IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth. December 2024, Wash DC, ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

asean communiue 50
“PARTNERING FOR CHANGE, ENGAGING THE WORLD” 1. We, the Foreign Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), met on 5 August 2017 at the 50th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM) in Manila, Philippines, under the theme “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World”. His Excellency Alan Peter S. Cayetano, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines, chaired the Meeting. ASEAN COMMUNITY BUILDING ASEAN Community Vision 2025 2. We reaffirmed our commitment to the full and effective implementation of the ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together which sets out the future direction for a politically cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible and a truly rules-based, people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community. In this regard, we commended the ongoing work of all ASEAN Sectoral Bodies and Organs for positive progress in the implementation of the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), and ASEAN SocioCultural Community (ASCC) Blueprints 2025 and lauded the efforts of the ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee (ACCC) and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Task Force in the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the IAI Work Plan III, respectively. 3. We reiterated the need to address cross-cutting issues, enhance crosssectoral and cross-pillar collaboration and coordination between and among FINAL 2 of 46 ASEAN Sectoral Bodies and Organs, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation capacity of the ASEAN Secretariat in the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and its attendant documents. 4. We reaffirm our shared commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, security and stability in the region, as well as to the peaceful resolution of disputes, including full respect for legal and diplomatic processes, without resorting to the threat or use of force, in accordance with the universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat and Reviewing the ASEAN Organs 5. We were pleased with the ongoing progress in the implementation of the recommendations by the High-Level Task Force (HLTF) on Strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat and Reviewing the ASEAN Organs especially to strengthen ASEAN’s institutional capacity and streamline the coordination and work processes of ASEAN Sectoral Bodies and Organs. We encouraged all ASEAN Member States to continue the implementation of the recommendations that are long-term in nature and expedite the implementation of the remaining recommendations within the targeted timeline. We expressed confidence that ASEAN Member States’ strong commitment in this endeavor would enhance the efficacy of ASEAN Community building, connectivity and integration efforts. ASEAN Charter 6. We noted the work being done by the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) in deliberations towards the updating of certain sections of the ASEAN Charter and tasked them to continue such updating where consensus could be reached. Narrowing the Development Gap and Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) 7. We were pleased with the efforts and progress in the implementation of the IAI Work Plan III, in particular the national consultations that were conducted in each CLMV country to identify the challenges in implementing regional commitments in the specific areas of food and agriculture as well as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). We emphasised the importance of strong ownership by beneficiary countries in developing and monitoring the implementation of projects to ensure that the targeted objectives are achieved. We were encouraged by the support and commitment demonstrated by ASEAN-6, Dialogue Partners and external parties in assisting the newer Member States to FINAL 3 of 46 meet ASEAN-wide targets and narrow the development gap through the IAI Work Plan III. ASEAN Connectivity 8. We lauded ongoing efforts to effectively implement the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025, which aims to achieve a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated ASEAN that will promote competitiveness, inclusiveness, and a greater sense of community. We emphasized that the realization of the five strategic areas of MPAC 2025, namely, Sustainable Infrastructure; Digital Innovation; Seamless Logistics; Regulatory Excellence; and People Mobility will contribute to the promotion of economic growth; narrowing development gaps; enhancing ASEAN integration and the Community building process, enhancing the competitiveness of ASEAN; promoting deeper social and cultural understanding and mobility of people; and connecting the ASEAN Member States within the region and the rest of the world. We noted the importance of resource mobilization and cooperation with Dialogue Partners, external parties and international institutions as well as other relevant stakeholders, in realizing the goals of these strategic areas. 9. Mindful that ASEAN Connectivity initiatives are cross-cutting in nature, we underscored the importance of close cooperation, collaboration and coordination among ASEAN sectoral bodies and implementing agencies in ensuring the timely and effective implementation of MPAC 2025. In this regard, we welcomed the outcomes of the MPAC 2025 Forum on Initiative and Project Concepts in Alabang, Metro Manila, Philippines on 12-13 July 2017, which brought together various ASEAN sectoral bodies, implementing agencies, Dialogue Partners and other external parties. The Forum discussed issues related to implementation arrangements and deliberated on translating MPAC 2025 initiatives into projects. We also welcomed the convening of the 8th ASEAN Connectivity Symposium in Alabang, Metro Manila, Philippines on 14 July 2017 with the theme Harnessing Opportunities and Addressing Challenges in the Implementation of MPAC 2025, which provided a platform to disseminate MPAC 2025 initiatives to relevant stakeholders and discuss the MPAC 2025 implementation process, outputs and outcomes. 10. We welcomed the launching of the maiden voyage of the ASEAN Roll-on Roll-off (RORO) Sea Linkage Route between Davao-General Santos, Philippines - Bitung, Indonesia on 30 April 2017 in Davao City, Philippines as the realisation of the ASEAN RORO shipping network. The initiative would enhance the connectivity of archipelagic ASEAN and further facilitate trade and tourism, as well as provide greater impetus to the implementation of multimodal transport in ASEAN region. FINAL 4 of 46 11. We appreciated the contributions from our Dialogue Partners and other external partners to support the implementation of ASEAN Connectivity initiatives. We noted the outcomes of ACCC Consultations with China, Japan and Republic of Korea, which sought to advance cooperation on connectivity. We encouraged all Dialogue Partners and other external partners to continue supporting the implementation of MPAC 2025, including through resource mobilisation for infrastructure development, and continued engagement with the ACCC. At the same time, we noted the value of building on connectivity strategies at the sub-regional level and enhancing connectivity between ASEAN and other regions. Promoting Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 12. We noted ongoing efforts to enhance complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and looked forward to the Roadmap to promote such complementarities that are in line with agreed priorities. We welcomed the efforts of Thailand as the Coordinator on this initiative, in hosting the High-Level Brainstorming Dialogue on Enhancing Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on 31 March 2017 in Bangkok. The Dialogue identified priority cross-cutting areas that could serve as “catalysts” in promoting such complementarities, including resilience, infrastructure, sustainable consumption and production, poverty eradication, and sustainable management of natural resources. We looked forward to a joint study to be prepared by Thailand, the ASEAN Secretariat and UN ESCAP on the complementarities and to ongoing efforts to promote sustainable development cooperation in ASEAN. We took note of the Progress Report on this matter by Thailand and agreed to fast-track a number of project proposals in partnership with UN ESCAP, UNDP, UN Women and the World Bank. We noted the plan to organize the ASEAN-China UNDP Symposium on Financing for SDGs Implementation in August 2017 and the ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Sustainable Development on November 2017 in Thailand. Regionalism and Multilateralism 13. We reaffirmed our commitment to regionalism and multilateralism as important principles and frameworks of cooperation to promote regional and international peace, stability, prosperity and progress. We believed that the strength and value of regionalism and multilateralism lay in their inclusivity, rulesbased nature and emphasis on mutual benefit and respect. FINAL 5 of 46 ASEAN POLITICAL SECURITY COMMUNITY Implementation of the APSC Blueprint 2025 14. We were pleased to note the significant progress in the implementation of the APSC Blueprint 2025 with over 75% of the action lines currently being addressed. We also noted the assessment on the characteristics and challenges to implement the remaining unaddressed action lines. We encouraged all relevant sectoral bodies to enhance cross-sectoral cooperation and coordination at the regional and national levels to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Blueprint. Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) 15. We reaffirmed the validity and relevance of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in the current geopolitical context. The TAC continues to serve as the key code of conduct governing inter-State relations in the region and a foundation for the maintenance of regional peace and stability. We were committed to further promoting the purposes and principles of the TAC and emphasised the importance of all High Contracting Parties fulfilling their obligations under the TAC for peace and stability in the region. 16. Following the accession of Chile, Egypt, and Morocco in 2016, we looked forward to Iran and Argentina’s accession to the TAC. We welcomed the interest of non-regional countries to accede to the TAC on the basis of respect to and in conformity with the purposes and principles of the TAC and agreed to consider new applications in accordance with the Revised Guidelines for Accession to the TAC. Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Treaty 17. We reiterated our commitment to preserve the Southeast Asian region as a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone and free of all other weapons of mass destruction as enshrined in the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ Treaty) and the ASEAN Charter. We stressed the importance of the full and effective implementation of the SEANWFZ Treaty. We agreed to extend the Plan of Action to implement the SEANWFZ Treaty for another five-year period (2018-2022). 18. We reaffirmed our commitment to continuously engage the Nuclear Weapon States (NWS) and intensify the ongoing efforts of all Parties to resolve all outstanding issues in accordance with the objectives and principles of the SEANWFZ Treaty. FINAL 6 of 46 19. We encouraged the full support of the UN Member States, particularly the NWS for the ASEAN-sponsored United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution on the SEANWFZ Treaty in the upcoming 72nd Session of the UNGA. We also looked forward to the submission and eventual adoption by consensus of the 72nd UNGA draft resolution on the SEANWFZ Treaty. 20. We noted the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on 7 July 2017 by the United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards their Total Elimination. Along with the SEANWFZ Treaty, it constitutes a vital step towards global nuclear disarmament and complements the existing non-proliferation and global nuclear weapon related instruments. It would also make significant contributions towards the shared goal of making our region and the world free of nuclear weapons. ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM) 21. We welcomed the Philippines’ hosting of the 4th ASEANTOM Meeting in December 2017. We looked forward to the establishment of a formal partnership between the ASEANTOM and IAEA to promote greater cooperation and collaboration between the two bodies in the areas of nuclear safety, security and safeguards, including capacity building. We also noted the IAEA’s interest in promoting cooperation with ASEAN on peaceful uses of nuclear technology in areas such as human health and food security and agriculture, for sustainable development. ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) 22. We congratulated the (AICHR) on the 5th anniversary of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) and the Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the AHRD, which are key human rights documents in the region that set the framework for further promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in ASEAN. 23. We noted with satisfaction the work of the AICHR in mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities, including the cross-pillar collaboration between AICHR, Senior Official Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) and ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Women and Children (ACWC) to develop the Regional Action Plan on Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN Community through the establishment of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN. We encouraged the AICHR to further enhance its engagement with relevant ASEAN Sectoral Bodies, and entities associated with FINAL 7 of 46 ASEAN, including CSOs and other stakeholders to mainstream human rights in the three pillars of ASEAN. 24. We noted the accomplishments of the AICHR and the AICHR Annual Report 2017. 