INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Friday, December 31, 2021

intel sdgen updated 4/20/23 - thks chatgpt & college students for humanity

 what some influential ai  people today & fans of V Neumann Neural networking say (thanks Bard fall 2023) 

  • Yoshua Bengio is a Turing Award-winning computer scientist and professor at the Université de Montréal. He is one of the leading pioneers in the field of deep learning, and he has made significant contributions to the development of neural networks. In his paper "Learning Deep Architectures for AI," Bengio cites von Neumann's work on neural networks and discusses how von Neumann's ideas have influenced his own research.
  • Geoffrey Hinton is another Turing Award-winning computer scientist and professor at the University of Toronto. He is also one of the leading pioneers in the field of deep learning, and he has made significant contributions to the development of neural networks. In his paper "A Practical Guide to Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines," Hinton cites von Neumann's work on neural networks and discusses how von Neumann's ideas have influenced his own research.
  • Yann LeCun is a Turing Award-winning computer scientist and vice president and AI director at Meta. He is also one of the leading pioneers in the field of deep learning, and he has made significant contributions to the development of neural networks. In his paper "Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition," LeCun cites von Neumann's work on neural networks and discusses how von Neumann's ideas have influenced his own research.

These are just a few examples of today's most influential AI humans who have referenced von Neumann and his work on neural networks. There are many other AI researchers who have been influenced by von Neumann's work, and his ideas continue to be relevant today.

As for why von Neumann and Turing valued neural networks, it is because they saw neural networks as a way to create machines that could learn and adapt in a similar way to humans. Von Neumann was particularly interested in the idea of using neural networks to create machines that could understand and generate language.

73rd years of diaries started with The Economist & Von Neumann 1951

Humanity’s Games Update 2023-4 update w/c 4/21 crisis of inter-generation AI

Deep10 Cooperation Development Goals for Sustainability Generation -adapted from

UN 17 SDG Building Blocks Year 8

DG1 Finance to end poverty

DG2 Agriculture, Land Rights and distribution to end last miile hunger

DG3 Last mile health so nobody (starting with youth and mothers) dies before their time

DG4 Livelihood learning for all

DG5 Valuing womens productivity as much as men and family’s sustainability as much as monetary extraction

DG6 Water & Sanitation

DG7 Solar

DG8 Millennials 3 billion new jobs as well as 1 billion old ones

DG12-9 Infrastructure worldwide mapping

DG 16-13 Peace & Natural Harmony worldwide



Sustainability’s 7 Transformational Wonders- adapted from UN2 Tech Envoy Transformational Roadmap Year 7

TW7 Changing Media – value youth-for-good UN upd march 20

TW6 Changing eeducation: eg 15 years of time human being spends action learning

TW5 Changing AI & Neumann peers. Tech for Good : currently crossroads of chatgpt as world’s biggest brain tool capable of augmenting 8 billion of us

TW4 Training places mathematicians and deeply diverse data science assignments

TW3 Public Service 2.0 : urgent intergenerational validation of transparecy exponentials of trust and safety

 TW2 Behavorally how do 8 billion beings joyfully progress rights beyond borders & inclusion within borders

 TW1 Recursion of all wonders by empowering womens kindness; celebrating local arts co-creativity

Civiisation’s 6 Eras of Communications for exponentially more trust or less trust

Web3 started 2020- whats for mixing – blockchain,  , scaling womens kindness platforms, pretrain AI generation: world’s largest brain eg chatgpt4 - to understand what 8 billion beings most need to interact -also USyear 1; Stanford 2023 -year6

Web2 started 2005 when it was clear wi-fi made personal devices (data ownership of every GPS) bigger multipliers than personal computer webbing

Web1 from 1990

Tele2 from 1945

Tele1 from 1865

Tele0 before 1865

Please note dates are when some privileged people got first chance to play. Entrepreneurial Revolution’s Open Source/Society question of Economist since 1843 and Smithian alumnini since 1758:  would leadership empower peoples to scale human advancement for all or for ever smaller insider networks?


