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Saturday, July 1, 2023

ai's own top 50 models and advisory boards

help us update top 50 - no particular order; we partly promoted why teens & teachers gain from seeing these models exist -see 40 years of work hypothesising transformative education essential to millennials preventing extinction (73 years overall since Economist (Entrepreneurial Revolution Systems) jourmalists trained with Von Neumann)


·AlphaFold 2 Number 1 Science breakthrouh from Hassabis DepMin/google brain a protein folding model

regarding Large Language Models- caused a stir among those waitimg for metaverse (augmented reality goggles) to start web3 designs for humanit- its now lcear web3 has begun with Gateway LL models (which of thousands will be the main gateway is to be discovered - see also llm-web3-human-race.docx and 100 AI curiosity chats at ; we believe places need best possible ai advisory boards - see benchmarks right hand col

· ChatGPT-3: one of 3 leading LLM models out of USA large language model that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. This could be used to help teens learn new languages, write better essays, and create more engaging content.  Opens in a new

· DALL-E 2:  is a text-to-image diffusion model that can create realistic images from text descriptions. This could be used to help teens with their art projects, or to help them visualize new ideas .Opens in a new 

· Bard: Bard is one of 3 leading large language model out of US that is still under development, to perform many kinds of tasks, including

oFollowing instructions and completing requests thoughtfully.

oAnswering your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange.

oGenerating different creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.

· DeepMind ControlSuite: is a suite of AI models that can be used to control robots and other physical systems. This could be used to help teens learn about robotics, or to help them develop new ways to interact with the physical world.

· OpenAI Five:  is an AI team that was trained to play the game Dota 2. It is the first AI team to defeat a professional Dota 2 team. This could be used to help teens learn about game theory, or to help them develop new strategies for playing games.

· Catalyst ML: Catalyst ML is an AI platform that can be used to train and deploy machine learning models. This could be used to help teens learn about machine learning, or to help them develop new machine learning models for their own projects.

· Google Brain: Google Brain is a research team at Google that is working on developing new AI technologies. This could be used to help teens learn about the latest AI research, or to help them get involved in AI research - note summer 2023 google brain merged with deep mind

· IBM Watson: IBM Watson is an AI platform that can be used to answer questions, translate languages, and generate different creative text formats. This could be used to help teens learn about AI, or to help them develop new ways to use AI in their own lives.

These are just a few examples of the many AI models that are available. As AI continues to develop, there will be even more ways that AI can be used to help people.

summer 2023 writes: LLM models are changing fast. Track by asking about biggest by language, note technically summer 2023 nvidia-microsoft may be biggest model out of usa; and because of number of characters in chinese china's number 1 llm may be biggest worldwide but not necessarily most usable. There may also be two opposite main cases- an LLM intended to be the language gateway llm to web3 ie for massive use; an llm intended for strategic consulting.  Also gateway LLMs are in a global race to connect in most languages, Thus area is in flux at the moment - interesting to ask LLM their visions(If a nation intends to be eg top 10 player in AI it probably needs a gateway llm to web3 run by its biggest tech forms but with intent for public use. This also suggest that gateway LLMs may finally transform education to optimise blending and personal id of skills mastered.

NB Plugins are very important subject-and they can help more deeply customise an LLM and/or open the filed to University owned LLMs. 

As of summer 2023 we suggest reading this bard dialogue on plugins, including university and potentially UN use  from thgis we feel these platforms are relevant for top 50 to keep watch on

LaMDA 1 of Stanford is one of the most well-known "University" LLMs, and it has been shown to be capable of performing a wide range of tasks. It is also being developed by Google AI, which is one of the leading research labs in the field of artificial intelligence..

