INTELLIGENCE-ED:-2025report welcome year75 Q&A: how does intelligence engineering of Von Neumann (Einsetin, Turing) change Keynesian economics of human deve?lopment (see also The Economist 1950-1990) 2024 Special thanks to friends in Taiwan & Bangladesh..About X**8billion-bis-Fall24 risks: Russian Roulette; SOS: Yunus Urgent Friends of Bangladesh WE (Women Empower) : Antonio Guterres, head UN; .. Poverty Museums- from co-blog to co-pilot ; 50000fans
Giant Leaps with Nvidia Q4, 2024: Summits: DC, Japan, India
Progress since 2021 (8) ai electricty gridsAI & Drug Discovery- COVID.
USA East Intel calendar July Axios Sustainability; : Aug 29 Hopkins AI Health Sept 24 Nist:USgov ..$$Sept 26 Hopkins::MediaEco.

;RAC, St James, London 2008 There are 2 kinds of Economist. Those who in their youth saw poverty or nations where wars halted people's freedom to work, learn, do, commune and those who graduated in economics with none of these experiences. Intelligence Year 75 of Digital Twin Survey with Von Neumann

90 day plan 1 -can Wash DC be turned into a pro-youth capital : 9 Aug, 555 Penn Avenue - what every DC journalist should know about AI
Plan 2 can worldwide youth and teachers support king charles english llm
lINKS 1 2 Thanks to Jen-Hsun best decade AI collection- 8000 cases improving peoples communal computation, data & brains - 2025rEPORT.COM year 75 of Neumann & Economist briefings- : 4 JULY 2024 last 80 days of ECONOMISTDIARY.COM

Tuesday, December 31, 1974

1974 various old webs

78 captures
1 Aug 2015 - 30 Dec 2023

diversity gamechangers in washington dc admin are rare- can raimondo be one? biden ai panel boldly goes where dc never has since v neumann

Tuesday, January 1, 2030

2021 - 21st year washington dc has wasted every year of 21st C millennials' lives?

 Democracy 2.1 Inconvenient Question: seriously has washington DC had a year in 21st C that has improved the world of 7.5 billion beings or even the state of the majority of americans let alone the younger half of the world?

-meanwhile - here's gzero epitaph on 2021

Joe sinks Joe. It looks like US President Joe Biden has come to the end of the road with his $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Plan, now that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has announced flatly he’ll vote “no.” With the Senate split 50-50, Biden needs every Democrat vote in the chamber. The White House haggled with Manchin for months — “dancin’ for Manchin”, you might say. Biden even cut the proposed spending in half. But the moderate Manchin said he still “couldn’t get there” because of concerns about the deficit, and further stoking already high inflation. Republicans, of course, are ecstatic, because passing BBB is Biden's key pitch for Americans to vote for Democrats in next year's midterms and re-elect him (or another Democrat in his place) in 2024. It's not too late to reach a fresh compromise on the bill, but the longer the Dems keep squabbling, the longer their odds of retaining control of Congress next November.

meanwhile we'd like to ask what if the purpose of industrial revolion 4 - leagacy of von neumann and silicon valley = collaboration & sustainability century 

10/29  for fortnight we will transfer over to round the world reporting at  -if we lose real-time win-win linkedin i am also at
lest we forget - good news GAMES class 21-22 from top 50 worldrecord jobs creator elon musk -Elon Musk is rapidly approaching a net worth of $300 billion, as Tesla's market cap soars past $1 trillion. That's enough to surpass one of his biggest rivals: ExxonMobil.

