IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth. December 2024, Wash DC, ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

AIntelligence CAN DC RISE?

DC-AI 2024 could be East Coast USA's most vital timeline if US AI is to advance all the peoples livelihoods 
Gov -linked  NIST  Unleashing AI Trust 24/5 Sept  ; NSF NAIRR Coilot: DoE 13Supercomputers; NIST Chips Act -
 more from Executive Order Oct 2023 and AI world series
JHEarth::  Nvidia    1 ... 7-9 October
Bloomberg Johns Hopkins 
help pilot Kamala AI Coach XGames  1 2  3

 10 Philanthropies join Harris in AforVeryGood We are excited to partner with Vice President Kamala Harris on her new initiative at this critical time to ensure that Artificial Intelligence advances the public interest across key areas, promotes responsible innovation, and mitigates harm. This effort is intended to work in tandem with President Biden’s Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI, ensuring that resources across government and philanthropy are working to advance equity in AI.

The Kapor Foundation is proud to join nine other philanthropic organizations who are collectively deploying $200 million in grants to advance equitable AI in priority areas as outlined by VP Harris today: 

1. Ensure that AI protects democracy and the rights and freedoms of all people
2. Leverage AI to innovate in the public interest and deliver breakthroughs to improve quality of life for people around the world 
3. Empower workers to thrive amid AI-driven changes across sectors and industries
4. Improve transparency, interpretability, and accountability for AI models, companies, and deployers
5. Support the development of international AI rules and norms

As part of our Equitable Technology Policy Initiative, we support key organizations and leaders that embody these core principles and are advancing racial justice-centered technology policy, advocacy, research, and programs. We’d like to uplift the important work of our partners across the ecosystem including The Distributed AI Research Institute, Center on Race & Digital Justice, Algorithmic Justice League, Color of Change, NAACP, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, Tech Equity Collaborative, AI for the People, Consumer Reports Digital Lab, Federation of American Scientists, Disinfo Defense League, Free Press, Disinfo Federation, Equis, Heller Institute’s Institute for Economic and Racial Equity, New Media Ventures, NorCal Grantmakers, Tech Transparency Project, and more.

We look forward to continued collaboration with the participating philanthropies to coordinate support, align on funding, and convene in the new year:

David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Democracy Fund
Ford Foundation
Heising-Simons Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Mozilla Foundation
Omidyar Network
Open Society Foundations
Wallace Global Fund

Regarding Human Goaled intelligence, we aim to catalogue largest western funds ahead of sept 2024;  help welcome

 SDGS ARE COLLAPSING, CAN AIVERYGOOD SAVE us- THIS IS MY FAMILY'S 40TH YEAR OF COUNTING DOWN 2025REPORT -we'll aim to publish 500 people and intelligence advances that can live up to King Charles Quest to celebrate AI leaps forward for humanity! 

Wash DC seems to me to be capital at a crossroads so friends and U have put a lot of effort into mapping who's good who?

if you see more actionable way of profiling fund & its actions please discuss with

G5 Melinda Gates Seattle Fresh 12 bn$ (2024 now separate all Bill Gates)
Probably largest fund continuing intelligence of Fazle Abed 1 billion village girls now that Soros-Osun fund shuttered? 
arguably sheika moza wise/wish/uni funds larger but far wider
reeta roy mastrcard foundation fund probably still largest focused on africa

Fund both markets women empowerment and scalable action projects at deep levels bottm-up ge Freire design
Story several factors have made stanfird-linked networks ever deeper in valuing women intelligence as much as men; eg The Jobs & Gates families as inventors of pc world in 1984 hosted 2001 65th birthday wish part of Fazle abed - envoy to 1 billion Asian girls intelligence alleviating extreme poverty- nb catch 22 of all aid etc is supporting those who are eg poor but not poorest is what most foundations do- those that get to the most extreme changes sdg pose to women are fewest but used to map round fazle abed until hos death 2019 We' can see series of tech leaps from 2001 through which  Abed friends have changed west coast research (diversity of women in tech) but not rest of usa
.see pivotaventirues for direct funds

there's an argument that in total priscilla chan (20+ years younger) czi over yeras will contribute most-however 2020s probably makes Melinda Gates goal 5 main western 
we are huge fans of Tsai family fund as it twins intelligence brooklyn & Valley 
NB its yet unclear - will there be a womens LLM sponsored and run by leading tech women

note superstar co-marketing cases eg Alison Felix, A'Ja Wilson - hot area during olympics year - note King/Benioff/Osaka...
Melinda was first women empowerment netwirk to fully understand fei-fei li ai breakthrough - status of her funding with LI ai-4-all currently unclear