  • Jurassic-1 Jumbo: Jurassic-1 Jumbo is an LLM developed by the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. It is one of the largest LLMs, and it is trained on a massive dataset of text and code.
  • WuDao 2.0: WuDao 2.0 is an LLM developed by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence. It is one of the most powerful LLMs, and it is capable of performing a wide range of tasks.

addendum -currently i suggest fei-fei li is taking on responsibility of most connected full time educator in good ai across dozens of disciplines as well as being core mentor to white house and congress - see eg and nairr- so i double-checked which platforms she and stanfird teams us, with bard's reply as follows

 can you tell ,me which of all of above are connected with fei-fei or stanford- and indeed which are the 5 ai model names her teams are currently spending most time on?

Sure, here are the AI models from the list above that are connected with Fei-Fei Li or Stanford:

· ImageNet: ImageNet is a large-scale image database that was created by Fei-Fei Li and her team at Stanford. ImageNet is used to train many of the AI models on this list, including GPT-3, DALL-E 2, and Bard.

Opens in a new

ImageNet AI model

· Catalyst ML: Catalyst ML is an AI platform that was developed by Fei-Fei Li and her team at Stanford. Catalyst ML is used to train and deploy machine learning models, and it is available for free to students and researchers.

Opens in a new

Catalyst ML AI model

· Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute: The Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute is a research institute at Stanford that is led by Fei-Fei Li. The institute is focused on developing AI that is beneficial to people, and it is working on a number of AI models that are designed to help people in a variety of ways.

The five AI models that Fei-Fei Li's teams are currently spending the most time on are:

· ImageNet-R: ImageNet-R is a new version of ImageNet that is designed to be more representative of the world's population. ImageNet-R is being used to train AI models that are less biased and more likely to be helpful to people from all backgrounds.

· Bard: Bard is a large language model that is still under development, but it has already learned to perform many kinds of tasks. Bard is being used to develop new ways for people to interact with computers, and it is also being used to generate creative content.

· Catalyst ML: Catalyst ML is an AI platform that is being used to train and deploy machine learning models. Catalyst ML is being used to develop new AI models for a variety of applications, including healthcare, education, and transportation.

· Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute: The Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute is working on a number of AI models that are designed to help people in a variety of ways. These models include AI models for education, healthcare, and transportation.

.advisory boards\
UN aka aigood sdg world

the National Science Foundation (NSF) has been given a lot of responsibility for developing and funding US national AI models. The NSF has announced a number of initiatives in this area, including:

· The AI Institute for Fundamental Science: This institute will bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines to study the fundamental principles of

· The AI Institute for Robust Intelligence: This institute will develop AI models that are more robust and less likely to make mistakes.

· The AI Institute for Technology and Society: This institute will study the social and ethical implications of AI.

The NSF is also working with other organizations, such as Stanford University, to develop AI models. It is likely that some of the AI models that you mentioned, such as ImageNet-R, Bard, and Catalyst ML, will be used in these projects.

Here are some of the other AI models that the NSF may be cooperating or plugging into:

· AI21 Labs: AI21 Labs is a company that is developing AI models for a variety of applications, including healthcare, education, and· OpenAI:

· Google AI: Google AI is a research division at Google that is developing AI models for a variety of applications, including search, machine translation, and self-driving


x we asked bard to help list some disciplines that are transfrming their oractice with AI

Here are some disciplines that are now known to have made a serious start to connecting their human intelligence with what regenerative AI can assist on:

· Computer science: Computer science is the field of study that deals with the theory, design, and implementation of computer systems. AI is a subfield of computer science, and it has been used to make significant advances in a variety of areas, including image recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning.

· Healthcare: Healthcare is another field that has benefited greatly from AI. AI is being used to develop new diagnostic tools, to improve the accuracy of medical treatments, and to personalize patient care.

· Finance: AI is also being used in finance to improve trading strategies, to predict market movements, and to detect

· Law: AI is being used in law to help lawyers with tasks such as legal research, document review, and case

· Education: AI is being used in education to personalize learning, to provide feedback to students, and to assess student progress.

· Engineering: AI is being used in engineering to design new products, to optimize manufacturing processes, and to improve the safety of

· Business: AI is being used in business to improve customer service, to optimize supply chains, and to make better

These are just a few of the many disciplines that are now using AI. As AI continues to develop, it is likely that even more disciplines will start to use it.

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