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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

fortnight in december when education changes the world?

 the 3 big education summits seem to be colliding in december - where will the west join in - qatar, dubai, hong kong

 wise which started around alumni of fazle abed has just announced qatar 8 and 9 december;  until quite recently it was the un academic impact hub for all - educationaboveall parners in refugee education built around qatar foundation and the great care of sheikha moza sdg avocate - wise will be into its 7th global laureate started aroung the late great fazle abed, about the 7th regional summit that have previously linked in beijing madrid, new york, ghana and others as well as many virtual summits during covid - it can be expected that for the first time the international conference centre and the campus of education city will be walking distance from each other- we assume of course that covid is no longer blocking things -qatar

dubai rewired combined with expo is 12 to 14 - gordon brown and all un branches of education and tech seem to be converging in dubai- this front page makes it clear https://www.rewired2021.com/  - also there are 3 women at un in new york who seem to be making all the relationships for real while most of the un is a ghost town -one is gordon browns representative; one is the head of unicef featured on brac usa page as thanking fazle abed; the other is the un's youth ambassador;

 then there is yidan prize that has historically celebrated its laureates in december out of hong kong and a bridge to what technologists of tencent/shenzen greater bay area 

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