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Friday, March 24, 2023

the week that Youth & UN changed the world- cooperation forward, never back-silo, from this day on

 we heard the dibs on why we are at half time of sdgs and going backwards from 2015; only tech and youth can save us now - we have 3 timelines - sdg summit sept 2023 lead embassies ireland and qatar; future summit 2024 germany &

guterres legacy as ultimate civil society networking champion 2025 -see also paulo friere, fazle abed, pope francis ...

we heard how water is the oil of the circular (net zero) economy

Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation - Ghana, Ministry of Water and Sanitation - South Africa, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs - France, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Territorial Cohesion - France, Ministry of Health - Costa Rica, Ministry of the Environment - Uruguay, Ministry of Water and Environment - Uganda, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management - Belize, Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communications - Haiti, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Thailand, National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA), UN-Habitat, French Water Partnership, Greater Paris Sanitation Authority (SIAAP), Grid-Arenal, Women for Water Partnership

Striving for a circular economy in a climate-resilient world: The critical role of wastewater A coalition committed to advancing the management of wastewater as a valuable resource and as a fundamental aspect of the circular economy.

how womens gdps value natural flows not fake media's (cws2023)

and we were treated to dozens of amazing action briefings

 Global-Futures-Forum-2023-draft-3.6-4un youth do you have a future ...  - month 1 of 15 journey to

see a leading presenter - asks for on site notes - one day i hope there will be a micro-chatgpt aligned to cooperation actpns pf GFF meanwhile if you are a joint note taker please mail me

as you may know by june we'll be celebrating a viral storuyteller connecting each sdg compass

and we have 5 new co-creative solution spaces of un tech envoy

codes - goats of maths on bottom up data the goals need to be celebrated through ebery communit

ai for gppd- see fei-fei li briefing on that wash dc march 1

changing how udfer 30s and over 30s spend time learning and teaching

changing media and global; connectivity before we are drowned in fakery

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