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Friday, January 31, 2020

G7 - how historians messed up greatest time to be world citizen

Chris Macrae

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breaking news - a reportedly waning trump property Doral miami will host 2020 G7 and 2020 G20 is being hosted out of saudi- news that there is a new G2 donald trump and N Korea's leader is not yet confirmed- back at ground level anything inspiring us humans can do now or celebrate that we couldnt if the G7 2019 hadn't existed:
ACTIONS ARISING from 7 of the world's most expensive leaders weekend in biarritz- we heard they rustled up 20 million dollars for brazil's amazon- dont know what a g7 meeting costs but when one person Di Caprio can send 5 million it doesnt sound as if the Amazon can trust its future to the G7 - I really wonder if these people live on the same planet as the rest of us- there was almost no positive discussion of the region where half the world's people live- now admittedly modi was asked to observe- i would love to know what india is reporting back from the G7 -
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for those who feel its time a global university of poverty came to Dhaka on somewhere women work every second of every day on SDGS join us at 1 or 2 or 3 -or tell us where to join you
-of course if there are any positive actions the g7 asked the world to linkin it can make tehse clearer at the next big meetups in EconomistDiary.com reporting sphere - TICAD in Japan this week celebrates 31st year of japan meeting all of africa's leaders, UNGA end of spet new york starts the last but 10th year of sustainability and chile kindly hosts the whole of apec leadership santiago november
very brave of macron to invite iran to land in Biarritz -the optic that iran will engage if properly invited is a hopeful one- and in this age where hatred messages come out of national leaders mouths faster than I can twitter - we sure need leaders who celebrate hope
The younger half of the world would be smart to look at this weekend in Biarritz with d360 degree curiosity- why has the older half of the world so fallen out of love of developing young people that ours species sustainability is entering the last decade to 2030 of our species every growing sustainably again.
breaking 8/24 macron - house burning -portugal eucalyptus burning in eu's most climate vulnerable nation

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