.Bezos Earth Fund 10 billion$ DC-led; so far one fifth of budget used - see 7 program theme and 200 case advamces
most of this post looks at what's next from summer 2024
Started Spring 2024: with Interesting 100 million dollar competition gereared to AI - 
see discussion world bank abcde summit July 2024

Bloomberg funds to his alma mater johns hopkins (Baltimore, DC) over 4 billion and much more as america's leading research university (about 4 bn fed funds/yea) connects with his many futures interests
Latest Billion Dollars from Blomberg makes most medical tuition costs free
Bloomberg has invested in over 100 Distinguished Professor Clusters with AI-X over 50 largest - idea is multidisciplinary engineered ai and  practice discipline
see engineered ai summit june 2024 - see eg michael littman connector of this summit, NSF Nairr pilot, StanfordAI100 year futures project stanford

see hopkins presidents launch 
some examples:
Engineering schools direct match with eg NSF and nairr pilots
medical school commencement 2024 featured founder of both nvidia and pixar
the new 444 penn venue campus celebrated 10th year of data act- basically AI at Mayor or civic level- how deep does data sovereignty going in eg helping us region platform its hgd contribution to states ant political lcd
Bloomberg at Cop28 celebrates hosting first mayors events at s cop - see also bloomberg philanthrioues mayirs exchanges with world class connectors eg Tokyo's mayor Koike
555 startsip national schools transfirmation showcase inviting hugh scholl stydents to pitch what afency means to their communities
SAIS prvides opportunities to listen to forein leaders beyond DC's hot spaces
Dean of nursing discisses urgent data prohects wuth head of cdc
Bezos 3 years ago.
Interesting youtubes in 2024: April 2024
1 first 100 million $ challenge can AI sort proteins into foods includes Hub Imperial College London
and how about helping design clean energy grids

Most breakthrough AI now accesses accelerated computing architecture which since 2012 has itself increased in deep data efficiency by 1000 fold or even a million fold. It is likely that most people will become a user of AI without actually doing the supercomputer analysis. Take the example of your tv weather forecaster. Few of these people are skilled at supercomputing; they download an uptodate model that has come from a supercomputer but which enables them to play out weather you will experience. However if you want to understand supercomputer programing you might find this 8 hour youtube course from National AI lab Argonne (Department of Energy) suitable.

(Please tell me if you see a free 8 course that does this better). However to understand cases of AI I would go straight to these annual updates on what superchip designers (around Nvidia) believe they have advanced annually from 2015 or I would look at up to 8000 application cases here. If you are under 25 I would be very surprised if you dont spend most of your life playing with AI becoming ever easier to use and ever smarter wherever human progress depends on eb=ver deeper data including real time data we generate. .
.Argonne is chosen from 2024 resources being shared by US NAIRR pilot convened by National Science Foundation, co-sponsored by about 30 copaanies and 12 government sources. before the chats appeared London AI offered the big breakthrough in Nature AI (Deep Mind led by Hassabis) and those linked to Stanford's computer vision annual comperition imagenet by fei--fei li advanced not only robotics and bots but how humans ourselves use our 5 senses and particularly how we progress from 2 dimensional diagnostics eg xrays to 3d models (surgeons actually need to use). It is not obvious that any one nation is best at every kind of AI and King Charles English can mediate  AIverygood use language of data it should be evident that every place has some data sovereignty to access due to centuries if cultural coding that any living language connects We will keep a spsce tracking whether the King's call for  cooperation  contribute advances to human lot eg relevant to UN sdgs 

.Previously leading Mastercard and Exor (Agnelli family fund hq in Amssterdam),  Ajay Banga has had a business first year transforming the world bank's funds and intelligence. Speech Bank ABCDE conference July 2024