25. We acknowledged AICHR’s efforts in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human rights, in strengthening judicial co-operation in the region, in implementing human rights instruments, as well as in implementing a human rights-based approach to combat trafficking in persons, among others. We were encouraged by AICHR’s efforts to further promote human rights among the peoples of ASEAN including the youth by conducting the ASEAN Youth Debate on Human Rights and the launch of the ASEAN Youth Video Competition: ASEAN Against Trafficking: “Humans are not for Sale”. ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) 26. We noted the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation’s (AIPR) progress in operationalising the AIPR Secretariat and thanked the Government of Indonesia for its in-kind and financial contributions to operationalize the AIPR. We welcomed the adoption of the Terms of Reference of the AIPR Fund which will serve as the interim financial arrangements to support the AIPR in discharging its mandate as indicated in the Terms of Reference of the AIPR. We commended the AIPR for successfully conducting symposiums and workshops on peace, conflict management and conflict resolution issues. We welcomed the plan to convene the AIPR Regional Youth Conference on Peace and Tolerance to be held in Jakarta in October 2017, and the 1st AIPR’s research project on the lessons learned from a process of conflict resolution between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) as mediated by Indonesia, 1993-1996. We also looked forward to the participation of ASEAN Member States in the “Strengthening Conferences for Humanitarian Action in ASEAN: An AIPR Symposium on International Humanitarian Law” to be held on 2-3 October 2017 in Manila. ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) 27. We welcomed the successful outcomes of the Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of the ARMAC on 3 July 2017 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and looked forward to the full operationalisation of the ARMAC Permanent Secretariat. We took note of the successful recruitment of the Executive Director of the ARMAC and we looked forward to assumption of his duty on 1 September 2017. FINAL 8 of 46 28. We thanked Cambodia for its funding contribution for the first two years (2017-2018) to operationalize the ARMAC, and the Philippines for its financial contribution to the Center. We took note with appreciation the progress in finalizing the Memorandum of Understanding between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the ARMAC on Hosting and Granting Privilege and Immunities to the ARMAC. Council of ASEAN Chief Justices (CACJ) 29. We welcomed the inclusion of the Council of ASEAN Chief Justices as an entity associated with ASEAN under Annex 2 of the ASEAN Charter. We looked forward to the CACJ’s initiatives in contributing to the strengthening of collaboration among the judiciaries of ASEAN Member States, upholding the rule of law within and across ASEAN, and enhancing judicial cooperation within the region. In this regard, we noted the outcomes of the 5th Meeting of the CACJ held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam on 25th March 2017. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) 30. In the efforts to effectively counter the radicalisation and violent extremism conducive to terrorism and other security threats such as those posed by foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and cross-border terrorism within the region, we looked forward to the adoption of the revised ASEAN Comprehensive Plan of Action on Counter-Terrorism (ACPoA on CT) by the 11th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime and the convening of the 2nd Special ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Rise of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (2nd SAMMRRVE) on 18-21 September 2017 in Manila. 31. Following the entry into force of the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (ACTIP) on 8 March 2017, we looked forward to its ratification by all ASEAN Member States. We also looked forward to the continued coordination and collaboration in the implementation of ACTIP and ASEAN Plan of Action Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (APA) among the nine ASEAN Sectoral Bodies and Organs to guide ASEAN’s efforts in combating trafficking in persons, including through the finalisation of the ASEAN Cross-Sectoral Bohol Trafficking in Persons Work Plan 2017-2020. 32. We took note of the work of the AMMTC in effectively addressing other transnational crimes in the Southeast Asian region and appreciate the continued support and commitment of ASEAN’s Dialogue Partners and external parties in combating transnational crime in a comprehensive and holistic manner. FINAL 9 of 46 33. We noted the Joint Statement of the Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of Ministries of Foreign Affairs Meeting (DGICM) on Deterring the Movements of Foreign Terrorist Fighters. We appreciated the continuous work of the DGICM in developing the Guidelines on Consular Assistance by ASEAN Member States Missions in Third Countries to Nationals of Other ASEAN Member States and looked forward to its finalisation. We noted the success of the 1st Meeting of the DGICM Ad Hoc Working Group on ASEAN Common Visa and encouraged further deliberation on it. We looked forward to formulating the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Joint Task Force Meeting to study the feasibility of developing the ASEAN Business Travel Card. We also looked forward to the 21st DGICM to be held in Vientiane in November 2017. 34. We reaffirmed our commitment to fully address the influx of irregular movement of persons in Southeast Asia, including through the contributions and pledges to the Trust Fund to Support the Emergency Humanitarian and Relief Efforts in the Event of the Irregular Movement of Persons in Southeast Asia. We also welcomed the international community, including ASEAN Dialogue Partners, international organisations and other external stakeholders to contribute to the Trust Fund. We noted the recommendations of the Emergency ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime Concerning Irregular Movement of Persons in Southeast Asia on 2 July 2015 in Kuala Lumpur to effectively address the irregular movement of people and trafficking in persons in our region. 35. We welcomed ASEAN Cybersecurity Cooperation Strategy by the ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers’ Meeting and its subsequent finalization at the TELSOM-ATRC Leaders’ Retreat in March 2017, which will enhance the capacity of ASEAN to address challenges to cybersecurity. We also welcomed the development of initiatives to enhance cybersecurity, in the areas of cybersecurity incident response, computer emergency response team (CERT) policy and coordination, and capacity building, including the ongoing studies that will examine the feasibility of setting up an ASEAN Cybersecurity Cooperation Hub. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Drug Matters (AMMD) 36. In line with our efforts to effectively address the illicit drugs abuse problem, we welcomed the progress in the implementation of the ASEAN Work Plan on Securing Communities Against Illicit Drugs 2016-2025. We also noted that the ASEAN Cooperation Plan to Tackle Illicit Drug Production and Trafficking in the Golden Triangle 2017-2019 was endorsed in the 38th Meeting of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters (ASOD) held in Hanoi, Viet Nam, during 25-27 July 2017 and the draft of the ASEAN Drug Monitoring Report was launched in the FINAL 10 of 46 Meeting. We welcomed the outcomes of the recently convened 38th ASOD and its related meetings. We acknowledged the continuing efforts of the ASEAN Narcotics Cooperation Center (ASEAN-NARCO), the ASEAN Airport Interdiction Task Force and the ASEAN Seaport Interdiction Task Force in strengthening ASEAN cooperation, especially on information sharing and intelligence exchange as well as capacity building among our drug control and law enforcement agencies at border checkpoints in the region. We expressed support to the ongoing work of the AMMD in preparing the ASEAN Position Statement for the 62nd Session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs in 2019. Maritime Cooperation 37. Noting that maritime security and cooperation is one of the thematic priorities of the Philippines as Chair of ASEAN in 2017, we welcomed positive developments in maritime cooperation among ASEAN Member States, including through continued constructive dialogues on issues of common interest and concern, marine scientific research, maritime domain awareness, and marine environment and protection under the ambit of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM-Plus, the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC), the ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF) and the Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF), and joint studies on conservation and sustainable use of sea and maritime resources in light of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 14: Life Below Water, No. 2: Zero Hunger and No. 13: Climate Action and maritime cooperation programmes. 38. We underscored the importance of strengthening linkages in maritime cooperation to further promote mutual trust and confidence to ensure security, peace and stability including in ensuring safety and freedom of navigation and overflight. We looked forward to the convening of the 7thAMF and 5th EAMF in Indonesia in December 2017 and their outcomes. 39. We noted that challenges of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing remain and have become even more complex in the region. We are therefore committed to expanding regional cooperation to address this issue, including through supporting the effective implementation of the relevant international law and instruments. We noted with satisfaction that there are initiatives taken by ASEAN-led mechanisms to discuss and address the challenges of IUU fishing. 40. We applauded the recent launching of the Trilateral Maritime Patrol under the purview of Trilateral Cooperative Arrangement (TCA) by the Defence Ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines in Tarakan, Indonesia on 19 June 2017. We were pleased with the progressive development of the TCA and reiterated our FINAL 11 of 46 support to the TCA and other sub-regional efforts to combat transnational crime in the enhancement of regional maritime security. Defence and Security Cooperation 41. We reiterated our support to the ADMM and the ADMM-Plus in promoting cooperation among the defence and military as well as between the civilian and military in the region. We looked forward to the full operationalisation of the ASEAN Militaries Ready Group on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (AMRG on HADR) and the ASEAN Centre for Military Medicine (ACMM), and their close collaboration with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre on Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre) and other relevant regional and international agencies. We also encouraged the strengthening of civil-military cooperation in areas where defence and military may contribute to the promotion of peace and security in the region. 42. We reaffirmed the significance of upholding the principle of ASEAN centrality in the ADMM-Plus process. We also noted the ADMM’s efforts to lay out principles on engaging more partners in the region and beyond. 43. We recognised the importance of maintaining the good momentum of cooperation in the ADMM and the ADMM-Plus. In light of this, we welcomed the adoption of the seven new Work Plans of the ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Groups (EWGs) (2017-2019), namely on maritime security, counter-terrorism, HADR, military medicine, peacekeeping operations, humanitarian mine action, and cyber security. We extended our support for the preparation of practical exercises under the ADMM-Plus EWGs’ ambit in the next three years. We welcomed the establishment of the ADMM-Plus EWG on Cybersecurity. 44. We also noted the ADMM’s efforts towards the finalization of Phase 1 of the ASEAN Direct Communications Infrastructure (ADI). The ADI would serve as a milestone contribution of the defense sector to ASEAN’s overall response to crisis and emergency situations, particularly in relations to maritime security. We looked forward to the launching of Phase 1 of the ADI at the sidelines of the 11th ADMM this year. ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY Implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 45. We welcomed the continued progress made in the implementation of strategic measures under the AEC Blueprint 2025 and its corresponding sectoral work plans. We noted that almost all sectoral work plans under the AEC have now FINAL 12 of 46 been adopted. We also noted that AEC 2025 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, which was endorsed by the ASEAN Economic Ministers and the AEC Council, is now operational to support ensure timely and effective implementation of the AEC Blueprint 2025. 