10/28/2021 oxford union debate - can the 4% of humans from USA be trusted to lead last exit from extinction-  come back for youtube of debate soon - meanwhile here are the first twitters - Oxford Union
'The last bastion of free speech': founded in 1823, the Oxford Union is the most famous debating society in the world. MT21 President: (sign-off: CX)
Oxford, Englandoxford-union.orgJoined May 2009
twitter group 360 degree news #afghantruth

#dearoldjoe upd 16 august 2021- for those of us who believed sustainability last chance unites women empowerment around mother earth - joe's justification of self on afghanistan is terrifying- the whole world has made 4 decades of mistakes on afghanistan but are we about to see the greatest female genocide? biden is starting to spread more misinformation on the last 20 years of afghanistan than trump on covid- independent of party is there any way for americans to take back the system in washington dc that has created liars in chief ? i am very sad as i wouldnt exist if americans hadnt supported eople like my dad a navigraor in bomber command stationed n modernday myanmar- is there a single country in asia rgat the majority of americans have enough real information to stop top people in washington dc lying to them?

5 august 2021 update- - does youth have a future with foreign policy so far espoused by biden? it seems his outdated belief in democracy -is anyone in charge of ai in whitehouse as democracy no longer exists without transparent ai - needs so much firefighting domestically that there's no sustainability leadership to be confident of- with vaccinations stuck at just under 70%,and what i regard as unforgivable dilly dallying by fda on letting 5-12s get vaccinated - are there any chances of covid being over by 2025 and where does that leave small enterprises, real community and livelihood education

EA asks will biden improve relations with two out of 3 humans who are asian - how does his asia czar connect with harris' knowledge
EG asks what does us return to climate mean for whom
EH asks - what does us returning to who mean for whom  -RELATED ASTRA.PLACE

EW/EB/EY asks will women/black/YOUTH ever be valued by us as much as men/WHITE/OLD

well 2021 starts the most exciting decade to be alive -if you agree great to chat at just up the road from natl institutes of health wash dc      -map 

 - can the ai and the human intel of younger half of the world still unite nations around sustainability 2030 -see eg progress of each un branch on humanising ai? click the world food program logo for great ai projects, still bit confused when you click WHO why no cases of optimal track and trace;

here are biden's ingoing nominees - which understand 1 humnansai, 2 ai virus, 3 ai resilient communities, 4 ai green, 5 ai recoupling win-win sdg nations- where is the overlap between biden and kamala harris systems of transforinglives matter usa

White House Chief of Staff: Ron Klain

needed a chief of staff to keep the vetting and transition processes from getting bogged down in the face of Trump’s recalcitrance. , Ron Klain was also the Obama administration’s Ebola-response coordinator during the outbreak in 2014 and 2015 

Deputy Chief of Staff: Bruce Reed

 a longtime Biden adviser who served as the vice president’s chief of staff from 2011 to 2013, to be his deputy chief of staff.

Treasury Secretary: Janet Yellen

, Yellen is “first person to have headed the Treasury, the central bank and the White House Council of Economic Advisers,” the three most powerful economic positions in the nation.  Yellen has expressed a willingness to use fiscal measures to stimulate economic recovery in a nation with a poverty rate above 11 percent. “This is not a good time to have fiscal policy switch from being accommodative to creating a drag,” Yellen said in October. “That’s what happened [last decade], and it retarded the recovery.”

 Biden  picks Adewale Adeyemo — who is current president of the Obama Foundation based in Chicago — as deputy Treasury secretary,

Top White House Economic Adviser: Brian Deese

Biden tapped BlackRock executive Brian Deese for his top White House economic adviser. Before his time in the financial sector, Deese served in the Obama White House, working on policy for the auto bailout.

Office of Management and Budget Director: Neera Tanden

Neera Tanden – the frequent Twitter user and president of the Center for American Progress think tank, a center-left think tank. The Princeton University labor economist -dean school public and intl affairs -  Cecilia Rouse 1 will serve as the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. quarzt reports his council of economic advisers : tanden , yellen adeyemo, deese and ...jared bernstein, heather boushey, 

Boushey and Rouse also co-signed a letter to Congress with former Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke in June arguing for more economic relief from the US government.

U.S. Trade Representative: Katherine Tai

Katherine Tai, the top U.S. Trade Representative lawyer on China during the Obama administration, was announced as Biden’s pick for U.S. trade representative on December 10.

japan times Dec 12, 2020 — Katherine Tai, U.S. President-elect Joe Biden's nominee to be U.S. trade ... on the front line of repairing relations with U.S. trading partners upended by ... said Jake Colvin, vice president at the National Foreign Trade Council. ... next step will be in the relationship between the world's top economic powers.