The mission at WB's front door has doubled up from end extreme poverty  to ...and build livable planet. This twin goal giver permission for every locality to linkin: what do the peoples' diversity of experience on planet most urgently need development attention to.? Compare livable planet with what Deep Learning AI friends call data sovereignty. In Africa, Banga is piloting getting 300 million people green electricity by 2030! but only if African Union bank partners in doing at least a fifth of this. Almost all will be getting access to electricity grids for first time. The good news is that solar etc electricity is now cheaper than  carbon if there are no legacy grids to convert. (But thats also why letting ai loose on grid design (a priority Bezos Earth challenge) may be how advanced nations catch up with race to carbon zero). IT would be fascinating if Jim Kim and Banga have started sharing intel; local health advances being Kim's signature contribution over 6 yeras at world bank but since then he has been at Global Infrastructure Investment Bank focused out of New York by a Nigerian founder (before recent acquistion by blackrock)

This ABCDE summit clarifies that most sdgs would individually need trillions of investment which has not been sourced (ie when UN announced goals 2015 -there was no realistic budgeting). A major issue to this day is that over hundred trillion dollars of pension funds does not recognise sdg compasses as asset grade.
The world bank announced from this years on, Bank ABCDE summits will choose a co-partner on 2024 this is CDGDEV where much of the summit is streamed.

Banga was able to celebrate new CGDEV head Rachel Glennerster (ex chicago, oxford and UK DFID). Rachel brings Chicago market shaping intel with her - see 2023 IMF event - this includes support of 2 Nobel Economist Michael Kremer Chicago at ABCDE, and Tirole from Toulouse 

 The livable planet playbook being first launched nov 2023
Other contient deep pilot projects are under way  -eg early on Banga had been connected with what has become Kamala Harris 5 billion private partner investments in central america and his first continent review was latin america with IDB. Also the force that is Mia Mottley of Barbados has put Caribbean island investments front & center (B quarter of all nations are SIDs small island developing - see her youtubes on tech for local diversity intel made with Banga, Nvidia even Oxford Student Union

DC Intelligence Networks 23-25, & Mapping King Charles AI Giant Leaps for Humanity

Hoover Stanford DC

Policy AI SETR report CondI Rice +10 Engineering Professors.

Educationally, Stanford offers benchmark for change AI brings to every curriculum. Silicon Valley Leaders like Rice & Anne Doerr have 40 years experience of change at pace of Moore’s Law. Witness how this has birthed Stanford’s first new school in 70 years: Doerrs’ Sustainability School. Conversely in late 2000s, Stanford uniquely connected youthful PhDs integral to creating deep learning transformation of AI.

Fei-Fei Li’s 2012 Imagenet ended AI winter & since her 2018 C-span testimony, National AI Research needed everywhere.

HAI – & Worlds I See: Fei-Fei Li autobio with Melinda Gates (new 12 billion $ women empowerment fund )

AI Index FC launch. Economist Prof J also hosts MIT’s Virtual Summer Institute 2024 SI 2024 Digital Economics and Artificial Intelligence

Ideas uncorked- Brainy Evenings with Stanford Profs

Bloomberg Johns Hopkins 555 Penn Ave

Bloomberg sponsors 50 AI-X professors chosen by President Ronald Daniels to be engineers plus expertise: first 10 clusters see youtube JHU Office of Research

Engineered AI summit July 2024

AI professors reviewing NSF 35 Nairr Pilots- Exec Order October 2023

Data projects of Dean of Nursing Sarah Szanzton & Head of CDC Mandy Cohen

Data networks of 10th Anniversary of Data Act

Connection of Bloomberg Mayors network to first Local summit hosted at Cop28

SAIS – Foreign affairs beyond spotlight

Hopkins National schools transformation project showcase 100 Million Dollar Competition.

AI Subcompetitions:

Sustainable Food Proteins

Renewable Energy Grids

Species Biodiversity

Plus, wildcard ideas


Ajay Banga changed world bank mission to poverty+livable planet

Helped launch CGDEV as partner of Chicago’s Market Shaping Nobel Faculty

With African Union Bank, 300 million green electricity 2030

Helping Kamala Harris with Latin American community entrepreneurs

2-day ABCDE world bank –  what should India tech invest in?