46. We were pleased with ASEAN’s unwavering commitment to its economic integration agenda amidst the sluggish economic environment and trends toward protectionism. To this end, we emphasised the importance of ensuring that ASEAN integration efforts deliver meaningful benefits to the people of ASEAN and of ASEAN serving as a global model for best practices in open regionalism, consistent with this year’s thematic priority of promoting ASEAN as a model of regionalism. Transport 47. We were pleased with the good progress in the implementation of the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2016-2025. We welcomed the adoption of the Framework of Cooperation on Certification of Competency for Near Coastal Voyages (NCV) which aims to address the issue of disparities in the area of trading limits and syllabus requirements between ASEAN Member States on NCV certificates. We also welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Policy Framework 2.0 which sets out guiding principles for the ASEAN Member States in identifying, planning, evaluating and facilitating ITS applications to maximise road network efficiency capacity and improve traffic flow in the respective ASEAN Member States. Minerals 48. We welcomed the fulfilment of initial ASEAN Member States’ contributions to the endowment of the ASEAN Minerals Trust Fund (AMTF), which paves the way for the use of the AMTF to fund select initiatives in support of the implementation of the ASEAN Minerals Cooperation Action Plan (2016-2025, Phase 1 2016-2020). We acknowledged the strengthening engagement with Dialogue Partners in the minerals sector with the adoption of the first ASEAN+3 Minerals Cooperation Work Plan 2016-2020. Energy 49. We commended the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the First Phase of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project which further enhances energy connectivity and market integration in the region. We noted the progress made in working towards sustainable energy consumption and production, with renewable energy’s share FINAL 13 of 46 in the ASEAN primary energy supply reaching 10.57% and with the reduction in energy intensity of 15.92% achieved as of 2015, compared to 2005 levels. Information and Communications Technology 50. We commended the efforts by the ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers Meeting to steer ASEAN towards a more dynamic, creative, and innovative region in an interconnected and interoperable digital economy by utilising ICT to further support and drive the ASEAN Economic Community, which include strengthening personal data protection and enhancing cyber security through the adoption of the ASEAN Framework on Personal Data Protection and the ASEAN Cybersecurity Cooperation Strategy. Science and Technology 51. We applauded the adoption of the implementation plan for the ASEAN Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation (APASTI) 2016-2025 by the Science and Technology Ministers to work towards a science, technology and innovation-enabled ASEAN which is innovative, competitive, vibrant, sustainable and economically integrated. Finance and Banking 52. We welcomed the signing of the Protocol to Implement the 7thPackage of Commitments on Financial Services under the AFAS. Recognising the critical role of Qualified ASEAN Banks in facilitating intra-ASEAN trade and investment, we commended the signing of the agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia and the completion of the negotiations between Malaysia and the Philippines under the ASEAN Banking Integration Framework. Food, Agriculture and Forestry 53. We welcomed the significant progress in expediting comprehensive cooperation in food, agriculture and forestry sectors as well as efforts to put in place the implementation and monitoring for the Strategic Plan for ASEAN Cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (SP-FAF) 2016-2025 by establishing Key Performance Indicators for the SP-FAF. We further emphasised the importance of strengthened institutions and resource mobilisation to effectively implement the SP-FAF. FINAL 14 of 46 Tourism 54. We acknowledged the sustained growth of tourism arrivals, with ASEAN having received 115.8 million international visitors in 2016. In commemorating the 50thAnniversary of ASEAN in 2017, we welcomed the launch of the Visit ASEAN@50 Golden Celebration campaign, a joint effort among ASEAN Member States to showcase the region’s rich diversity and promote ASEAN as a single tourism destination. We noted the completion of Mutual Recognition Arrangements-Tourism Professionals (MRA-TP) Work Plan 2010-2015 implementation, and welcomed the development of MRA-TP Work Plan 2017- 2020 that would further guide implementation of this initiative and encouraged more participation of tourism stakeholders. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) 55. We were pleased to note that various initiatives are being implemented to enhance the ecosystem for MSME development and to improve policy platforms to encourage MSMEs’ competitiveness to internationalise and take advantage of opportunities created through the ASEAN Economic Community. We also noted that various capacity building programmes on enhancing the export capacity for ASEAN MSMEs and international linkages, including through the adoption of ecommerce, have been developed for implementation this year. These programmes cover a wide range of topics including on the role of emerging youth and women entrepreneurs in economic development. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership 56. We noted the progress of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations to achieve a modern, comprehensive, high quality and mutually beneficial economic partnership agreement and encouraged all Participating Countries to work together and intensify efforts towards the swift conclusion of the RCEP negotiations as mandated by Leaders. Statistical Cooperation 57. We welcomed the conclusion of the review of the Broad Framework for the Sustainable Development of ASEAN Statistics in response to emerging data needs from ASEAN community building and integration efforts. We also noted the progress made by the ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Committee in further strengthening ASEAN statistical cooperation to ensure the provision of relevant, timely and comparable statistics, including in support of ASEAN integration monitoring and the Sustainable Development Goals in the region. FINAL 15 of 46 Trade Facilitation 58. We welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Framework by ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) to facilitate a more competitive, productive, effective, efficient and seamless movement of goods within the region to enhance ASEAN’s trade and production networks and participation in global value chain. We also welcomed the AEM’s decision to set a target of 10% reduction in trade transaction costs by 2020. E-Commerce 59. We welcomed the establishment of the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Electronic Commerce to promote, monitor and enhance multi-sectoral measures aimed at promoting and facilitating the transactions of cross-border e-commerce in the region. Mutual Recognition Arrangements 60. The Ministers noted the existing technical and institutional challenges to the effective implementation of the Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) and encouraged ASEAN to work further in lifting barriers, such as restrictive domestic regulations, and develop capacity building institutions that would hasten the practice of accepted professionals beyond boundaries. ASEAN SOCIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY Implementation and Review of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025 61. We noted the tangible results of cooperation achieved by the ASCC pillar to advance Human Development, Social Justice and Rights, Social Protection and Welfare, Environmental Sustainability, ASEAN Awareness, and Narrowing the Development Gap such as in disaster management and humanitarian assistance, environment, education, labour, cultural exchanges, poverty alleviation and gender equality, good health and well-being. Guided by the principle of “Leaving no one behind,” the (progress made in implementing the ASCC Blueprint 2025 and developing the work plans of the sectoral bodies under the purview of the ASCC, including cross-cutting initiatives and community-building issues, took us a step closer in realising a people-centred, people-oriented ASEAN Community. 62. We welcomed the initiative of the ASCC Council to promote a “Culture of Prevention Agenda” which would complement ASEAN efforts in addressing the FINAL 16 of 46 root causes of violent extremism, terrorism and other forms of violence in a more coordinated and systematic manner through the realization of the potential contributions of relevant sectoral frameworks under the ASCC. We welcomed the development of an ASEAN Declaration on Promoting the Culture of Prevention and Protection in ASEAN for adoption at the 31st ASEAN Summit in November 2017, Manila, Philippines. Social Welfare and Development 63. We noted with satisfaction the advancement of the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities, children, older persons, and other vulnerable and marginalized peoples and communities in the region. Guided by the vision of realizing an inclusive, people-centered, and people-oriented ASEAN Community, the Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) has been reviewing the implementation of the Bali Declaration on the Enhancement of the Role and Participation of the Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN Community and the Mobilization Framework of the ASEAN Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2011-2020, together with Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs), in order to accelerate its implementation. SOMSWD has also partnered with AICHR and the ACWC to develop the Regional Action Plan on Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN, through the establishment of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in ASEAN Community. 64. We reaffirmed our commitment to end all forms of violence against children. Through SOMSWD, in partnership with the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children, ASEAN Secretariat, and the Republic of Korea, ASEAN hosted the 7th High-Level Cross-Regional Roundtable on Violence against Children. Intergovernmental regional organizations all over the world, together with ASEAN bodies, international organizations, and civil society organizations met in Manila on 6-8 June 2017 to exchange views on putting the issue of ending violence against children at the heart of implementing the SDGs. Through the roundtable, ASEAN showcased its pioneering ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on the Elimination of Violence Against Children (ASEAN RPA on EVAC). Parallel with the roundtable, children delegates from ASEAN Member States and the Republic of Korea also held their own sessions to discuss issues related to violence against children, and the recommendations arising from their discussions were conveyed through a dialogue with the adult participants of the roundtable. 65. We committed to programmatically move forward with the promotion of social protection in the region. In this regard, we noted the efforts of the SOMSWD in spearheading the implementation of the “Regional Framework and Action Plan FINAL 17 of 46 to Implement the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection”. By adopting a cross-sectoral approach, ASEAN is promoting the development of comprehensive and integrated social protection systems which are applied in accordance with the domestic laws and policies of respective ASEAN Member States that cover those who are poor, at risk, persons with disabilities, older people, out-of-school youth, children, migrant workers, and other vulnerable groups. To continue with this strategy, SOMSWD Philippines will convene the ASEAN High-Level Conference on Social Protection on 15-17 August 2017. Moreover, SOMSWD Thailand, in collaboration with UNICEF EAPRO, will organise the ASEAN-UNICEF Symposium on “Leaving No One Behind” from 28- 29 September 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand. Rural Development and Poverty Eradication 66. We noted with satisfaction the promotion of the complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Guided by the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the Senior Officials’ Meeting on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication (SOMRDPE) has endorsed a study on financing for SDGs implementation. The study aims to gather information on country-specific finance landscape in order to establish an enabling policy environment that would align finance with sustainable development. This undertaking is in partnership with UNDP and China. 67. We continued to undertake initiatives that effectively address poverty while building ASEAN’s resilience. Through SOMRDPE, ASEAN Member States are currently building their capacities on delivering social protection through a community-driven approach. SOMRDPE is also developing regional and national policy recommendations on enhancing food security in the event of food price spikes. 68. We noted with satisfaction the robust partnership with civil society organizations on regional cooperation on rural development and poverty eradication. SOMRDPE has partnered with the Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) to implement the Framework Action Plan on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication 2016- 2020, which is SOMRDPE’s five-year work plan. SOMRDPE has consistently engaged civil society organizations through the annual ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication. Women 69. We noted with satisfaction the acceleration of advancement of the rights and welfare of women and girls in the region through a more purposive and FINAL 18 of 46 programmatic regional cooperation. Through the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW) and ACWC, ASEAN is steadily implementing the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action on the Elimination of Violence against Women in (ASEAN RPA on EVAW), which outlines actions at the regional and national levels aimed at eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls. Currently, ACW and ACWC are in the process of developing ASEAN guidelines on the collection and analysis of data on violence against women. The guidelines will reinforce the initiatives of ASEAN Member States on evidence-based policy and programme development by using prevalence and administrative data, among others, on violence against women. 