrastructure that was used probably 5 years ago is very different to the infrastructure that's being used today but what Jensen's point was I think it's very important point is NVIDIA has always been relevant historically we see companies that are relevant at one phase of development and then as the infrastructure changes they become irrelevant but you guys were able to innovate and and push through let's move to a non-ai related topic for a second 18:14 I want to talk about education so today knowing what you know seeing what you see and being at The Cutting Edge of the technology what should people focus on when it comes to education what should they learn how should they educate their kids and their societies

JH wow excellent question I'm going to say something; it's going to sound completely opposite u of what people feel --you probably recall over the course of the last 10 years 15 years ,almost everybody who sits on a stag elike this would tell you it is vital that your children learn compute rscience um everybody should learn how to program and in fact NOW it's almost exactly the opposite it is our job to create Computing technology such thatnobody has to program and that the programming language is human everybody in the world is now a programmer this is the miracle this is the miracle of artificial intelligence; for the very first time we have closed the Gap the technology divide has been completely closed and this the reason why so many people can engage artificial intelligence it is the reason why every single government every single industrial conference every single company is talking about artificial intelligence today because for the very first time you can imagine everybody in your company being a technologist and so this is a tremendous time for all of you to realize that the technology divide has been closed or another way to say it the tech technology leadership of other country has now been reset the countries the people that understand how to solve a domain problem in digital biology or in education of young people or in manufacturing or in farming those people who understand domain expertise now can utilize technology that is readily available to you you now have a computer that will do what you tell it to do to help automate your work, to amplify your productivity to make you more efficient and so I think that this is just a tremendous time um the impact of course it is great and your imperative to activate and take advantage of the technology is absolutely immediate and also to realize that to engage AI is a lot easier now than at any time in the history of computing it is vital that we we upskill everyone and the upskilling process I believe will be delightful surprising to realize that this computer can perform all these things that you're instructing it to do and doing it so easily so if I was going to choose a major and University as a degree that I'm going to pursue what would you give me as an advice for something to pursue if I were starting all over again; I would realise one thing that one of the most complex fields of science is the understanding of biology human biology not only is it complicated because it's so diverse so complicated so hard to understand living and breathing it is also incredibly impactful complicated technology complicated science incredibly impactful for the very first time and and remember we call this field life sciences and we call drug Discovery. Discovery as if you wander around the universe and all of a sudden hey look what I discovered nobody in computer science nobody in computers and nobody in the traditional industries that are very large today nobody says car Discovery we don't say computer Discovery we don't say software Discovery we don't go home and say hey honey look what I found today this piece of software ... we call it engineering and every single year our science our computer science our software becomes better and better than the than the year before every single year our chips get better every single year our infrastructure gets better however Life Sciences is sporadic if I were to do it over again right now I would realize that the technology to turn life engineering life science to life engineering is upon us22:49and that digital biology will be a field of engineering not a field of science it will continue to have science of course but not a field just of Science in the future and so I I hope that that this is going to start a whole generation of people who enjoy working with proteins and chemicals and and enzymes and materials and and they're engineering these amazing things that are more energy efficient that are lighter weight that are stronger that are more sustainable all of these inventions in the future are going to be part of engineering not scientific discovery so23:28I think we can end with a very positive note hopefully we're going to enter an era of Discovery an era of proliferating a lot of the things that unfortunately today are challenges to us whether it's disease whether it's limitations and resources

AL thank you so much Jensen for taking the time and being with us

1 comment:

  1. Lila Ibrahim -> (she had 20 years in Silicon Valley with intel's ceo Craig Barrett, then coursera/mooc and vc firm led by Doerrs which also funds Stanford climate school)- Lila is Hassabis code-layperson trying to make sure his brilliance connects with every good application area as well as AI for public good and so what i believe ing Charles  tries to connect through royal societies and in natures case with BBC journalists.