Nvidia’s 10 annual celebrations    – 50 major keynotes; 8000 youtubes- Whilst not specific to DC- some local searches

Nvidia CEO also investing in AI similar to Bezos Earth – in fact Nvidia into nature science ai games before designing deep learning platforms AI


Baltimore as well as lot of local Hopkins projects- community and museum of Thurgood Marshall -first funded inner city black girls’ intel

ITIC host events with ai leaders of government explaining their needs

Axios sometimes launches movements eg

Possibility Jim Yong Kim return to youth health summits now his employer global infrastructure bank bought by BlackRock

King Charles invitation to  co-host AI World Series -and King’s English LLM - change life as we know it King Charles Digit Twins Envoy

  (Wendy Tan White Intrinsic Google Robotics AI)

UK brings Turing, Crick institutes, Royal Societies of commonwealth innovation, BBC eg Attenborough , Demis Hassabis Deep Mind leading science AI models. At Cambridge, Charles’ ownership of largest AI business park in Europe. Cambridge in America DC & other branches happy to help make connections. Charles started pioneering tech worldwide when as teenage envoy to Tokyo Olympics he asked Sony’s Akio Morita to make Japan’s first inward investment in Europe. See also est 1843 to map commonwealth human development &



1 comment:

  1. hello i wonder if you can help me with a question on how very good ai chat uses X- with someone like fei-fei li its easy as she has her own account; with deep mind hassabis I dont think he has his own account but I understand that one of the roles of his COO Lila Ibrahim is to X best breaking news; my first question is about Jensen Huang and Nvidia; am i correct that he does not have an account? is there one first X account to follow to understand what huang sees as most urgent human ai progress? - if its more complicated and depends on multiple uptodates from different moving parts of nvidia- do you have any suggestions of x accounts to cover that?

    Show drafts

    That's a great question about Jensen Huang and NVIDIA's perspective on AI progress. Here's what I can tell you:

    Jensen Huang Account:

    Jensen Huang likely doesn't have a personal social media account for AI updates. CEOs typically communicate through official company channels.
    Following NVIDIA for AI Progress:

    NVIDIA Website & Newsroom: The best first stop is the NVIDIA website's About NVIDIA section, particularly the CEO biography and newsroom ( This provides official pronouncements and Jensen Huang's public statements on AI.
    Jensen Huang at Conferences: Huang speaks at tech conferences like CES or GTC. You can find videos of past talks online to understand his views on AI progress.
    Multiple Sources for NVIDIA's AI Focus:

    NVIDIA Blogs: NVIDIA has several blogs by different teams, like the NVIDIA AI blog. These offer insights into specific areas of NVIDIA's AI work (
    NVIDIA Research: The NVIDIA Research website showcases ongoing research projects, providing a glimpse into their focus areas (
    Following NVIDIA Executives on Social Media: Some NVIDIA executives might be active on social media, offering insights into different aspects of the company's AI efforts. You can find their profiles on platforms like LinkedIn.
    By following these suggestions, you can get a comprehensive understanding of how NVIDIA views AI progress and what Jensen Huang sees as the most urgent areas for human-AI collaboration.

    Thank you - overall do i read you to say that there probably isnt a complete enough way to folow jensen huang through selection of X/twitter accounts?

    Show drafts

    You're absolutely right. There isn't a single, complete way to follow Jensen Huang's perspective on AI progress through social media accounts.

    Here's why:

    Limited Social Media Presence: Jensen Huang, like many CEOs, likely prioritizes official communication channels.
    Focus on Company Image: Official channels like the NVIDIA website and newsroom ensure controlled messaging that aligns with the company's image.
    However, there are still valuable resources beyond social media:

    Public Appearances & Talks: Look for videos of Jensen Huang's talks at conferences like CES or GTC. These can offer insights into his views on AI.
    Industry News & Interviews: Keep an eye out for news articles or interviews featuring Jensen Huang. These can reveal his perspective on current AI trends.
    While these may not provide the real-time updates you might get from a social media account, they offer a more in-depth and reliable understanding of Jensen Huang's thoughts on AI progress.