70. We reaffirmed our commitment to mainstream a gender perspective in the three ASEAN Community pillars. Recognizing that gender is a cross-cutting issue, ASEAN, through ACW and ACWC, is pioneering the development of a strategy to engage the relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies to introduce a gender perspective in their respective scope of work. 71. We further reaffirmed our commitment to promote women economic empowerment and women entrepreneurship. Recognizing the economic potential of women in ensuring inclusive growth, ASEAN continues to provide women entrepreneurs with a platform to network with one another, and engage governments on a dialogue to develop business-friendly policies and regulations through the ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network (AWEN). ASEAN has also taken a cross-sectoral approach to effectively promote women entrepreneurship, through the initiatives of the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW) and the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ACCMSME). Youth 72. We noted the convening of the 10th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth in Indonesia on 20 July 2017 which focused on the theme “Proliferating Youth Entrepreneurship in ASEAN Community” as well as the parallel ASEAN Youth Expo which provided opportunity for networking and collaboration amongst ASEAN youth in addressing social problems through entrepreneurship. The ASEAN Youth Expo 2017 featured various ways of strengthening youth involvement in ASEAN through promotion of ASEAN awareness, development of entrepreneurial skills, inspiring social values, and encouraging a collaborative community. 73. We welcomed the soft launch of the first ASEAN Youth Development Index (YDI) report on the sidelines of the 10th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth on 20 July 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and encouraged the effective implementation of the ASEAN Youth Work Plan (2016-2020). FINAL 19 of 46 74. We looked forward to the convening of the ASEAN Youth Interfaith Camp 2017 on 28-30 October 2017 which is organized by the Government of Indonesia in collaboration with the Islamic University of Darul Ulum (Unipdu), Jombang, Indonesia, as a means to establish strong and peace-loving ASEAN young community. 75. We commended the 20 recipients of the ASEAN Youth Awardfrom the ASEAN Member Statesand the Ten Accomplished Youth Organisations in ASEAN (TAYO ASEAN) Award which aimed to recognise the outstanding contributions of ASEAN youth towards regional development and cooperation. We further commended the continuing efforts of the ASEAN Member States in youth development and for the convening of the 22nd ASEAN Youth Day Meeting on 19 July 2017 which continues to promote the important role of the youth as future leaders of ASEAN. Labour and Migrant Workers 76. We commended the progress in the development of the Regional Action Plan to Implement the Vientiane Declaration on Transition from Informal Employment to Formal Employment towards Decent Work Promotion in ASEAN adopted by our Leaders at the 28th ASEAN Summit in 2016. 77. We welcomed the study report on Women Migrant Workers in ASEAN Economic Community which was launched in Jakarta on 7 July 2017 by the United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. We acknowledged that women are important economic actors in the region. Thus, a gender-lensed approach is necessary in moving the region forward. 78. We reiterated our strong support for cooperative efforts to realise the task given by the Leaders at the 30th ASEAN Summit for the ASEAN Labour Ministers to finalise an ASEAN instrument on the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers to provide effective protection of migrant workers in time for its signing at the 31st ASEAN Summit in November 2017. 79. We looked forward to the ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Joint Statement on Improving Occupational Safety and Health for Sustainable Economic Growth at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work to be held from 3 to 6 September 2017 in Singapore. FINAL 20 of 46 Climate Change 80. We are gravely concerned about the multi-faceted impacts of climate change throughout the ASEAN region as outlined in the Assessment Reports (AR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and their disproportionate and adverse effects on vulnerable and marginalized groups namely women, children, older persons, persons with disability, farmers, fisher folk, persons in conflict-affected communities and those parts of basic sectors. We also call upon developed country Parties to the UNFCCC to enhance support for on-going efforts to promote low-carbon and climate resilient cities in ASEAN such as the implementation of sustainable energy technology and early warning system to reduce impact of climate-related disasters. Given the importance of cities to the future growth of the ASEAN community and the welfare of its people, we reaffirmed our commitment to facilitate greater coordination among ASEAN cities to strengthen cities’ climate resilience. We noted the ongoing consultation at the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change on the proposed ASEAN City Leaders on Climate Resilience initiative as a multi-stakeholder platform for city leaders to exchange experience, share successful approaches and initiate collaborative action on climate resilience. 81. We looked forward to the ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change to the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. Disaster Management and Emergency Response 82. We welcomed the implementation of the ASEAN Vision 2025 on Disaster Management in guiding ASEAN’s cooperation in the next ten years, the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2016-2020 through strengthening and optimising existing mechanism and frameworks, and recognising the role of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre) as the primary coordinating regional agency on disaster management and humanitarian response. We also encouraged cooperation with other ASEAN-led mechanisms, as well as with relevant regional and international agencies to promote effective Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR). 83. We welcomed the adoption of the “ASEAN Declaration on One ASEAN One Response: ASEAN Responding to Disasters as One in the Region and Outside the Region” signed by ASEAN Leaders at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits held in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 6 September 2016. We fully supported the Declaration FINAL 21 of 46 to represent the highest level of political will and commitment to harness individual and collective strengths of different sectors and stakeholders in ASEAN to effectively respond to disasters inside and outside the region. 84. We supported the approval of the ASEAN Ministers in charge of Disaster Management in October 2016 in Manado, Indonesia for raising the annual and equal contributions from ASEAN Member States to the AHA Centre Fund from USD 30,000 to USD 50,000 for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018. 85. Towards enhancing the region’s preparedness and resilience in facing disasters, we welcomed the successful convening of the ASEAN Regional Disaster Emergency Response Simulation Exercise (ARDEX) from 28 November to 1 December 2016 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam and the opportunity to test the ASEAN Joint Disaster Response Plan (AJDRP) and the Standard Operating Procedure for Regional Standby Arrangement and Coordination of Joint Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Operation (SASOP) for strengthening regional collective response and operationalising standby arrangements with the participation of ASEAN sectoral bodies and partners. 86. We also welcomed the endorsement of the Joint Statement of ASEAN for the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2016 (AMCDRR) held in New Delhi, India on 3-4 November 2016 reaffirming ASEAN’s support to the Sendai Framework and to the implementation of the Asian Regional Plan highlighting ASEAN’s efforts in reducing disaster risks. 87. We welcomed the discussion on the drafting of the interoperability brief between the ASEAN Secretary-General and the UN-USG Emergency Relief Coordinator and the possible development of the SOP on the activation of the ASEAN Secretary-General as the ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator (SG-AHAC) in responding to disasters outside the region. We also welcomed the development of the new satellite warehouse for the Disaster Emergency Logistic System for ASEAN (DELSA) Project in Thailand that will complement the DELSA project in Malaysia in swiftly responding to disaster and delivering emergency relief items to disaster-affected Member States. Environment and Biodiversity 88. We noted that transboundary haze pollution arising from land and forest fires remains a major concern in the region. We reiterated our commitment to greater regional cooperation to address this concern, including through full and effective implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) and the Roadmap on ASEAN Cooperation towards FINAL 22 of 46 Transboundary Haze Pollution Control with Means of Implementation to achieve a Haze-Free ASEAN by 2020. We looked forward to the establishment and full operationalisation of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control under the AATHP which will provide a strategic framework for the implementation of collaborative actions to address transboundary haze pollution in the ASEAN region. We took note of the Media Release of the 19th Meeting of the Sub-Regional Ministerial Steering Committee (MSC) on Transboundary Haze Pollution issued by the Ministers of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. We look forward to the finalisation of the Chiang Rai 2017 Plan of Action to identify a common set of priorities for Mekong countries to contribute to the implementation of the Roadmap. We remain steadfast for our sectoral bodies to explore means of further enhancing regional cooperation efforts for delivering demonstrable improvements in achieving the vision of the Roadmap. We commended the significant progress of the implementation of coordinated programmes under the ASEAN Programme on Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems 2014-2020, including the launch of the ASEAN-EU Programme on Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA) on 27 December 2016. 89. We welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN Joint Declaration on Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes Management by the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment (AMME) and the Statement conveyed by Indonesia as the lead country at the High-level Segment of the 2017 Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions held from 24 April to 5 May 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. 90. We recognised with great concern that marine debris, particularly plastic waste, has increasingly become a major challenge in the ASEAN region, as it threatens marine biodiversity and human health as well as adversely affects fishing and tourism activities. We reaffirmed our commitment to strengthen coordinated efforts at the regional level to address this issue and noted the ongoing consultation at the ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment on the proposed ASEAN Conference on Marine Debris which will be held in Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2017. 91. We recognised the key role of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) in facilitating cooperation and coordination among the ASEAN Member States, and with other relevant national governments, regional and international organisations, on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising for the use of such biodiversity in the ASEAN region. We commended its efforts in the protection and development of the growing number of ASEAN Heritage Parks. We looked forward to the full ratification of the ACB agreement at the earliest. We welcomed the inauguration FINAL 23 of 46 of its new Headquarters building on 29 July 2017 and expressed appreciation to the Government of Philippines as the host of the Centre for its continued support. We also looked forward to the consideration of the Kepulauan Seribu and Wakatobi National Parks of Indonesia to the 39th and 40th ASEAN Heritage Parks in the coming 15th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Environment on 11-14 September 2017 in Brunei Darussalam. Health 92. We appreciated the progress in the operationalisation of the 20 Health Priorities of the ASEAN Post 2015 Health Development Agenda for 2016 to 2020 through the endorsement and implementation of the four ASEAN Health Cluster Work Programmes focused on promoting healthy lifestyles, responding to all hazards and emerging threats, strengthening health systems and access to care, enhancing food safety, and aiming to achieve a healthy and caring ASEAN Community. 93. We looked forward to the successful outcome of the multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral consultations articulating the firm resolve of ASEAN in ending all forms of malnutrition, combating anti-microbial resistance, and enhancing disaster health management. Such initiatives will facilitate relevant investments towards improving the social development and livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN by achieving optimal nutritional well-being; improving health outcomes from emergencies; minimising health vulnerabilities; ensuring access to safe, quality and affordable healthcare and management; and, strengthening antimicrobial stewardship programmes and related prevention and control levels at all levels of healthcare and community. 94. We recognised the growing trend and challenges of an ageing society in the region and the need to promote quality of life as well as physical and mental well-being of older persons in a holistic manner and through partnerships with relevant stakeholders. We welcomed Thailand’s efforts to establish an ASEAN Centre for Active Ageing and Innovation (ACAI) in Thailand by 2019, which will support the operationalisation of the ASEAN Post 2015 Health Development Agenda for 2016 to 2020. 