Dear Sarah i believe that unites several hundred people who care most about Guterres digitalisation of UN and under30s roles in their SDgs. My scots family has been studying 100 times more tech per decade since von neumann briefed my dad at the Economist 1951 with resurgence in moral sentiments Simthian annual keynotes Glasgow from 2008 and valuing lifelong engineers' contributions around bangladesh women empowerment Is there anyone in your team that I can diiscuss urgency of prize 2022-23 with - any youth team can enter round any sdg compass and there is already at least one 6000 member web3-edu DAO/ETf as a model for each underfunded SDG. Also a thousand person DAO mentoring metal health especially of young women but wish to catalogue the 20 most emotionally intelligent ways to spend time co-creating metaverse I am in bethesda maryland and Flatiron NY - anyone at NYU we could help brief? +1 240 316 8157 chris macrae
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