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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

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Dear christopher ,

Hello and good day or evening, depending on where you are in the world!

The Yidan Prize Conference Series: Europe 2021 will kick off in three days! We are excited to be meeting many of you and we look forward to welcoming you on our virtual conference platform. As a reminder, we will be recording our sessions for future use on our social media platforms.


Attendee guide

In preparation of that, we have put together a handy guide that will walk you through our platform and help you get the most out of the conference.

Curious to know more about our sessions and timings? Find our agenda here and check here for your local time zones.


On the day – Friday, 28 May 2021

The conference platform will open an hour before the event (1pm BST; please remember, the conference starts at 2PM BST!). We encourage you to login on to the platform ahead of Friday and familiarise yourself with the layout, functions, and how to join the sessions.


We’re here to help

Our friendly conference team members are also available to offer you help should you encounter any difficulties or problems. We can be reached at this email before and on the day (yidan2021@education.ox.ac.uk) of the conference, or alternatively, you can use the Help Desk function on our platform to chat with us on the day.


Follow us on social media

Don’t forget to check out Oxford’s Department of Education’s Twitter page (twitter.com/OxfordDeptofEd) and follow our tweets through the #YidanPrizeConferenceSeries. We will be live tweeting throughout the event to capture conference highlights and interesting quotes from our world-leading speakers and panellists.


See you on Friday!

Best wishes,

The Yidan Prize Conference Organising Committee

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