95. We also looked forward to the outcome of the 13th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting (AHMM) in September 2017 in Brunei Darussalam with the theme of “Together Towards a Healthy ASEAN”. FINAL 24 of 46 Culture 96. We welcomed the adoption of the Declaration on Culture and the Arts to Promote ASEAN’s Identity Towards a Dynamic and Harmonious ASEAN Community by the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for the Culture and the Arts on 24 August 2016 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. The Declaration reaffirmed ASEAN’s commitment to further strengthen the role of culture and the arts cooperation to promote ASEAN identity. We also acknowledged the Declaration on Reinforcing Cultural Heritage Cooperation in ASEAN adopted at the 28th ASEAN Summit on 6 September 2016 in Vientiane, Lao PDR, aiming to further strengthen ASEAN’s efforts to protect, preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage in the region. In celebration of ASEAN’s rich cultural heritage and diversity, we noted the discussion towards the development of a policy framework on preservation and promotion of the underwater cultural heritage in the region. We also noted the efforts in nurturing a culture of prevention to address violent extremism and other forms of violence. Information 97. We welcomed the “Proposal on Core Values on Digital Literacy for ASEAN” adopted by the 15th Senior Officials Responsible for Information (SOMRI) Meeting held on 22-23 March 2017 in Bacolod, the Philippines. We noted that the Proposal serves as a framework for digital literacy and cyber wellness in ASEAN, and looked forward to its further deliberation at the 14th ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (AMRI) Meeting in Singapore next year. We were also pleased to note the development of the “Framework for Co-Production on Audio-visual Sector for ASEAN” which aims to strengthen regional cooperation and collaboration, and to promote ASEAN region as an attractive place for co-production. To further build a greater sense of ASEAN’s identity and awareness, we applaud the ongoing initiatives to conduct a poll on ASEAN Awareness and Perceptions, as well as the development of the next phase of the ASEAN Communications Master Plan to establish a coherent and concerted ASEAN messaging and branding that articulate the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. We also acknowledged the active role of the broadcasting sector in developing multimedia content and looked forward to the outcomes of the ASEAN@50 Milestones and The Golden Age of ASEAN to celebrate ASEAN’s 50th Anniversary. Education 98. We noted the ongoing efforts of the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Education (SOM-ED) in the development and implementation of plans of action to carry out the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education and the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Education for Out-of-School Children and Youth FINAL 25 of 46 (OOSCY) including the establishment of frameworks to support the work of the SOM-ED on higher education, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), and education for out-of-school children and youth. 99. We commended the progress made in supporting improvements in the quality of higher education and TVET in ASEAN through development of regional frameworks, models, standards and criteria of quality assurance in cooperation with various partners including the private sector. This initiative includes promotion of mobility of students and academics within ASEAN through the testing of credit transfer systems between participating universities. Sports 100. We noted that the focus of ASEAN for a truly people-oriented and deeper sense of Community has placed sports as an effective instrument in bringing about friendship and greater interaction and understanding among the ASEAN peoples. As such, we commended the work of the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Sports (SOMS) in promoting awareness of ASEAN through sporting activities, fostering the sense of an ASEAN Community through mutually beneficial sports exchange programmes, strengthening the ASEAN people’s sense of resilience with healthy lifestyles, and increasing sports dynamism, competitiveness and competencies through capacity building and skills programmes. 101. We welcomed the initiative of the ASEAN SOMS to formulate the ASEAN Physical Fitness Indicators that aims to collect information related to population health and fitness, and health and fitness system performance in ASEAN which includes six health-based physical fitness indicators as well as sports participation rate. Civil Service 102. We took note of the significance of civil service as the backbone of good governance in the region, and its critical mission not only in providing vital public services to the peoples of ASEAN but also in driving national and regional development. We applauded the ASEAN Cooperation on Civil Service Matters (ACCSM) on the deliberations of the 19th ACCSM SOM in May 2017 and the ACCSM Focal Points Meeting in July 2017 which were held in Singapore and Bangkok respectively to follow up on the ASEAN Declaration on the Role of the Civil Service as a Catalyst for Achieving the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, particularly on its expansion of ASEAN Dialogue Partners and collaboration with other ASEAN sectoral bodies. FINAL 26 of 46 ASEAN EXTERNAL RELATIONS 103. We reaffirmed our commitment to further deepen our cooperation with Dialogue Partners, Sectoral Dialogue Partners, and Development Partner, enhance engagement with other external parties, and reach out to potential partners in mutually beneficial areas. As an outward looking community, we will continue to respond collectively and constructively to global developments and issues of common concern based on an ASEAN common platform on international issues. 104. We reaffirmed the importance of maintaining ASEAN centrality and unity in shaping the evolving regional architecture built upon ASEAN-led mechanisms, including the ASEAN Plus One, ASEAN Plus Three, East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum, ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus, and in further deepening our engagement with external parties to address existing and emerging challenges as well as strengthen development cooperation in ASEAN. 105. We expressed our satisfaction with the progress made in relations with our Dialogue Partners, Sectoral Dialogue Partners, Development Partner and other external parties and stressed the significance of further promoting dialogue, enhancing existing cooperation, and developing new areas of cooperation and in areas of mutual interest on the basis of equality for all ASEAN Member States. We expressed our appreciation for their commitment to strengthen relations with ASEAN and their continued support for ASEAN centrality in the evolving regional architecture, based on the principles of mutual respect and mutual benefit, principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and the ASEAN Charter, as well as principles of equality and parity of treatment for all ASEAN Member States, for the realisation of the ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together and cooperation in support of the implementation of the MPAC 2025 and the IAI Work Plan III (2016-2020). We also encouraged their continued contribution in enhancing regional peace and stability, which is a precondition for continued economic growth and prosperity. 106. We commended the key role of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) in facilitating cooperation with external partners. In our efforts to enhance the engagement of ASEAN with the rest of the global community, we are also pleased to note that there are now 52 ASEAN Committees in Third Countries and International Organisations (ACTCs) and 88 Ambassadors of Non-ASEAN Member States accredited to ASEAN. In this regard, we encouraged the CPR to further enhance its engagement with the non-ASEAN Ambassadors accredited to ASEAN. We also encouraged the ASEAN Secretariat to enhance its substantive support for all ACTCs. FINAL 27 of 46 107. We also welcomed various commemorative activities to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN organised by our Dialogue Partners, Sectoral Dialogue Partners, Development Partner and ACTCs which help raise the profile of ASEAN in this momentous occasion. 108. We welcomed the adoption by consensus on 19 July 2017 the resolution on the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN entitled “Commemoration on the fiftieth anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations” (A/71/L.76) by the UN General Assembly, the first for a regional organisation and a demonstration of the growing awareness, interest and support to ASEAN as a thriving organization in Southeast Asia. ASEAN-Australia 109. We looked forward to the convening of the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Sydney, Australia on 17-18 March 2018 with the theme “Enhancing Regional Security and Prosperity”. This is a landmark event that will further enhance high-level engagements and dialogues between the two sides and strengthen the ASEAN-Australia Strategic Partnership. 110. We agreed to deepen our political-security cooperation including on traditional and non-traditional security issues. We are committed to enhance efforts to counter-terrorism and violent extremism in the region through the implementation of the renewed ASEAN-Australia Joint Declaration for Cooperation to Combat International Terrorism. In this regard, we looked forward to convening the ASEAN-Australia Counter-Terrorism Conference at the margins of the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in 2018 to explore measures to address emerging threats of terrorism and violent extremism in the region. We expressed our appreciation for Australia’s on-going cooperation to combat trafficking in persons and the exploitation of migrant workers, through regional cooperation frameworks such as the Bali Process and the implementation of the Australia-Asia Program to Combat Trafficking in Persons (AAPTIP). 111. We acknowledged the significance of the Agreement establishing the ASEAN-Australia New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) in enhancing trade and economic relations and looked forward to further achievements through the General Review of AANZFTA. We expressed our appreciation to Australia and New Zealand for extending the AANZFTA Economic Support Programme (AECSP) until December 2019, which will further contribute to ASEAN’s goal of deepening regional economic integration under the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025. We also acknowledged the significant contribution of the ASEANAustralia Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II) to our Community building efforts. The AADCP II is a flagship programme that supports FINAL 28 of 46 ASEAN’s efforts in deepening economic integration. Both sides also agreed to boost economic ties, and looked forward to the Business Summit to be convened on the sidelines of the Special Summit. 112. We appreciated the expansion of the New Colombo Plan to all ASEAN Member States, a transformational initiative that will deepen Australia's relationship with the region, both at the people-to-people level and through the expansion of links with universities among other. We noted several programs under the Australia-ASEAN Council (AAC) such as the BRIDGE School Partnerships Program and the Australia-ASEAN Emerging Leaders’ Program in intensifying business and education linkages between ASEAN and Australia. ASEAN-Canada 113. We emphasised that this year’s 40th Anniversary of ASEAN-Canada Dialogue Relations is an important milestone that encourages ASEAN and Canada to work together to realise the potential of ASEAN and Canada as partners for peace, security, stability and prosperity. We noted Canada’s commitment to strengthening security, building prosperity, and reducing poverty in the Asia-Pacific region. We welcomed the various commemorative activities to mark this milestone achievement in our enduring partnership. 114. We noted Canada’s proposed six priority areas for ASEAN-Canada cooperation, namely, counter-terrorism/anti-crime and counter proliferation; innovation, including entrepreneurship, start-ups and MSMEs, including women’s economic empowerment; gender equality and women’s rights; combatting and managing the effects of climate change, including through disaster management and food security; water, resource management and oceans; and pluralism and diversity. We emphasised the importance of continued engagements with ASEAN sectoral bodies to ensure implementation of initiatives related to these priority areas. 115. We agreed that the holding of a regular ASEAN-Canada Trade Policy Dialogue will serve as a valuable platform for government officials, trade policy experts, private sectors, and other related parties from ASEAN and Canada to lay out crucial issues, challenges, and potential mutual cooperation related to trade and investment matters. We welcomed the commissioning of a feasibility study on a potential ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement. 116. We thanked Canada for its various projects across ASEAN’s politicalsecurity, economic and socio-cultural communities and their implementation in consultation with ASEAN sectoral bodies. FINAL 29 of 46 117. We welcomed Canada’s renewed focus on multilateralism, including its new approach to international development assistance. ASEAN looks forward to cooperating with Canada to enhance its level of engagement in the region. ASEAN-China 118. We acknowledged China’s growing role in the region and highlighted that China’s economic growth continues to benefit the region. We called on both sides to continue promoting economic integration. We looked forward to more high-level dialogues and exchanges between ASEAN and China. 