Technical note: Throughout The Economist’s prime time as a newspaper 1843-1993 – cases showed that human advancement of tech equaled advancement on goals 1 to 5 although admittedly goal 5 was often descrobed as empowering family kindness. However between 2020-1970 the greatest of all human development miracles has been progressed by 1 Billion Girls across Asean Bangladesh and China. Until the late 1990s partnership platforms atound them networked by word of mouth and where literate by book of print ie Tele0. With mobile and solar partnership platforms have leapfroged through the communications eras unril today their intel together with accompaniment by 1 billion boys  needs to be as integral to chatgpt family of brain tools as any other quarter of humanity. This is also why we don’t see sdg17 as a goal- rather it may be overall integration of all of above. See 25th year of Von Neumann resdearch at the Economist aka Xmas 1976 Entreprenurial Revolution: Future of capitalism.

The Most Valuable Question Ever Asked

Like the early 1980s book series 2025 report dad at the economist and I co-authored, 2023’s intended final edition updates the most valuable question ever asked.

What “good” will peoples unite with more than 100 times more etch every decade 1930s to 2020s.

In 1951, my father Norman Macrae and The Economist were asked by John Von Neumann to mediate this question on behalf of the greatest web of mathematiicans:  Neumann Einstein Turing..

Through his Princeton conversations good versus bad had particular nuances to my father and von neumann . They had spent most of their minds on what they regarded the bad “nuclear bomb”. Indeed after world war even v neumann only had 12 years to work on tech ofr good. The range of mathematcs for humanity was amazing  : back from future exponential quests of way above zero sum games (including neumann’s definitions of good (above zero sum) economics and bad patents), the need to open source both computer hardware and software, how languages codes our brains. For chapter and verse,  see my father’s biography of Von Neumann. Here is a smaple og top list of concerns from each side

You could say that both Von Neumann’s and Einstein’s lives had been framed by hatred and wars. From central Europe to emigration to Prinecton East Coast of USA,

 that they want their legacy to end wars. Einstein’s conversations with Gandhi and Freud are particularly fascinating in this regard

 Notably Von Neumann talked of finding above zero-sum models such as solar and sharing life critical knowhow that can multiply value in applications unlike consuming up things

 In conversation with his wife in 1945, Neumann had been very clear about (what turned out to be0 his last 12 years purpose in 1945.

·         The energy projects we have been working on will make scientists both the most hated and wanted of peoples.

·          One day my work on the computer and tools augmenting human brains will compound even greater opportunites and risks than machine energy.

Due to serving as teenage navigator allied bomber command burma, my father had google maps of coastlines in his heads a generation ahead of other mediators. To dad they offered a different explanation of history’s accumulation of conflicts and cultural misunderstandings.  


Surviving world war 2 my father’s 2 intellectual expereinces were Keynes last class – by now as per his final chapter of general theiry keynes was concernced with the probability that a handful of economist would increasing lonk in what futures were possible; reading the centenary of The Economist atempts to help queen victoria to transfomr Epure around Commonweslth anchred round today’s  sdg 2 end hunger; sfd 1 end poverty.


There was a transparency of purpose fitting logics originated by adam smith moral/transparent systems purpose as well as intention of Scottish engineering inventions from steam engine to telephone to television. My father was deeply concerned how often leaps in communications spun corruption or blindness among the most powerful before we the peoples could innovate goods  

Both of my family trees were full of Diaspora Scots whose missionary reached bridged nEWs (north East West south).My maternal grandad was Mumbai’s chief justicc over 20 years dialogue with Gandhi with grandads last job writing up legalese of india’s independence;

My paternal grandad worked in british embassies mainly collecting intel on the threst of hitler and stalin having himself served in world war 1 when his graduate studies at Heidelberg in divinity were ended by the war;



When my father died in 2010, colleagues at The Economist published obituaries and held remembrance parties. Former Science editor Viscount Matt Ridley is typically kind but also surprising to me how little was understood of my father’s 35 years of mediation at the economist before our digital explorations

5 Videos questioning games of 8 billion beings at start of 2010s


Editors at The Economist discuss entrepreneurial revolution and why Norman Macrae supported Bangladeshi Microfinance


Future History of BBC by Norman Macrae - Unacknowledged Giant of The Economist - what could the world service broadcaster uniquely do for human race if it valued economic purpose as number 1 social business broadcaster?