Attorney General: Merrick Garland

Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court was blocked by Mitch McConnell in 2015.

Secretary of Defense: Lloyd Austin

see op-ed in The Atlantic announcing that his Defense Secretary  a four-star general who retired from the Army in 2016. Austin has served on the board of Raytheon but will need a congressional waiver in order to nullify the seven-year waiting period between active-duty and government service.

Secretary of State: Antony Blinken

biden's longtime aide Antony Blinken  President Obama’s deputy secretary of State from 2015 ended by trump in 2017; this signals areturn to the multilateralism of the Obama administration.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator: Michael S. Regan

O North Carolina’s environmental chief since 2017 to head epa one of the cabinet departments impacted most by the Trump administration- how much will usa transform on road to cop26 -nb interaction of regan and kerry, mccarthy, granholm below

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate: John Kerry

new Cabinet-level role in which the former secretary of State will “persuade skeptical global leaders, burned by the Trump administration’s hostility toward climate science, that the United States is prepared to resume its leadership role,” 

White House Climate Czar: Gina McCarthy

 Environmental Protection Agency chief and National Resources Defense Council president Gina McCarthy to coordinate environmental policy throughout the administration.

Secretary of Energy: Jennifer Granholm

e former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm to lead of expansive Department of Energy. Her experience in Lansing from 2003 to 2011 is an asset as Biden works to speed-up the transition to electric cars, among other green energy priorities.

Secretary of the Interior: Deb Haaland

 New Mexico Representative Deb Haaland  for Interior Secretary, becoming the first Native American to lead the department that determines policy for federally-owned natural resources, as well as tribal lands.

Labor Secretary: Marty Walsh

 Boston Mayor Marty Walsh  to lead the Department of Labor. Walsh previously served as the head of the Boston Trades Council, an umbrella group of construction unions, and his nomination supported by the two largest affiliates of the AFL-CIO.

Commerce Secretary: Gina Raimondo

 Rhode Island Governor Gina  to lead the Department of Commerce- the wide-sweeping government agency that oversees technology regulation, the census, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Secretary of Homeland Security: Alejandro Mayorkas

deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Obama toserve as the department’s head, becoming the first Latino and the first immigrant to do so. Mayorkas, who was born in Havana, led obama's implementation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a policy Biden  intends to restore.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Denis McDonough

Obama’s White House chief of staff tapped to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs - “a sprawling agency that has presented organizational challenges for both parties over the years,”  concern may be raised mcdonough ever served in the armed forces

Secretary of Transportation: Pete Buttigieg

 Buttigieg will be the first openly LGBTQ person to serve in the Cabinet; came to national prominence when he came out as gay in 2015 while serving as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, before going on to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations: Linda Thomas-Greenfield sad

Biden said he will reestablish the role in the Cabinet after his isolationist predecessor demoted it. she has been member of the Career Foreign Service, serving  the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affair with notable experience of liberia one of 3 nations soros asked brac to help transform - in this case post-genecide. this twitter may typify linda's humanistic approach -previously  I rarely had all the ingredients to make the perfect gumbo. But across four continents, my goal was always the same: bring people together and connect by breaking down barriers and finding common ground

Director of National Intelligence: Avril Haines

 Haines — the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2013 to 2015 — , she will oversee the 17 agencies that make up the nation’s intelligence community, becoming the first woman to fill the role.

National Security Adviser: Jake Sullivan

Jake Sullivan,  was Biden’s national security adviser when he was vice president, 

White House Press Secretary: Jennifer Psaki

. Psaki, who served several communications roles in the Obama administration, including White House communications director, will lead the first all-female presidential comms team. “These qualified, experienced communicators bring diverse perspectives to their work and a shared commitment to building this country back better,” Biden said on November 29.