119. We welcomed the entry into force of the Protocol to Amend the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation and Certain Agreements thereunder between ASEAN and the People’s Republic of China (ACFTA Upgrade Protocol) and looked forward to the early ratification of the Protocol by the remaining Parties. This will help to support the twin goals to reach two-way trade and investment of US$ 1 trillion, and US$150 billion, respectively by 2020. We also noted with satisfaction the progress made in the implementation of the ASEANChina Air Transport Agreement (AC-ATA). We looked forward to working towards full liberalisation of the AC-ATA and the full implementation of the upgraded ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. 120. We welcomed the various activities held in ASEAN Member States and in China this year to celebrate the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation to promote people-to-people exchanges, mutual trust and understanding. We noted that the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation coincides with the Visit ASEAN@50 campaign, which seeks to promote ASEAN as a single unified travel destination. These mutually reinforcing events will further promote tourism cooperation between the two sides. 121. We welcomed the signing of the revised Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the ASEAN-China Centre, which will further enhance the role of the ASEAN-China Centre in Beijing in promoting trade, investment, tourism, education and culture between ASEAN and China for mutual benefit. 122. We agreed to work on the Joint Statement between ASEAN and China on Tourism Cooperation to be issued at the 20th ASEAN-China Summit in November 2017. We also agreed to work together to enhance cross-pillar cooperation in other areas of mutual interest, such as anti-corruption, and infrastructure and environmental protection. 123. We looked forward to the commemoration of the 15th Anniversary on the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership in 2018, and agreed that both sides would FINAL 30 of 46 issue an ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision Statement at the 21st ASEANChina Summit next year. We also looked forward to the designation of 2018 as the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation Cooperation. ASEAN-European Union 124. We noted that the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN-EU Dialogue Relations this year is an important opportunity to strengthen ASEAN-EU Dialogue Relations and to promote global peace and prosperity, and to explore new areas of cooperation based on shared interests and mutual respect. We welcomed the various commemorative activities to mark this milestone in our mutually-beneficial partnership. 125. We welcomed the EU’s engagement with and contribution to the ASEANcentred regional architecture and resolved to work towards a strategic partnership between ASEAN and the EU, stressing that a future ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership must be based on substantive action from both sides and concrete results. 126. We looked forward to the adoption of the ASEAN-EU Plan of Action (2018- 2022) at the PMC+1 with the EU, which aims to bring cooperation between ASEAN and the EU to greater heights by addressing regional and global challenges of shared concern over the next five years. We also looked forward to the adoption of the Joint Statement on the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of ASEAN-EU Dialogue relations and the ASEAN-EU Statement on the Paris Agreement: Reaffirming Commitment to Cooperation to Address the Shared Challenge of Climate Change. We underscored ASEAN and the EU’s commitment to regional integration and cooperation as a mean to promote regional peace, security, stability and prosperity and to promote multilateralism and a rules-based international order. 127. We are encouraged by the strong trade and investment ties between ASEAN and the EU. We therefore welcome the positive developments at the 15th AEM-EU Trade Commissioner Consultation on 10 March 2017 in Manila, Philippines, including the adoption of the ASEAN-EU Trade and Investment Work Programme for 2017-2018 and the decision to develop a framework encompassing the parameters of a future ASEAN-EU FTA. 128. We noted the progress made by both sides to strengthen cooperation on civil aviation and enhance air connectivity between and beyond ASEAN and the EU through the conclusion of an ambitious and meaningful ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement with 3rd, 4th and 5th freedom traffic rights, to support greater direct connectivity between both regions. FINAL 31 of 46 129. We affirmed our commitment towards a sustainable oil palm industry and looked forward to working closely together in addressing the EU’s concerns pertaining to oil palm cultivation, including the recognition of national sustainability certification schemes. 130. We valued the EU’s continued support and contribution for ASEAN regional integration process and enhancing ASEAN connectivity through various development cooperation programmes across the three pillars of ASEAN such as the Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument Human Rights Facility (READI HRF), the ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the EU (ARISE), the EU Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region (EU-SHARE), the Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation in ASEAN (SUPA) and the Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas in ASEAN (BCAMP). ASEAN-India 131. We looked forward to the convening of the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit in New Delhi on 25-26 January 2018 with the theme “Shared Values, Common Destiny” as an important opportunity to reaffirm our shared commitment to further strengthen the ASEAN-India Strategic Partnership for Peace, Progress and Shared prosperity. 132. We agreed that this year’s 25th Anniversary of ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations is a milestone to further advance cooperation through various ASEANIndia cooperation projects across the political-security, economic and sociocultural areas. We welcomed various commemorative activities in ASEAN Member States and India to mark this historic milestone in our strategic partnership. 133. We valued India’s commitment to support ASEAN Connectivity. In this regard, we noted the ongoing efforts in developing the modalities and project proposals on utilizing the US$ 1 billion credit line for digital and infrastructure connectivity projects. We looked forward to the expeditious conclusion of the ASEAN-India Air Transport Agreement, and the ASEAN-India Maritime Transport Agreement in accordance with the decision of the ASEAN Transport Ministers on this matter. We also looked forward to the establishment of air transport cooperation on technical, economic, and regulatory matters between ASEAN and India. 134. We underlined the need to further strengthen ASEAN-India economic relations including through the full utilisation of potential offered by the ASEANIndia Free Trade Area, and the early operationalisation of ASEAN-India Trade and FINAL 32 of 46 Investment Centre, etc. We looked forward to the completion of the ratification of the ASEAN-India Trade in Services Agreement and the ASEAN-India Investment Agreement. 135. We are confident that the ASEAN-India Centre (AIC) would serve as a platform to promote cooperation in various areas and contribute to the strengthening of ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations and looked forward to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the AIC. ASEAN-Japan 136. We looked forward to further strengthening cooperation in the politicalsecurity areas and welcomed Japan’s continued efforts to engage with the international community through its policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” and efforts to contribute in addressing global issues such as disarmament and non-proliferation, peacebuilding, transnational crime maritime security, economic development, disaster risk reduction, climate change, human rights, women’s empowerment, universal health coverage, and establishment of rule of law. 137. We looked forward to the adoption of the Revised Implementation Plan of the Vision Statement on ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation: Shared Vision, Shared Identity, Shared Future, which reaffirms our shared commitment to be partners for peace, partners for prosperity, partners for quality of life and heartto-heart partners. 138. We agreed to accelerate two-way flow of people, trade and investment between ASEAN and Japan, through inter alia, and the signing of ASEAN-Japan Air Services Agreement (AJASA) promoting and continuing to enhance the utilisation of the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Agreement, and existing Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), including through the signing of the Protocol to amend the AJCEP Agreement. We looked forward to the early conclusion of a more liberal and mutually beneficial ASEANJapan Air Services Agreement based on the principle of meaningful exchange of traffic rights over and above what has been exchanged bilaterally between Japan and each ASEAN Member State, to substantially increase market access between and beyond ASEAN and Japan. 139. We expressed appreciation for Japan’s emphasis on people-to-people contacts and cultural exchanges, particularly among the youth and intellectuals of ASEAN and East Asia, through the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS). Since its establishment in 2007, the program continues to promote mutual trust and understanding and build a basis for future friendship and cooperation between ASEAN and Japan. FINAL 33 of 46 140. We appreciated Japan’s contribution in strengthening the AHA Centre through projects such as ICT Phase I, II, III Projects for the Emergency Operation Centre of the AHA Centre, the establishment of Disaster Emergency Logistic System for ASEAN (DELSA), the development of the AHA Centre’s Five Years ICT Blueprint and Implementation Strategy. ASEAN-New Zealand 141. We agreed to promote two-way high-level official visits to raise the profile of ASEAN-New Zealand Dialogue Relations, and enhance political momentum for cooperation in line with our shared ambition for a deeper, stronger and mutuallybeneficial strategic partnership. 142. We noted the progress in the implementation of the NZ Inc ASEAN Strategy, which aims to enable New Zealand to become better connected with ASEAN Member States, become better integrated with the ASEAN community, and boost investment, trade and economic returns from the region. We agreed that these goals, including those outlined in the “People Strategy” and the “Prosperity Strategy”, as stated in the Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Statement for ASEAN - New Zealand Strategic Partnership (2016–2020), are meaningful for the long-term benefit of our strategic partnership. 143. In the area of maritime security, we appreciated New Zealand’s support in the convening of ADMM-Plus Maritime Security Exercise: “Exercise Mahi Tangaroa”. 144. We appreciated various cooperation programs, including the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Fellowship, the ASEAN Young Diplomat Study Tour, the Young Business Leaders’ Initiatives (YLBI), the ASEAN-New Zealand Scholarships for ASEAN Students, and the English Language Training for Officials (ELTO) Programme which will further solidify the strong and enduring links between ASEAN and New Zealand. 145. We looked forward to realising further gains through the General Review of ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand-Free Trade Area. We expressed our appreciation to Australia and New Zealand for the extension of the AANZFTA Economic Support Programme (AECSP) until December 2019 to enhance the capacity of ASEAN Member States in implementing the FTAs. FINAL 34 of 46 ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) 146. We welcomed the ROK’s commitment to further strengthen ASEAN-ROK relations, as manifested by the President Moon Jae-in’s sending a special envoy to ASEAN upon his taking office in May 2017. We also agreed to further strengthen cooperation in the political and security issues of common concerns, including terrorism, violent extremism, maritime security as well as to exchange views on the situation in the Korean Peninsula. We also welcomed the ROK Government’s initiative to improve inter-Korean relations and to establish permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, which was proposed in Berlin on 6 July 2017. 147. We underscored the importance of trade and investment between ASEAN and the ROK in achieving mutually beneficial economic growth and recognized that ASEAN-ROK FTA has played a vital role in increasing trade and investment significantly between two parties. We also welcomed progress made on economic cooperation between ASEAN and the ROK and looked forward to the ratification of the third protocol to amend the ASEAN-ROK Trade in Goods Agreement by the remaining ASEAN Member States. We expressed our commitment to working closely with the ROK to further enhance ASEAN-ROK trade and investment with the view to achieve the two-way trade target of USD 200 billion by 2020. 148. We are pleased to note that the 2017 ASEAN-ROK Cultural Exchange Year has contributed in facilitating closer cooperation and mutual understanding between ASEAN and the ROK, and in enhancing people-to-people exchanges, which remains an important pillar of ASEAN-ROK cooperation. We welcomed the convening of commemorative activities to celebrate the year of ASEAN-ROK Cultural Exchange. We looked forward to the inauguration of the ASEAN Culture House in Busan, ROK, in September 2017 as a strong testament of ASEAN-ROK friendship and cooperation and to serve as a lively platform to enhance Koreans’ understanding of the cultures and societies of ASEAN countries. 149. We welcomed the establishment of the ASEAN-ROK Programme Management Team (AKPMT) in Jakarta and the development of the New Framework for the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund 2017-2020 as platforms to further strengthen ASEAN-ROK development cooperation. We encouraged both sides to come up with more programme-based activities in order to fully utilise the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund with the aim to target priority sectors, namely, education, environment and culture under the ASEAN-ROK development cooperation. 