IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth. December 2024, Wash DC, ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

2021 diary of most exciting year to be human again?

  we welcome diary nominations - if we use your suggestions please say what contact if any you want mentioned -thanks starting the year in washington dc but hoping to reconnect as much as possible with adam smith alumni and other entrepreneurial and sdg friends in glasgow as cop26 impacts accelerate "us climate ambassador kerry- glasgow cop26 november is humanity's last best chance"

nov 2021 glasgow (my home capital) cop26 2021 rehearsals include - kumning, china cop15 may17-31 biodiversity: 

g20 italy to be hosted rome oct 30,31  - links 1

january 2021 -greatest learning month yet? 

virtual world economic forum jan 24-29 - 100 + leadership debates on video replay

un  & france's one planet summit happening while trump was doubling up on impeachment


april earth day - biden to host leaders summit on climate -see kerry co-founder worldwarzerocontribution wef 1/27/21 -cut global emissions by half by 2030 - at least 5 times fasterchange on all major opps incluing 20 times fater electrification cars- make glasgow what it needs to be net zero portfolios

april provisional japan and world economic forum have invited a coalition of nations to clarify deep data sharing and global governance- this appears to build on japans unique contributions to 2019's g20 -osaka track and society 5.0 as well as klaus schwabs commitment to sdgs, multilateral transparency and exponentially intehgrated stakeholder models of trilllion dollar markets

solar 10 cheaper in 10 years -norway's interviewer of kerry

may 2021

kumning, china cop15 may17-31 biodiversity:

june uk hosts g7 in cornwall as well as eu big shots , canada us , japan- 3 guest invitres: korea, india, aus -will this be first global meet with biden/harris- if so what urgent borderless action agenda do we the peoples need prioritised if covid is to ended and sdgs interacted through every community- will team boris keep his eye on sustainabilit's ball or ge distracted by short-term or eu's inability to value win-win -the only way humans are going to develop #aifordgood

AUGUST Singapore staging main real event of world economic forum in 2021 following virtual davos in january - see eg 100 video dialogues from - we are trying to summarise major singapore contributions through 2021 starting with those made in january at  2021 is the 38th year of our call started at The Economist for more integration of borderless community deep collaborations the opposite of regional delinking and nationalisms forces that reduce the chances of there being a sustainability generation - see

august unga76 see 7th year update of goals partners

oct italy g20

october aiib uae - The Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced that its sixth Annual Meeting will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Oct. 27-28, 2021

nov cop26 - as launched by biden and kerry- glasgow is humanity's last best chance to unite around win-win models integral to youth being the sdg generation

dec 2021 dubai cares REWIRED   PREP1 anticipated greatest ever transform education summit allied to uae expo and passing on ation to japan expo 2025- with likely double cancelation of olympics - expo becomes japans biggest 2020s world stage to host though fortunately its foreign language tv nhk features the worlds smartest community building stories 24/7

uae very interesting -its world summits on tech, health, education are unemulated- in other words this carbon captial of the world is looking for a future that can sustain future generations- outstanding us examples mediated by pittsburgh with ohio and west virginia- changing to green energy jobs- carnegie melon also outstanding example twinning its own univesity campus with digital silicon valleys and womens city uni in qatar

uk is also hosting g7 summits and allied subsummits eg youth7

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