AIGAMES - the WHY NET FIG #Beyond Extinction now
Shall 8 billion beings ask the arts to save the world?
; to do so we will need three-in-one world vision
AI *WHY - what do Women Humans Youth URGENTLY need from AI
*NET- what were crises Neumann-Einstein-Truing visioned 1950S when gifting world brainworking machines - Neumann's neuron network crisis of translating 1000 cultural languages into one natural good (update of smith ethics model 1758); Einstein's concerns of lifelong studying and teaching - see his dialogues with Gandhi/Attenborough, Freud, black students on freedom; Turing's deep data test on recursive capacity of humans in making ARTs; today's biggest leadership decisions depend on datasets- remarkably few would get a pass if Turing was here to audit. Here's Bard's take on this state of ignorance
*FIG constitutional transformation of every legislated type of org - foundations, integration, gov2.0
much more on first 20 people who see all of these links at : AI Games: Architect Intelligence - tell us your own fantasy league if you prefer vision different 20 to this western quartersphere
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