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Saturday, October 31, 2020

oct 2021 sees g20 hosted by italy

golden oldie think20 from italy - for 2023 what india think20 look like

women -


this year’s theme for the S20 is “Preparing for pandemics”, and will address the preparedness of the scientific community, the identification of the most promising research programs and possible policy options Governments could adopt to support them.

civil20 The C20 2021 process is managed by a broad coalition of Italian civil society organizations, under the coordination of GCAP Italy (Global Call to Action against Poverty).

urban20  Made up of 25 cities from within the G20 countries, the U20 aims to feed the perspective and the priorities of cities into the broader G20 process, with specific focus on issues such as global development, climate, the future of work, social inclusion and integration. Each year, the U20 recommendations are shared with the G20 Leaders.

The U20 initiative is facilitated by C40 Cities, in collaboration with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).

Rome and Milan are the co-Chairs of the Italian G20 U20 and will co-host the annual Mayors' Summit

warm up think20 event

High-level personalities and top experts worldwide will come together to discuss challenges and possible proposals on the three priorities of the G20/T20 Italy (“People, Planet, Prosperity”) with a view to building a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable post Covid-19 world. Amongst many others, participants include: Paolo Gentiloni – European Commissioner for Economy; Alicia Bárcena – Executive Secretary CEPAL; Jeffrey Sachs – Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University; Emma Bonino – former European Commissioner and former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Tetsushi Sonobe – Dean of the Asian Development Bank Institute; Virginia Gamba – Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict.

While waiting for T20 Italy, discover the Policy Briefs of previous Think20s:

Think20 Saudi Arabia
Policy Briefs

Think20 Japan
Policy Briefs

threds of climate agenda

Preliminary policy areas*:

  • Fighting climate change while relaunching the global economy
  • Just transition towards climate-neutral economies
  • Food and water security in the post-Covid19 scenario
  • Guidelines and objectives for sustainable cities
  • Aims, measures and tools to enhance the circular economy
  • Preserving marine biodiversity and natural protected areas
  • Green investments and the public-private link
  • Sustainable development education to empower the youth
  • Climate resilience in least-developed and developing countries

*Please note that Task Forces’ priorities may be subject to changes/integrations until Task Forces’ co-chairs and members are fully identified

Lead Co-Chair:

Enrico Giovannini

Full Professor of economic statistics and sustainable development at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


health and life sciences

aola Testori Coggi

Special Advisor of the Italian Technological Cluster of Life Sciences Alisei


x trade chair

Lead Co-Chair:

Pier Carlo Padoan

Vice President, IAI

x digital chair

Maria Chiara Carrozza

Full Professor of industrial bioengineering at The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

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