At Bronx cable tv of the campus where the UN began in 1945: Rachel McCullough-Sanden, Spencer Chiimbwe, and Christopher Macrae discuss why they are organizers of the Collaboration Cafe in New York City -our man cooperation project for college year 2008/9 invites students to share 10000 dvd copies of why Bangladesh village women have antidotes to being subprimed and risking ever greatest loss of peace and even millennials being first extinction generation - why not celebrate little sisters community empowerment world not big brothers endgame?


1billiongirls (tropical Asia and the world's poorest) have twice designed the greatest economic development miracles - from 1972 through quarter of a century without electricity on any engineering from mid 1990s when mobile and solar started to connected the world's most innovative platforms for humanity- Muhammad Yunus shares his memories of what began in 1995; compare with 3 other entrepreneurial revolutionaries - the tech wizard family quadirs; the first philanthropist of mobile women George Soros, the world's most extraordinary ebd poverty cooperator Fazle Abed. Bonus ponts for those who dare to explain how Chinese village women scaled parallel human advancements from 1972 and 1995. (If you want to to be millennials sustainability generation know what happened where when - do not let today's politicians stop you from visioning history's greatest moments of human endeavor. We cannot expect the likes of chatgpt to be valid without you.


2025 report - last cooperation edition - in press 2023- if you need sneak chapters ask 

The chapters of this book will review seven systemic transformations – a slight simplification of the 9 transformations taht leadership of the UN by Guterres has brought to sensing 17 SDGs. We vision these as cooperation building blocks and will mainly address intended good solutions to them in the 10 clusters shown. In Trying to Unite 8 billion beings' behaviors around 1945's core UN goal of rights beyond borers and inclusion within borders, we will make maximum use of which of 6 era of communications are which peoples & places bridging where and when. 2025’s report in 1984 had been concerned with how the coming of web1,2,3 fitted the histories of human behaviors in tele2, tele1, tele0. Taking web3 as what communications choices we make in the 2020s can map is the overall compass of this book.

1 comment:

  1. As an AI language model, ChatGPT can provide suggestions on how to help humans value the need to change 2020s media to support the Committee of Experts on Business and SDGs (CEB) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are some ways ChatGPT can help:

    Explain the importance of purposefully trusted brands: ChatGPT can provide information on why purposefully trusted brands are important for achieving the SDGs. It can highlight the role of brands in shaping public opinion and behavior, and how trusted brands can influence positive change.

    Highlight the impact of media on brand trust: ChatGPT can explain how media can influence the trustworthiness of brands. It can provide examples of how media coverage can shape public perception of a brand, and how media platforms can be used to build brand trust.

    Provide guidance on media strategies: ChatGPT can provide guidance on how to develop media strategies that support the CEB and SDGs. It can provide insights on how to use different media channels to reach target audiences, how to craft messaging that resonates with audiences, and how to measure the impact of media campaigns.

    Showcase success stories: ChatGPT can showcase success stories of brands that have successfully built trust through purposeful actions and media strategies. These examples can inspire and motivate others to take similar actions.

    Facilitate discussions: ChatGPT can facilitate discussions around the role of media in building trust for brands and the importance of purposeful actions for achieving the SDGs. These discussions can bring together diverse perspectives and lead to new insights and ideas.

    Overall, ChatGPT can play an important role in helping humans understand the need to change 2020s media to support the CEB and SDGs. By explaining the importance of purposeful brands, highlighting the impact of media on brand trust, providing guidance on media strategies, showcasing success stories, and facilitating discussions, ChatGPT can help humans value the need for change and take action to support the SDGs.