Surgeon General: Vivek Murthy

former U.S. surgeon general for President Obama to reprise his role in the Biden administration under what are now dire circumstances. Murthy, the co-chair of Biden’s COVID advisory board, is expected to play a much more public role than previous surgeons general, acting as the “top medical expert and public face of the [pandemic] effort.” 

Health and Human Services Secretary: Xavier Becerra

On December 7, Biden named California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as his Health and Human Services secretary-to be tasked with reshaping the department amid the pandemic and in the wake of infighting this past year between Trump appointees and public-health officials.

White House Domestic Policy Council Director: Susan Rice

Susan Rice will lead the White House’s Domestic Policy Council, overseeing how the administration handles issues such as immigration, health care, and racial inequality. It’s a shift for Rice, who has spent her career in foreign policy, previously serving as Obama’s national security advisor and ambassador to the United Nations.

Secretary of Agriculture: Tom Vilsack

apped to lead the Department of Agriculture again after he did so during the Obama administration, according to Axios. Vilsack, a former Iowa governor, was a prominent supporter of the president-elect in the presidential caucuses.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary: Marcia Fudge

Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio was selected to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Fudge had lobbied Biden to become the nation’s first Black secretary of agriculture, but the job went to Tom Vilsack.

Education Department Secretary: Miguel Cardona

the top education official in Connecticut — and a staunch advocate for in-school learning during the pandemic — will lead the Education Department and Biden’s push to return kids to school within his first 100 days.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director: Rochelle Walensky

 Walensky, the chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, would run the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and will take a pivotal role in helping to stop the spread of the pandemic.

Coordinator of the COVID-19 Response and Counselor to the President: Jeff Zients

Jeff Zients, who previously led the tech surge in 2013 and oversaw the “Cash for Clunkers” fuel-efficiency program, will head the federal government’s COVID response, “including managing safe and equitable vaccine distribution, the pandemic supply chain, and coordination across federal agencies and state and local governments,”Natalie Quillian, a former White House and Pentagon senior adviser who helped coordinate the Obama administration’s response to the opioid epidemic, will serve as deputy coordinator.

Chief Medical Adviser on COVID-19: Dr. Anthony Fauci

Fauci will continue in his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a position he has held since 1984, in addition to serving as “chief medical adviser on COVID-19 to the president” in the Biden administration.



 often times they say a new US president has 100 days to determine next 4 years orbit; it would be safer to assume this admin only has 7 days-to reunite who, cop26, change sports in line with lives matter - my 2 loudest cheers for sports 2019 - nba players at the vatican and masked up naomi osaka winning the us tennis championship -this time to wholehearted applause -if she ist japans un ambassador to the un before team harris/biden exit japan will have missed sports greatest contribution to sdgs

and so yes youth can begin the long haul from the fakest media the western world has ever suffered to something where politicians lead by valuing truth and community service

 our 1984 book's on deadlines has clearly been shredded by gang tump et al

 but still the nagging question: having seen the worst any capital can do out of dc, can english speaking politicians ever serve the peoples instead of being sponsored by the big get bigger-

 one happy new year gift is already coming into view even while poor player trump struts and frets his last hours upon the world stage-  - the race to billion dollar grants being hosted by one of america's 2 biggest philanthropists - portal open 1-14 dec 2020 in time for tidings of comfort and joy- zoomers cheerful 12 days of xmas 2020 and new year resolution-

 what a story oxbridge astra zeneca vaccine is turning out to be compared with the american vaccines- are we at missing something or is oxbridge 100 times cheapet to reach 7.5 billion with?

