IN SEARCH OF INTELLIGENCE unites families advancing next generation's life on earth. December 2024, Wash DC, ; linkedin UNwomens::: 2025Reporter Club
Over 60% of people depend on pacific trades. Because of Western era of Empire, Pacific people's growth exponentials have depended on what von neumann called designing development rpind above zero-sum trading maps through 3 waves of "millions times more tech brainpower : Moore's engineers of linking in silicon chip valley 95-65; Satellite Data worlkdwiode 5G to 1G (2015-1990), Partners of Jensen Huang's Deep Data Computing & Learning ets Stanford Engineeriing Quadrangle map of 75 years of inteligence versus ignorance -discussion welom
That's our open syatem foundations observation. scaling over 75 years since John Von Neumann asked Economist journalists to mediate futures of brainworking through 3 million fold hi-tech waves :Moore's Silicon Valley,*Satellites 1G to 5G Death of Distance mobilising data round earth* Jensens platforms for DEEP LEARNING Data Science aligned to Einstein's 1905 nano-science-Earth revolution. NB Miraculous Transformations In tha last 5 quarters of human endeavor, may we commend projects emerging from 6 summits linkedin by Taiwanese-Americans gravitated by Jensen Huang (Nvidia) and 4 summits living up to King Charles wishes for humanity : Nov 2023 London Turing latest Deep Minds,, May 2024 Korea, Summer 2024 semi-private Japan State Visit to London (Charles 60th Anglo-Japan reunion as 1964 delegate to Tokyo Olympics), December 2024 India's Wadwani AI in DC (with next round of King Charles Series - Macron Paris Feb 2025).. Jensen's health AI meta-collab: Hong Kong Digital Twin 2020s supercity health centres :Tokyo Update Maso Son & Japan Royal LLM everywhere; India's sata socereignty od world largest population with Ambani & Modi; NVidia in DC with eg LOgkhttf Martin ; Taiwan RWins galore eg Fioxconnn extension to foundry for autonomous as well as mobile world; San Jose March 2-24 tenth annual upfate of most joyful parternship tech world has ever generated Over the past year, key international organizations, like the G7, OECD, and Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), have shaped the global AI governance conversation and focused on foundational principles, critical risks, and responsible AI development. Looking ahead to 2025, how are G7 countries and corporations planning to implement AI governance frameworks and address challenges, such as the growing energy demand for AI technologies? Join the Wadhwani AI Center for the International AI Policy: Outlook for 2025 conference. This full-day event will be held at CSIS headquarters on December 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET and will convene leading policymakers, industry experts, and thought leaders to explore the latest international efforts in AI governance. Featuring keynote speeches from distinguished figures, including Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of Japan to the United States, Ambassador Laurent Bili of France to the United States, and Sara Cohen, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada, this conference will highlight key international perspectives in AI governance.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Standards for intelligences 20s might assemble UN goals like this

P16O14L15I9-12C13Y8  S7olarW6ater  S5H3E4(Lead)F1F2

-40 years ago 2025rep[ projkected inteligence from first 33 yeras of Von Neumann dialogies hosted in The Econmomist from 1951 - we hyupotesisd s6tandrds mapping/deep data should model 4 billion millennials jobs - with roughhly 1 billion generated by wholly green econp0mies; 1 billion more connecting communityy livelihoods, 1 billion only imaginable with deep learning 9ntelligence; and 1 billion  of livelihoods tthat industrial economies banked

we see no reason for changing the need to design under 30s intelligence standrads - we welcome debate if you value a different liveloihood profile for millennials as first generation acelerating peace and sustrainabilityt 

Inteligence unops partners reconstructing damage from wartorn cities - see eg

War&Peace: It looks like humans will need to linkin millionm times more btainpower if governments are to get back to spending more on education than war 

Jensen Huang 2016 identifies pioneering universities in ai (video go to minute 104 n)

1 comment:

  1. am hoping this message gets through to mandels's wife- if there is any african or other who needs to see please pass it on

    Dear Yasmine & Joan - can I check that Yasmine's team are up to date on what is happening UNGA summitfuture NY SEpt 25. Nobel Dr Yunus is not only spending 5 days in NY checking his roadmap of bangladesh2.0 (at start of August 14 year of Tyrant rule by Hasina ended and Yunus was asked to try one last time to assemble good peoples/women empowerment of Bangladesh) with guterres that needs to be completed by early november but he is last person alive who has tried to empower a whole nation act on the 1960s great southern peace guides mandela and paulo freire and legacy of Gandhi. While Guterres (* Jim Kim, Ban Ki Moon) should know all of these he has not had support to action un 2,0 around these. Questions are will anyone from united people be meeting yunus in new york and if so what are youth scaling opportunities. Does anyone in united global want to meet Yunus in dhaka before or after sept 25. I dont think yunus has time to travel anywhere else. I do know people managing his diary including his number 2 in government grameen co-founder mrs begum currently charged with minustry of health/women. Joan a question if we asked in 1960 who would have been the most positive cukture in chinaese minds- confucius, tao someone else- please forgive my ignorance. More notes on what crossroads of intelligence we are at can be mapped from but it is a blog and relies on youtubes and twitters (I cant recall if joan can see any of these) An extra complication is that while southenr cultres were visible in early 1960s the good tech was piloted by far east japan korea s taiwan hk singapore. Currently only Tawuanese tech people have coded this into million times more powerful compiters than we had in 2008 when US collapsed financial system through misuse of tech, Nobody at UN hq working on sdgs understands above so Yunus has lot of mindsets/attentions to transform in 5 days in NY. chris

    Grom Oct 1 an action plan us needed which assumes usa will not use any of october to advance any good that yunus , guterres and others agree at SummitFuture. chances US will be in civil war by november are about 50 50 . King Charles and Presidemt Macron have on exit ramp Paris January but bt and large 96% of humans have luttle we can do if media and ameicans apply fake intel in october

    On Wednesday, 4 September 2024 at 15:54:30 GMT-4, christopher macrae wrote:·
    Today, USAID Mission Director Reed Aeschliman and our team had productive discussions with Chief Adviser GOB Professor Muhammad Yunus to explore ways that USAID can maximize our investments to support the interim government and reach our shared vision of helping Bangladeshis build brighter and more prosperous futures for themselves.