150. We recognised that the ASEAN-Korea Centre in Seoul continues to play a role in increasing the volume of trade, accelerate investment flow, invigorate tourism, enrich cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts between FINAL 35 of 46 ASEAN and the ROK. We appreciated the ROK’s continued cooperation and support in narrowing the development gaps between and among ASEAN Member States, including through the IAI Work Plan III, and implementing the MPAC2025. We noted the heightened expectation of the ASEAN Transport Ministers for the early conclusion of a more liberal and mutually beneficial air services agreement with the ROK. To this end, we looked forward to the convening of the 2nd Meeting of the ASEAN-ROK Working Group on Regional Air Services Arrangements as soon as proposed. ASEAN-Russia 151. We reiterated our commitment to further strengthen the ASEAN-Russia dialogue partnership based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and shared responsibility to promote peace, stability, security, prosperity, economic growth, sustainable development, people-to-people exchange, and social progress in the Asia-Pacific region with a view to working towards elevating it to a strategic partnership. 152. We welcomed Russia’s ongoing efforts to establish its dedicated diplomatic Mission to ASEAN with a dedicated Ambassador to ASEAN this year, which demonstrates its desire to elevate Russia’s engagement with ASEAN to greater heights. 153. We looked forward to further strengthen our cooperation in countering terrorism and combating violent extremism through the issuance of the Statement of ASEAN and Russia Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Joint Efforts to Counter International Terrorism. We looked forward to the adoption of the Implementation Roadmap of the ASEAN-Russia Eminent Persons Group (AREPG) Report, which will be operationalised in consultation with ASEAN sectoral bodies. We further welcomed the adoption of the concept paper on the proposed establishment of the Network of ASEAN-Russia Think Tanks (NARTT) as a track 1.5 mechanism to provide support towards the process of building an ASEAN-Russia strategic partnership. 154. We were pleased to note the continued commitment by ASEAN and Russia to implement the ASEAN-Russia Trade and Investment Cooperation Roadmap which is aimed at further institutionalising a comprehensive dialogue mechanism on trade-related issues with the view to promoting cooperation in sectors of mutual interest to ASEAN and Russia taking into account regional and global developments. 155. We noted the potential of the ASEAN Centre in Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) University to promote greater awareness of FINAL 36 of 46 ASEAN-Russia cooperation and facilitate activities in developing people-to-people ties, including academic and youth and cultural exchanges between ASEAN and the Russian Federation. ASEAN-United States of America (U.S.) 156. We agreed that the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN-U.S. Dialogue Relations this year is an important opportunity to take steps and implement new initiatives to further solidify our strategic partnership and deepen our friendship. 157. We welcomed the visit of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence to the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta on 20 April 2017 where he met with the Secretary-General of ASEAN and Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN. This is a clear testament to the importance of ASEAN-U.S strategic partnership. We also welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump’s commitment to attend in November 2017 the 5th ASEAN-U.S. Summit and the 12th East Asia Summit in the Philippines and the 25th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Viet Nam. 158. We considered the convening of the Special ASEAN-U.S. Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Washington D.C. on 4 May 2017 and ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting with the U.S. National Security Advisor as a demonstration of our shared commitment for frequent high-level engagements. Frequent high-level dialogues on some of the most pressing regional and international issues are important to strengthen the ASEAN-U.S. strategic partnership. 159. We looked forward to the U.S.’ continued support for ASEAN integration and community building efforts through various development cooperation programmes, including the ASEAN Connectivity through Trade and Investment (ACTI) and the ASEAN-U.S. Partnership for Good Governance, Equitable and Sustainable Development and Security (ASEAN-U.S. Progress). We expressed appreciation to initiatives that enhance people-to-people connections, empowering women and youth, and cultivating emerging leaders through, among others, the ASEAN Youth Volunteers Programme (AYVP), Fulbright U.S.–ASEAN Visiting Scholar Initiative, the ASEAN-U.S. Science and Technology Fellowship, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), the Women’s Leadership Academy for YSEALI and the ASEAN-U.S. Science Prize for Women. 160. We agreed to further increase our economic cooperation with the U.S., which is one of the largest investors in Southeast Asia. We welcomed the U.S.- ASEAN Connect (“Connect”) initiative as a strategic framework and linkage mechanism for ASEAN-U.S. economic engagement focusing on four pillars – Business Connect, Energy Connect, Innovation Connect, and Policy Connect. We also valued the U.S.’ continued support in the implementation of the ASEAN Single FINAL 37 of 46 Window (ASW) enabling platform to stimulate the free flow of goods in the single market and production base of the ASEAN Economic Community. 161. We also expressed appreciation for the U.S’ support to the work of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in ASEAN. 162. We noted with satisfaction the adoption of the Terms of Reference for ASEAN-U.S. Aviation Cooperation and looked forward to both sides further strengthening cooperation on civil aviation covering aviation safety, efficiency, harmonisation, security, as well as economic regulation. ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation 163. We reaffirmed the important role of the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) cooperation framework in promoting peace, security, stability and prosperity in East Asia. We agreed that the 20th Anniversary of APT Cooperation provides great opportunities of further strengthening existing areas of cooperation and explore potential new initiatives for mutual benefit and to this end, looked forward to the adoption of the Manila Declaration on the 20th Anniversary of ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation at the APT Summit in November 2017. 164. We looked forward to the adoption of the new ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Cooperation Work Plan 2018-2022, which will serve as a principal guide in enhancing the APT process and cooperation over the next five years. 165. We welcomed the agreement to replenish the APT Cooperation Fund (APTCF) in accordance with the Terms of Reference of APTCF. 166. We noted the progress made in implementing the East Asia Vision Group (EAVG) II selected recommendations to promote APT cooperation. 167. We welcomed the continued efforts to strengthen the APT cooperation including the regular engagement of between the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and the Ambassadors to ASEAN of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea in Jakarta in discussing the implementation of APT decisions and initiatives as well as exchange views and information on regional and international issues. 168. We encouraged further engagement between Track 1 and Track 2 under the APT cooperation mechanism, such as Network of East Asia Think-tanks (NEAT) and the East Asia Forum (EAF) to strengthen the APT Cooperation. FINAL 38 of 46 East Asia Summit 169. We are committed to further strengthening the EAS as a Leaders-led forum for dialogue and cooperation on broad strategic, political, economic and sociocultural issues of common concern in line with the 2015 Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the 10th Anniversary of the East Asia Summit and based on the established principles, objectives and modalities of the EAS. We reaffirmed ASEAN’s central role in the EAS process while working in close partnership with other EAS participating countries. 170. We welcomed the progress made in the priority areas of EAS cooperation, namely environment and energy, education, finance, global health issues and pandemics diseases, natural disaster management, ASEAN Connectivity trade and economics and food security, including through the Plan of Action for the Phnom Penh Declaration on the EAS Development Initiative, and the existing EAS sectors and mechanisms. 171. We looked forward to the development of a plan of action as successor document to the Plan of Action to implement the Phnom Penh Declaration on EAS Development Initiatives, which would consider existing and new EAS priority areas as necessary, in accordance with the Leaders’ decisions and in response to emerging challenges and issues of common concern. 172. We underscored the importance of maritime cooperation in order to effectively manage maritime-related issues in the region, and welcomed the progress made in the implementation of the 2015 EAS Statement on Enhancing Regional Maritime Cooperation particularly within the five areas of maritime cooperation namely sustainable marine economic development; peace, stability and security; transboundary challenges; maritime connectivity; and cooperation between research institution on maritime issues. 173. We welcomed the continued efforts to strengthen the EAS including through the regular engagement of the EAS Ambassadors’ Meeting in Jakarta (EAMJ) to discuss implementation of EAS decisions and initiatives as well as exchange information on regional development cooperation initiatives and security policies and initiatives. We looked forward to the strengthening of the EAS Unit at the ASEAN Secretariat to facilitate EAS coordination and cooperation. ASEAN Sectoral Dialogue Partners 174. We welcomed the adoption of the Priority Plan for ASEAN-Norway Sectoral Dialogue Partnership and Procedures for the Norwegian-ASEAN Regional Integration Programme (NARIP), which are aimed to promote effective FINAL 39 of 46 cooperation between ASEAN and Norway through deepened dialogue and cooperation on matters of mutual interest. We also welcomed the development of a five-year Practical Cooperation Areas 2017-2021 and the List of Priorities for Cooperation under the ASEAN-Switzerland Joint Sectoral Dialogue Relations for 2017-2018. 175. We looked forward to the convening of tripartite meetings involving the Philippines as Chair of ASEAN and the ASEAN Secretariat with the respective State Secretaries of Norway and Switzerland on 8 August 2017 in Manila to discuss priority initiatives of our sectoral dialogue relations. 176. We welcomed the appointment of Norway’s first dedicated Ambassador to ASEAN, which demonstrates the importance of ASEAN-Norway relations. 177. We noted the proposal to convene the 6th ASEAN-Pakistan Joint Sectoral Cooperation Committee (APJSCC) Meeting. ASEAN Development Partner 178. We welcomed the development of the List of Practical Cooperation Areas for ASEAN-Germany Development Partnership, which is aimed to chart future cooperation where ASEAN and Germany have expertise and mutual interest. We also thanked Germany for its support for ASEAN Community building efforts, including projects related to energy, disaster risk management, sustainable development and urban resilience. ASEAN-United Nations 179. We recognised the instrumental role of the United Nations in ensuring multilateral approaches and solutions to global challenges in close collaboration with regional organisations, including ASEAN. We were pleased to note the ongoing engagements between ASEAN and the UN in areas of mutual interests. We looked forward to our meeting with the UN Secretary-General and the President of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2017 in New York to further strengthen our collaboration in addressing emerging challenges. 180. We were pleased with the progress of cooperation between ASEAN and the UN on promoting complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We agreed that sustainable development is a regional and global priority for our organisations, and clear complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will enable both sides to identify FINAL 40 of 46 comprehensive solutions to address regional challenges, including poverty eradication, disaster management and climate change. 181. We noted with satisfaction the convening of the ASEAN-UN Workshop series called the ASEAN-UN Regional Dialogue (AURED) and looked forward to the next AURED Workshop on the Role of Women in Prevention of Violent Extremism. 182. We highlighted the significance of the first ASEAN-UN Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the UN (2016 – 2020), as an important guide in achieving our joint goals of global and regional peace and stability, sustainable development and the protection and promotion of human rights, and reiterate our commitment to further effectively and timely implement joint activities under the Plan of Action Regional Organisations 183. We were pleased to note the growing interest of regional organisations to forge stronger cooperation with ASEAN. In this regard, we recognised the increasing engagement between the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN and the Group of External Relations of the Pacific Alliance. We welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Framework for Cooperation at the 3rd Meeting of the ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in September 2016 and looked forward to the implementation of concrete joint cooperative initiatives for mutual benefit under the ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Work Plan 2017- 2018. 