 billion brains can sustain future -2025-4-3-2-1 HOW
urgent collaboration - videos; billion poorest women-36 hUNIcorns 1  ; purpose audit trillion dollar markets- cop26 renew adam smith - unite sd goals,  tech, community solutions- youth markets- games world record jobs -diary   UN sept ; glasgow november: hongkong-dubai-qatar- december; davos january... you tell us -what if livesmatter wash dc was for 7.5 billion beings

a human rights and wrongs briefing of pairs of europe's old world nations before mr biden visits the g7
 and queen elizabeth with help from editorial alumni of The Economist since world war 2 -see also the economist's centenary autobin pulbished 1943

usa and eu - first 6 including netherlands belgium luxembourg 
usa & & &

uk and today's eu including big winner ireland:: big losers of brussels-eu portugal spain greece : nordica austria other east eueope 
italy and germany 
italy and france 
italy and eu first 6 
italy and today's eu 
germany and france 
germany and eu 6 
germany and today's eu 
eu6 and today's eu

pbs newshoyr only watchable when judy not there
5/20 great neighbors link piece - entrepreneurial revolution undoc workers do jobs oher americans wont do; they pay lot of axes; they were doubled fleeced by criminal trump enterprises - employed at golf courses to run most of the valuable work then sacked since 2019

30 day report - what a nice man biden is- what a sad place washington dc is

 mis-spent savings- nothing else of action yet needs to be said as nature locks down americans through cold and viral scares -and Public servants quarrel over no quick actions reaching family's budgets or health while cancun cruz show off his weekly dis-repect to every body

so lets chat about something new york is stirring while hate city dc still cant comes to terms with as kind a leader as gentleman joe

not since 1980s fazle abed & james grant put education in middle of continental vaccination have exciting education leaps emerged

robert, fall  2019 at brookings annual girls edu summit p 6-10  convened by christina, you mentioned unicef would go beyond chat on edu to actionable transformations to education system 
i want to frame this by saying we absolutely have a global learning crisis. And I mean global, I mean within a (washington DC) mile of this building . I come from Canada, definitely very much a learning crisis in Canada, but also in the countries where UNICEF works more intensely. And there's tons of statistics that will prove that we have a learning crisis....What I would suggest is we need to do things differently. What we are currently doing is not working. And when I mean "we", I mean all of us involved in education, and that includes parents and children themselves, but also what UNICEF would name the duty bearers, people who have duties to rights holders. And those in this meeting and in the next couple of days are going to focus in on girls.

birth of system changing education at UNGA75 beginning sept 2020 -
friends and i have started to track EG gordon brown and henrietta fore and you all making a checklist of  transformations on a 16 month schedule to be converged and celebrated a month after glasgow cop26 at dubai expo dec 2021 Home > RewirEd 

with the overall support of dubai royal family and the tech support of UN epicentre for artificial intel in geneva

do you know if there is overall twitter or something where the whole map can be updated as we crawl out of covid and other 21stc failures to unite at ground level?

examples of system transformation from bottom to top

Reimagining Education (Option 1) > The Davos Agenda ... › the-davos-agenda-2021 › sessions

henrietta fore at weforum mentions learning passports a - digital translation of certification young adult refugees need most of all - partners include microsoft, cambridge uni

again fore with al turg at weforum with geneva itu partners and dubai- giga initiative map of every school on planet and its wi fi status

yasmine sherif from un headquarters main edu summits during unga75 with gordon brown and his office at nyu reuniting 2 refugee education networks Home - educationcannotwait and

gordon brown relaunched educationcommission first convened at unga  ny sept 2016 
into an asian half  networks out of korea's world leadership in ai education

and rich world traditional dialogues on edu development and deep community funding -eg nordica the Education Commission

if education isnt leaping forward for youth into the middle of  all systems empowering the sdg generation by end of 2021 then i dont expect our species ever will- 37 years of data analysis is enough to call this dismal outcome of failing to humanise tech

bon courage to all, and if anyone has ideas to live up to fazle abed final decade-long legacy plea to change university coalitions please say
chris macrae washington dc +1 240 316 8157
37th year of the economist's 2025 report - only edu transformation can develop a first sustainable generation

homework on road to glasgow nov 2021 -from via august singapore thanks

==================previously no progress on trade worldwide communities need to unite round as america's biggest and least sustainable decision makers/lobbyists -eg those administrating 300 trillion dollars OF WESTERN PENSIONS distract attention from their failures by scapegoating other hemispheres 

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