184. We reiterated our wish to continue developing closer and beneficial relations between ASEAN and the GCC as envisaged in the ASEAN-GCC Joint Vision adopted in 2009. We also noted with satisfaction the ongoing work towards a conclusion of the ASEAN-GCC Framework of Cooperation. In this regard, we looked forward to the convening of the 4th ASEAN-GCC Ministerial Meeting in the future. Application for Formal Partnership with ASEAN 185. We are pleased to note the growing interest of external parties in pursuing formal partnership with ASEAN. We agreed to consider the new applications in accordance with the Guidelines for ASEAN’s External Relations and undertake the necessary ASEAN processes. In this regard, we reviewed and agreed to Turkey’s application and granted it the status of Sectoral Dialogue Partner of ASEAN. FINAL 41 of 46 ASEAN Regional Forum 186. We reaffirmed the importance of the ARF as an inclusive forum in the AsiaPacific region for fostering constructive dialogue and cooperation among the Participants on political and security issues of common interest and concern. We noted with appreciation the progress in the implementation of the Hanoi Action Plan to Implement the ARF Vision Statement 2020 which contributed to the region’s overall efforts in effectively addressing the increasingly complex regional and non-traditional security challenges. We welcomed the growing number of activities related to preventive diplomacy (PD) in conjunction with the strengthening of confidence building measures (CBM), to help advance the evolution of the ARF Process from confidence-building to preventive diplomacy and eventually, towards conflict resolution. We noted that in the context of the evolving regional security architecture in the Asia-Pacific region, it is imperative that the ARF maintains its relevance with ASEAN at its core. 187. We highlighted the importance of promoting complementarities between the ARF and other ASEAN Sectoral Bodies and ASEAN-led mechanisms such as the ADMM and ADMM-Plus, the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) and the East Asia Summit (EAS) and strengthening civil-military cooperation and coordination within the ARF Process. We reiterated our call for relevant officials to discuss practical steps to ensure better coordination and synergy among efforts within the various mechanisms with the view of enhancing complementarity of initiatives. We encouraged the participation of ARF Expert/Eminent Persons (EEPs) as well as track two officials in the relevant ARF activities, as appropriate. We also emphasized the importance of strengthening partnerships between Track 1 and Track 2 organizations such as the ASEANInstitutes of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS) and the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) in order to add value to the ARF Process including through published documents or memoranda for the consideration of Track 1 officials. TIMOR-LESTE’S APPLICATION FOR ASEAN MEMBERSHIP 188. We noted Timor-Leste’s application for ASEAN membership and looked forward to the continued discussion and report by the ASEAN Coordinating Council Working Group (ACCWG) taking into account the results of the three independent studies on the implications of Timor-Leste’s accession to ASEAN to the APSC, AEC and ASCC pillars. We welcomed Timor-Leste’s participation in relevant ASEAN activities within the context of its need for capacity building. FINAL 42 of 46 REGIONAL SECURITY ARCHITECTURE 189. We noted with satisfaction the progress in the implementation of the Work Plan on Maintaining and Enhancing ASEAN Centrality, which serves as a strategic guide to ensure ASEAN Centrality in the regional architecture in light of increasing uncertainties in the geopolitical landscape. 190. We welcomed the outcomes and developments of the discussion on regional security architecture at the 6th EAS Workshop on Regional Security Architecture in Bangkok, Thailand on 15-16 May 2017 which stressed the importance of strengthening ASEAN Centrality and existing ASEAN-led regional security architecture, in particular the EAS, and noted the recommendation of the workshop that the dialogue on a regional security architecture needs to continue and would be pursued in Jakarta, making use of the presence of the Ambassadors of EAS participating countries to ASEAN and high level representatives from capitals, as each participating country sees appropriate. REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ISSUES South China Sea 191. We discussed extensively the matters relating to the South China Sea and took note of the concerns expressed by some Ministers on the land reclamations and activities in the area, which have eroded trust and confidence, increased tensions and may undermine peace, security and stability in the region. 192. We reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, security, stability, safety and freedom of navigation in and over - flight above the South China Sea. 193. We further reaffirmed the need to enhance mutual trust and confidence, exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities and avoid actions that may further complicate the situation, and pursue peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). 194. We emphasised the importance of non-militarisation and self-restraint in the conduct of all activities by claimants and all other states, including those mentioned in the DOC that could further complicate the situation and escalate tensions in the South China Sea. FINAL 43 of 46 195. We underscored the importance of the full and effective implementation of the DOC in its entirety. We warmly welcomed the improving cooperation between ASEAN and China and are encouraged by the conclusion and adoption of the framework of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, which will facilitate the work for the conclusion of an effective COC on a mutually-agreed timeline. In view of this positive momentum, we reaffirmed our readiness to begin the substantive negotiation on the COC and tasked our Senior Officials to start the negotiation on the COC with China. We recognized the benefits that would be gained from having the South China Sea as a sea of peace, stability and prosperity. 196. Pursuant to the full and effective implementation of the DOC in its entirety, and pending the early adoption of an effective COC, we stressed the importance of undertaking confidence building and preventive measures to enhance, among others, trust and confidence amongst parties. 197. We welcomed the successful testing of the MFA-to-MFA hotline to manage maritime emergencies in the South China Sea. We looked forward to the operationalisation of the joint statement on the observance of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) in the South China Sea. In our view, these are practical measures that could reduce tensions, and the risks of accidents, misunderstandings and miscalculation. Countering Violent Extremism, Radicalisation and Terrorism 198. Cognizant of the fact that radicalisation and violent extremism conducive to terrorism are common scourges of mankind, we reaffirmed our commitment to combat this plague through effective implementation of measures and countermeasures at the national, regional, and sub-regional levels under the ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism (ACCT), the U.N. Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, and the U.N. Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism. We likewise reaffirmed the importance and effectiveness of the whole-of-nation approach as opposed to a purely military option in combating the problem, including through preventive education, involvement of women and youth and civil society, promotion of peace, tolerance, respect for diversity and moderation as a counternarrative, and more effective use and more effective measures in preventing the misuse of internet, social media and cyber space for terrorist activities of social media in countering terrorist messages online. 199. We welcomed the convening of the Trilateral Meeting on Security among the Foreign Ministers of the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia on 22 June 2017 in Manila and looked forward to their follow up meeting to discuss the proposed plan of action later this year in Indonesia. FINAL 44 of 46 200. We welcomed the commencement of the Sub-Regional Ministerial Meeting on Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Cross-Border Terrorism on 29 July 2017 in Manado, Indonesia, and looked forward to their further discussion on the matter. Developments in the Korean Peninsula 201. We continued to express grave concerns over the escalation of tensions in the Korean Peninsula including the most recent testing by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) on 4 and 28 July 2017 in addition to its previous nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches. 202. Noting that these developments seriously threaten peace and stability in the entire region and beyond, we strongly urged the DPRK to fully and immediately comply with its obligations arising from all the relevant U.N. Security Council Resolutions. 203. We reiterated our support for the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner and called for the exercise of self-restraint and the resumption of dialogue in order to de-escalate tensions and create conditions conducive to peace and stability. 204. We expressed support for initiatives to improve inter-Korean relations towards establishing permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. Situation in the Middle East 205. We welcomed the liberation of areas in Iraq and Syria previously under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants. In line with this, we reaffirmed our commitment to fight ISIS and other violent extremist groups to effectively curb their spread, as well as preventing them from gaining a foothold in the region. 206. We reiterated the need for a comprehensive, just, and sustainable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in order to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East region. We urged both sides to actively take positive steps to allow for negotiations to gain traction and work together towards the resumption of negotiations to achieve an enduring peace. We fully support the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people for an independent State of Palestine with the realisation of two states, Palestine and Israel living side by side in peace and security based on pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. FINAL 45 of 46 207. Concerning recent developments in the GCC region which captivates attention of countries worldwide which we follow closely, and recognising the good relations between ASEAN and GCC region, we, ASEAN as a friend of the GCC are hopeful, that the situation would unravel peacefully through diplomacy, dialogue and negotiation. The World Economic Forum (WEF) 208. We welcomed the engagement between ASEAN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) through the participation of the ASEAN Chair in the WEF on ASEAN 2017 held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 10-12 May 2017 which manifests the growing significance of ASEAN in the global economy and looked forward to the continued participation of ASEAN Chair and ASEAN Member States in the WEF on ASEAN 2018 in Viet Nam. COMMEMORATIVE ACTIVITIES FOR THE 50TH FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY OF ASEAN 209. Noting that ASEAN is commemorating its golden jubilee this year, we looked forward to the conduct of commemorative activities at both regional and national levels to mark this momentous occasion. As we honour the legacy of our Founding Fathers and acknowledge the phenomenal growth of ASEAN from a fivemember association to a Community of ten nations, we also celebrated the rich cultural diversity of the region, and the ingenuity and selfless acts of many ASEAN citizens, who have transformed ASEAN into a zone of peace, stability, prosperity and friendship. 210. We looked forward to the issuance of the ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN on 8 August 2017. 211. We commended the efforts of ASEAN National Secretariats, the CPR, ASEAN sectoral bodies, associated entities and the ASEAN Secretariat in engaging the citizens of ASEAN in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN. 212. We appreciated the various initiatives and activities organised by the ASEAN Committees in Third Countries and International Organizations (ACTCs), ASEAN Dialogue Partners, and regional and international institutions and think tanks, including the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to contribute to the celebration of ASEAN’s golden anniversary. FINAL 46 of 46 213. We acknowledged the important role of the Philippines as ASEAN Chair in organising regional commemorative activities to honour different groups of stakeholders who are important to ASEAN’s community building efforts. 214. We welcomed the attendance of Guests of the Chair, namely Norway and Switzerland, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste as well as Turkey and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the Grand Celebration of ASEAN’s 50th Anniversary on 8 August 2017 in Manila. 215. We appreciated the initiatives taken by ASEAN’s external partners to stage commemorative activities for ASEAN’s 50th anniversary. In this regard, we welcomed the Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 19 July 2017 titled “Commemoration on the fiftieth anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations”, its first-ever commemorative resolution on a regional organisation. 216. We congratulated Lao PDR and Myanmar which commemorated the 20th anniversary of their membership in ASEAN on 23 July 2017, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of ASEAN. 51ST ASEAN FOREIGN MINISTERS’ MEETING 217. We looked forward to the convening of the 51st ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting, Post Ministerial Conferences, 19th APT Foreign Ministers Meeting, 8th EAS Foreign Ministers Meeting and 25th ARF to be held in Singapore in 2018.

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